A Denver U.S. District Court judge has ruled that the San Jose State women’s volleyball team is eligible to play in the Mountain West Conference tournament, including the one man who plays on the team, identifying as a woman but physically dominating all others.
Judge S. Kato Crews denied a motion filed by 12 athletes against the conference, a motion that requested the benching of the man from the San Jose competitive volleyball team. The motion requested all of the season’s 12 wins be removed from the team. Six of the teams wins came due to other teams forfeiting.
That judge making the decision was confirmed by the U.S. Senate in January, with 51 votes — including Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski.
Murkowski and Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, both who continue to serve because of their states’ unusual ranked-choice voting schemes, were the only Republicans to vote for the judge in his confirmation. Sen. Dan Sullivan of Alaska voted no.
The lawsuit against San Jose State University was filed Nov. 13 by SJSU volleyball co-captain Brooke Slusser and associate head coach Melissa Batie-Smoose, with 10 current and former Mountain West women volleyball players. The group had asked for an emergency injunction against the male player; the Mountain West tournament started this week in Las Vegas.
“The Court finds the movants’ delay was not reasonable, there is no evidence to suggest they were precluded from seeking emergency relief earlier, and the rush to litigate these complex issues now over a mandatory injunction places a heavy lift on the MWC at the eleventh hour,” Crews wrote.
Hopefully this next election cycle, we can get rid of the old old tired face.
We Need new ideas and a face to go with them.
Princesses world her welcome and I’m gonna do all I can to make sure she doesn’t get reelected.
PS I have lots of friends who are willing to help too. They are as tired of her as the rest of us.
Princess go home
We have been trying to get her to go home since 2010. Whatever system, there seems to be some dark influence that gets her back in her seat of corruption. I pray that President Trump fires hers because she is a traitor that wants to keep President Trump’s Make America Great Again agenda from succeeding. We the People want Snake Murkowski fired!
After being appointed, she has won four 6-year terms. She’s locked in until 2028. Just remember, she is a symptom of the problems sitting around our Thanksgiving Day dinner tables. That is, she is a consequence of the way our family and friends vote. It is our responsibility to address this chronic problem head on. Do not shrink from the challenge.
Is it possible to remove Murkowski now, she’s going schorch earth for the deep state.
That would be a recall referendum which can occur for any state or municipal office. However, there is no provision in the US Constitution for recalling a member of Congress. We must bear this situation until 2028. You can say, collectively, we asked for this stain upon our state and we got what we asked for. As pathetic as it is, we’ve got to get over it.
Book all of her flights thru Lk Clark Pass, especially on zero-visibility days!
Alaskans need to remove her now, she’s going scorched earth for the deep state.
It is now winter, slippery sidewalks!
In two years we will have an opportunity to show this liberal the door.
Check the election cycle Tom.
She’s not up in 2 years.
Ya-but…at the end of 2026, after we reelect Dan Sullivan, we need to get have the right candidate identified for taking Lisa on in 2028. It will depend on whether ranked choice voting gets the boot in 2026. The race-to-replace the lizard creature starts in two years.
Do we really want to re-elect Deeply Committed to the Military Industrial War Machine Dan Sullivan that is responsible for the Billions of Taxpayer debt from OUR instigation of Ukraine, Afghanistan and Iraq wars?
Alaska has a problem with both of our Senators!
Sullivan needs to go as well. Need a strong primary candidate.
Unfortunately it’s 2028 before she’s on the ballot again.
Lisa Murkowski is NOT an infallible opponent of well thought out and structured arguments, but rather a caricature of a said opponent.
Somewhere within her personal past has given her unto such hateful construction, so as to support the opposite of what is reasonable and proven scientifically, as also within common sense.
I am sorry for her, within truth, because of whatever episode caused said construction, should not occur unto any individual, but that being said, any individual holding power whilst enveloped within said construction, should NEVER be allowed to hold such power whilst holding said construction, as she obviously has over the course of her supposed reign.
I suspect much but shall leave it at that.
Word salad. Channeling Kamala Harris?
