Former Sen. Donley applies to fill Senate Seat M


Former Sen. Dave Donley has submitted an application to the Alaska Republican Party to fill the vacancy in Senate District M, a vacancy that came as a result of the sudden passing of Sen. Chris Birch of Anchorage.

[Read: Sen. Chris Birch passes]

Donley said in his letter to party officials that Birch was friend, and that he still mourns his loss. Many have encouraged him to apply for the seat, and because of the short timeframe to apply, he went ahead and did.

Donley is a member of the Anchorage School Board, and is the deputy commissioner at the Department of Administration. He was a legislator for 16 years, serving in both the House (1987-1993) and Senate (1993-2003), where he served as co-chair of Senate Finance.

“I am the only current elected official (Anchorage School Board) representing all of both House Districts 25 and 26 who is a registered Republican. I received over 17,500 votes for School Board (more than 8,500 more than my closest opponent) during the 2017 Municipal Election. I greatly enjoy my current positions and duties and have filed for re-election to the School Board which is of course contingent on the resolution of this matter,” he wrote.

Those interested in being appointed by the governor need to have their completed applications in to the party by 5 pm Sunday, Aug. 18.

The interview and selection process by Republican Party committees for District 25 and 26 will take place at the Alaska Republican Party Headquarters on Wednesday, August 21, 2019, at 7 pm; the interviews are not open to the public.

Tali Birch Kindred, the late senator’s daughter, and Al Fogle have also applied for the vacancy.

Sen. Birch’s daughter applies for vacant seat; so does Al Fogle




  1. I know Dave Donley and he would make a great state senator. He has been virtually the only conservative voice on the Anchorage School Board and studies every issue before voting. He has a passion for improving K12 education. He knows the ropes on the state budget and taxes. He has a good background on the Taxpayer Bill Of Rights which is needed in the AK Constitution.

    I am sure the other 2 candidates are also good people who would do Chris Birch good. But I cast my vote for Dave Donley.

    • Taking his third paying government position in that regard David? Will he step away from the school board or his Administration position-doubtful given his history so far.

      Imagine-in 2 branches of government at once, with a third government paying job on the side-and while part of the shrink government crowd. This guy is hogging at the government trough and you don’t see it.

  2. Guess my biggest question is. Will he side with Shelley, Mike, Pete David on the full PFD and reduced budget? Birch was in the back pocket of Cathy.

  3. Dave used to be a very liberal Democrat, as an elected member of the state house in the 1980’s. He saw the light of reason and sanity, and switched parties. I can roll with Dave.

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