Gallery III: Inauguration Day photos and videos from Alaskans

Alaska Republican Party Chairwoman Carmela Warfield and Alaska Health Commissioner Kim Kovol at the inauguration of President Donald Trump.

Inauguration Day started out with the flag at half staff at the Biden White House, by order of Biden to honor the passing of President Jimmy Carter.

But at noon, the White House became the Trump White House and the flag was raised for the day. It will go back to half staff for another several days tomorrow.

Biden’s flag was at half staff in honor of the passing of President Jimmy Carter. At noon, the Trump White House raised the flag in honor of the Trump inauguration.

Some photos and videos from Alaskans celebrating on Inauguration Day follow. We start with a video from Craig Compeau in Fairbanks, where dozens of Alaskans have gathered to watch the festivities in Washington, D.C.:

Meanwhile, in Washington, dozens of Alaskans have gathered at the office of Congressman Nick Begich, and we add some candid shots of Sen. Lisa Murkowski speaking to people at the Congressional Presidential Luncheon:


  1. I’ll bet the Alaska State Troopers were the only law enforcement not complaining about the weather!

  2. Melania in her Hat, reminded me of Clint Eastwood’s characters. The Trumps came to DC, to Clean Up DC. A new Sheriff —-President— is in town.

    • LOL, great observation!
      Melonia is much smarter than people give her credit for and one hell of a lot quieter than Michelle Obama.
      I hate to even bring up Hilary’s name as a comparison.

  3. So nobody caught a picture of Sarah Palin? She was in the audience. There was a cutaway to her during Trump’s speech, at his “drill, baby, drill” comment.

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