Gallup poll: Trust in mainstream news hits new lows


Americans trust news organizations less than ever. That’s the conclusion of the most recent Gallup survey on trust in the major news providers.

Both newspapers and television news lost an average of 5% of those who say they have a “great deal” of trust in them.

Television news is the second least-trusted institution in America, after Congress, with only 11% of survey respondents saying they have “quite a lot” of trust in television news. Only 16 percent of those surveyed have “quite a lot” of trust in newspapers.

The survey shows significant declines for 11 of the 16 institutions tested, and no improvements for any major institution, Gallup said.

Republicans went from 8% confidence in newspapers in 2020 to 5% confidence in 2022. Democrats went from 38% confidence in newspapers to 35%.

Republicans went from 6% confidence in television news in 2020 to 8% confidence in 2022. But Democrats went from 26% confidence in television news to 20% during the same period.

Small business and the military were most positively rated by each of the three party groups (Republican, Democrat, Independent), while Congress tied for the lowest.

Democrats are more confident than Republicans in most of the major institutions, with notable exceptions being the low confidence Democrats have in the police, the U.S. Supreme Court, and organized religion, all of which Democrats rate low.

Gallup said Americans’ confidence in institutions has been lacking for the past 15 years, but trust in key institutions has hit a new low this year.

“Most of the institutions Gallup tracks are at historic lows, and average confidence across all institutions is now four points lower than the prior low,” the survey company said. “Notably, confidence in the major institutions of the federal government is at a low point, at a time when the president and Congress are struggling to address high inflation, record gas prices, increased crime and gun violence, continued illegal immigration, and significant foreign policy challenges from Russia and China. Confidence in the Supreme Court had already dropped even before it overturned Roe v. Wade, though that ruling was expected after a draft opinion was leaked in May.”

Gallup said that a near-record low of 13% of Americans are satisfied with the way things are going in the U.S.

Read the Gallup survey results at this link.


  1. There is NOTHING “mainstream” about the co-opted, corrupt corporate media.
    Calling them “mainstream’ is only perpetuating another bit of Orwellian bastardized language and implicit pro-establishment propaganda.

  2. All the media is owned by just a few rich people who want to control the narrative. I haven’t watched KTUU since the governor debates. They were beating the drums for Walker when Parnell was running. Their “moderator ” Rebecca Palsha is definitely in the democrats’ corner.

  3. Fake news reigns supreme. You really have to dig these days to get the unbiased truth. Here in Juneau between the Juneau Empire and the radio stations playing CBS news every 15 minutes, fake news is everywhere. What’s sad is that many Libs here believe every bit and get angry if presented with the truth.

    • In fairness, who reads the Empire? There’s a reason it’s always to steps from going under.

      To really get a sense of the community, listen to Problem Corner.

  4. This country ran out of moral integrity long ago. If you’re complaining about propaganda now, you ain’t heard nothin’ yet: wait until the “truth processors” kick their machines into high gear, then you’ll get a glimpse of what the “scoop” really is! Read Orwell’s “1984” and multiply that by a factor of a thousand: that’s what is in store for your children and grandchildren! But right now, don’t get duped by the right or left, by those politicians–the playmates and chamber boys–who are out for themselves. Why else would they play fast and loose with those they think are malleable fools?

  5. Having lived in Alaska for 15 years, and having left a little over 2 years ago, I can report that it’s the same down here. You can turn on one news channel and they’re talking about how many people got shot last night, and why 13% of the population are mad at whatever it is they seem to be mad about these days, and then they start telling the kids what they should wear to school. Liberals down here have become so dependent on where to eat, what to wear, when to go out and where you can go to get an abortion, that they’re trying to make people dependent on them. Kind of like they’re trying to save their jobs rather than actually be a new source. It’s become kind of comical and I watch them for about five minutes see if there’s anything new before I turn the channel to something educational. Usually their reporting about what was online 24 to 48 hours before. Pretty insignificant.

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