Former lawmaker Gattis: Leaving Bahamas, after all


Former Rep. Lynn Gattis and her husband are leaving their island location on Abaco, in the Bahamas, after an evacuation order was made in advance of Hurricane Dorian. They’ll leave by air on Saturday morning.

Dorian has become a Category 3 4 hurricane that is headed across the northern islands of the Bahamas. Lynn and Rick Gattis have their boat tied down in a canal and have secured all the building materials for the house they are building there.

Earlier this week, the couple planned to ride out the storm and had stocked up on provisions, including water. Those plans changed as the eye of the storm started toward them and Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis issued an evacuation order for the Abacos and parts of Grand Bahama.

Dorian strengthened to a Category 4 storm Friday afternoon and has maximum sustained winds of 115 140 mph, according to the  National Hurricane Center. A major hurricane, it is expected to hit the Florida peninsula, where millions of Americans live in its path.

Former Rep. Lynn Gattis battens down the hatches in Bahamas




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