French-Canadian sentenced for attempting to poison Trump in 2020


A 56-year-old dual citizen of Canada and France, was sentenced Thursday to 262 months in prison for her role in sending threatening letters containing homemade ricin, a deadly toxin, to the White House, then-President Donald J. Trump, and eight Texas State law enforcement officials.

The sentencing of Pascale Cecile Veronique Ferrier was announced by U.S. Attorney Matthew M. Graves and officials from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Washington Field Office and San Antonio Field Office.

Ferrier’s sentencing comes after she pleaded guilty on Jan. 25 to prohibitions with respect to biological weapons in two separate criminal cases before the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. The cases involved her sending threatening letters filled with ricin to high-profile political and law enforcement targets.

According to court documents, Ferrier admitted to manufacturing ricin at her residence in Quebec, Canada, in September 2020. Ricin is a lethal poison derived from the waste produced during the processing of castor beans. She placed the toxin into envelopes, along with handwritten letters, which she mailed to the White House and to eight Texas State law enforcement officials.

The motivation behind Ferrier’s actions stemmed from her belief that the Texas law enforcement officials were connected to her detention in the state during the spring of 2019.

In early September 2020, Ferrier used her Twitter account to suggest violence against then-President Trump, writing, “please shoot [T]rump in the face.” The letters contained menacing language, with the one addressed to then-President Trump instructing him to “[g]ive up and remove [his] application for this election.”

All the threatening ricin-laced letters were mailed from Canada to the United States. On Sept. 20, 2020, Ferrier was apprehended at the Peace Bridge Border Crossing in Buffalo, N.Y., while driving a car loaded with a firearm, numerous rounds of ammunition, and other weapons. She was arrested and has been in custody ever since.

In addition to her 22-year prison term, Ferrier was sentenced to a lifetime of supervised release. An order of judicial removal will require her to leave the United States once her prison term is complete.


  1. This dude in the picture is developing those George Soros eyes.

    To all you observers out there, this is a sign of an unhealthy soul. When you see these kind of eye bags underneath the eyes, you should be on guard as the person wearing them is not healthy and should definitely not be making decisions for you.

  2. The lesson here. Don’t try to cross from Canada. Go to Mexico when the Biden Border Patrol will (on orders) get you taxpayer funded transportation to the scene of your future crime.

    • DC’s Mayor put a stop to the bus loads of illegals going to “Her” city.
      It put too much risk on security having all those “invited guests” wandering around the White House.
      It made more sense to filter them out to the rest of America so the Residents of the White House could sleep better. He needs his rest!
      Vacationing can be tough always getting herded around to the ice cream stands.

  3. There are those crazy leftist bug eyes yet again!
    Just like Adam Schiff, Grandma Pelosi, and so many others of their ilk have.

    (Note: Princess Lisa has them, too, not surprisingly.)

  4. This is the second attempt isn’t it? That’s an act of war. This is justification to invade Canada. Joe Schmo won’t do it though because he barely knows where he is. I miss Trump

  5. Another Lefty genius.
    If the (handwritten) letters were mailed in the USPS system, instead of from Canada it might have worked (except for the posts on Twitter of course)
    I think this person is anxious to be in our prison system where they will enjoy the company of other inmates

  6. Interesting that she was picked up upon entering the U.S., with weapons. If Canadian authorities were cooperating with U.S. officials, why wasn’t she just picked up in Canada? How did they get her to deliver herself? Is there some sort of international law situation between the U.S./Canada/France on arrest and extradition, so they watched her and waited until she delivered herself? Did she come with the weapons on a mission?
    Lots more to this story……….

  7. Thank God she didnt attempt to cross the southern border with the rest of the illegals sauntering through without apprehension.
    Charles Manson would be struggling with retaining his claim to the theme “Helter Skelter”

  8. So this piece of walking excrement gets three hots and cot on the American Taxpayer’s dime. Really? How is this a good idea? While justice is the Lord’s the ‘bait chipper’ notion seems a worthy and expedient solution.

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