Gabrielle LeDoux fighting off the win by an invisible candidate


A man who spent not a penny on voter outreach, who raised $2,600 for his campaign and spent little of it, went on to beat the reigning Rules chairman of the Alaska State House of Representatives.

At least those are the results on Wednesday, before all the absentee ballots are counted.

It’s Aaron Weaver-294 and Gabrielle LeDoux-291. LeDoux was stunned on Election night as she stood watching results come in at the Dena-ina Center in Anchorage. She did not join fellow Republicans at the Election Central party at the Aviator Hotel.

Aaron Weaver didn’t ever think he could win against LeDoux, and didn’t want to waste the money of those who donated to his campaign. He felt she had too many resources at her disposal: Unions, her own prodigious fundraising ability, and her lobbyist connections. Plus, this is a district that just doesn’t turn out to vote.

Then came election night. Weaver didn’t watch television or the election results until a friend called him late Tuesday night and told him he had better turn on the news.

You could have blown him over with a feather. LeDoux had raised more than $104,000 and spent more than $73,000 on her campaign. But Weaver was practically beating her by the time the fourth of five precincts came in. By the time all were reported, he was three votes ahead.

In other words: LeDoux, the current matriarch of the Musk Ox Republicans, spent $250 a vote, and is still three votes short of tying Weaver.

The absentees votes will be counted Friday under the watchful eye of Alaska Republican Party Executive Director Josh Walton.

How many absentee ballots are there? 147 received but that had not been opened on Wednesday.

This race can’t be called just yet, but it’s a clear shot over the bow of the Musk Ox Coalition and shows that longevity as a Musk Ox Coalition member (one who puts the Democrats in charge) is always fragile in Alaska politics.


  1. She did not join fellow Republicans at the Election Central party at the Aviator Hotel. Why would she? She is not a Republican. “Angry Gabby” is learning the price of arrogance.

  2. At the price Gabby paid per vote Aaron could have 10 more votes, of course the amount he spent per vote had he spent that $2,600 he probably would be leading with a unanimous vote count. Hopefully the absentee votes come back in his favor.

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