When can we Alaska citizens sue Lisa for destroying our nation? Destroying our state?
When will the RNc and the Alaska republican party censure her?
It should be jail time for Lisa for her crimes against our children, against we citizens.
Lisa is guilty of crimea against humanity.
The best democrats are Alaska Republicans.
We have decided to make this announcement, as much as it hurts us to do it:
Lisa has mental illness. It’s been getting worse since Joe Miller beat her in 2010, and now 14 years later her reasoning skills are no more. The Democrats have infected her with hypnotic intoxication. There is nothing left to do but watch our poor gal plunge into the depths of insanity. RCV in 2022, and now Trump Part II in 2024, has fully taken her.
Nancy, we need to call Dick Cheney and see which institution they finally hauled Liz off to.
Maybe we can get a discount before 2025, although I hear there are long lines of Democrats waiting for a bed.
My office doesn’t have beds, but we may get some. Lisa is welcome to our group therapy sessions. I take Medicare patients. We would be proud to have a US Senator as a patient.
Thanks, Doc. I’d like to tag along too. I’m starting to feel some of that Murkowski mental illness.
Vern, if you knew how to make a better batch of fried noodles and give Lisa more nutrition, we might be having a different discussion. Lisa looks sickly, undernourished, and mentally depraved. How the hell did you end up with this family?
I agree, she can’t make her mind up about anything and wants to please the wrong side of the aisle, not the people that she is supposed to represent. She goes along by agreeing with really strong, hard to say no to people and their politics. Now she will turn on Pete H and All of President Trumps picks because she has to, and it will give her a place with Susan C, Chuck S, Nancy P and those types of strong personalities so she won’t get in trouble with them ?
what a disgrace to Alaska.
Murkowski is now deeply embedded in the deep state swamp. The last election her fellow US Senators spent $9 million in Senate money to keep her in! This is unacceptable. Politicians should not be able to support other politicians! This undermines what the public wants!
Our Red State NEEDS a proper candidate !!
Someone decent SHOULD be working now to run against her.
Not the herd that jumps into the primary scrum that is now Alaska.
Come on people, our Republican Gov and his crew need to ramp up for this MOST critical position.
The party needs to unify and work together.
Where are all the local party groups….develop a replacement NOW!!!
We had a good candidate in Joe Miller but we fumbled the ball.
I remember supposed “Republican/Conservative” voters explaining to me why they switched from voting for Miller in the primary to Murkowski in the general election. The main reason was because Miller didn’t run his campaign well. Haha, you really can’t make this stuff up. As if running a campaign well should matter in the least. The ONLY thing that matters is how the candidate will vote on the various issues presented in congress. NOTHING else(likeability, presence, oration skill, etc.) should matter. These faux conservatives and self-proclaimed “wise voters” just find every excuse in the book to shoot themselves in the foot. A people truly get the government they deserve. Unfortunately.
Did we expect anything different? Lisa is bought and paid for as she has a debt to pay for RCV getting her into office.
Deep State Operatives should resign and await charges.
She is a coward. With no ability to be steadfast, courageous or a leader, she needs to go. She bends to the whim of the populace with no regard for truth or justice. Truly a great disappointment.
Term limits should be at the top of the list for reform in our Political system. Both in the State and Federally. 12 years for all who serve maximum combined time.
I agree 1000%, especially when you consider we only allow a president 2 terms, even with 4 years off.
Then why are congressional members afforded differential treatment?
Tell me again how the system is not broken……
Lisa is the gag gift that keeps on giving. She is so beholden to her leftist friends (masters?) that she could be confused as hating women and women’s sports as much as she hates Donald Trump. Can she just dry up and blow away already?
Murkowski’s day is coming. If you think she hasn’t done criminal acts supporting Democrat and RINO initiatives that violate her oath to the Constitution, think again. It will all be revealed soon and she will see justice along with the rest of the rats. You are watching her last gasps for air as she follows the orders of her master’s to prop up their crumbling empire. Her friend McConnell is already seeing the writing on the wall. You have time to come clean Lisa, before it’s too late. They already have your orange pajamas ready.
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