First the restrooms, now the prayer room



A video and photo circulating on Facebook capture the image of a man in the Fifth Avenue Mall downtown on Sunday, who appears to be peering over the stall into the next stall in the women’s restroom. In the video, the man then exits the restroom

Anchorage Police are asking for anyone who has information about this man and the incident to contact police on the non-emergency dispatch number 3-1-1, option 1. The case number is 18-14195.

Earlier Sunday, police were contacted by a woman who reported that while praying at Holy Family Cathedral, she could sense someone had walked up behind her in the small prayer room. She smelled a foul odor and turned around to see a man standing with his pants and underwear pulled down below his knees, genitals exposed.

“The victim stated the suspect also had some type of object in his right hand that she believed may have been a weapon although she could not specifically identify what it was. The victim fled; she and the suspect did not make physical contact,” the report from Anchorage Police Department said. The man was described as black male in his early 30s, approximately 5’7” tall, and possibly homeless.

The photo released by the police has at least some resemblance to the man photographed in the women’s bathroom in the mall, which is just a few blocks away. The hat, shirt, vest, jacket, pants, and shoes are all similar to the video shown here.

Although the incident in the church may be a crime of indecent exposure, there is no evidence that anything can be done about the man in the women’s restroom.

With Prop. 1 passing with voters during the recent municipal election, men are entitled to enter women’s restrooms in Anchorage and may not be confronted without causing a possible civil rights lawsuit against the complainant. It’s unlikely that the city can prove the man was doing anything wrong — although the woman who recorded him said he was masturbating while watching a woman use the toilet.


  1. This is disturbing and disgusting. We, the conservatives, knew this was going to happen. Prop 1 didn’t pass because the people with gender dysphoria want the rest of us to cave to their mental illness, and now, put ourselves and our children at risk of grave harm.

    I hope enough liberals suffer this kind of perverted and disturbing invasion of privacy in public restrooms that they come to their senses and push to repeal the Fair Anchorage BS that they bullied into law. It is UNFAIR to the majority of us who are of a sound mind about our God-given genders.

    Prop 1 only failed because it was a mail-in ballot — an obvious recipe for double voting, voting for others, etc. How many people didn’t receive a ballot? How many received ballots for their grown children who had moved out in the last year? How many — like the one you cited — had someone else vote for them? And how many voted under pressure or threat from a boyfriend or husband? What ever happened to the safety and security of the voting booth?

    Women, and the sanctity of being a woman, lost to perversion and the lack of privacy in so many ways in Tuesday’s election. Little girls lost all the way around. They have to grow up under this perverted law and they have no vote.

  2. This is so disgusting. I am disturbed by what Anchorage has become and I blame all you leftist liberals women marchers, pink hat lovers. You said that we must protect the transgender yet you just endangered more women and little girls. You can take your agenda and get it out of Alaska. When will we Alaskans stand up to this modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. I am truly sadden by what I am seeing here in Alaska.

  3. We really have been led to a time of no honor and diminished prosperity by the likes of Walker, Berkowitz, Begich, Beltrami and Botelho. But in the instance of this grant of free license to perverts I saw the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce saying this absence of common decency is good for business with respect to defeating the now vanquished ballot measure. One wonders if there is anything that would not meet the Chamber’s moral standards – assuming the Chamber in fact has them – if it would be good for business. Clearly in Anchorage having women live in fear and everyone experience disgust is good for business – because the Chamber says it’s so. Next we will have Alaska Public Broadcasting examining how divided we have become, and they will hint that President Trump and all those who voted for him are to blame. Alaskans desperately need a new governor, and we need honest, competent people once again in charge of the House of Representatives. The question for all of us is, how hard are we willing to get out and work for it?

  4. One wonders what might happen when, instead of complaining, somebody buys a can of outdoor hornet spray, the stuff that can reach out and nail hornets ten or fifteen feet away — and uses it to good effect.

  5. This is deplorable! Women will not feel safe using public restrooms. That will affect businesses when women avoid shopping where only public restrooms are available. I have lived in Anchorage for 55 years and am so appalled at what this city has become ?

    • Right! This WILL affect businesses in Anchorage and perhaps that’s the way we repeal UN-Fair Anchorage. Will Nordstrom have to let men in their women’s lounge now? Then, our shopping trips will be short and quick. No lunches at the cafe or in the mall so we can hold it until we can get home. I will not let my daughter go into public restrooms from now on. What about schools? Will schools be next? This is becoming Sodom and Gomorrah.

  6. One way to get around that law is to start building bathrooms that have individual bolt locks
    On each stall, where the partisans are floor to ceiling.
    This would allow for the absurd law, but still provide safety to the women and venerable young girls.
    I bet the number of men in the women’s bathrooms would drop if they couldn’t get in to a secure
    Consealed stall to peep a look.

  7. When visiting Anchorage, I for one will stand guard at the entrance when my wife or daughters are using the ladies room. If there are any real men left in Anchorage, I challenge you to do the same too.

  8. It’s no big deal in Anchorage if a guy wants to go into a women’s bathroom and masturbate. It’s the will of the majority of Anchorage that voted to make this activity legal. Sadly, the same people that voted to allow this sickness also voted for Berky and all the overpriced bonds. Anchorage is in a death spiral.

  9. When voting for or against something i urge everyone to THINK! Think about all of the cosequences. Think about what could happen further down the road. Vote with your head and not your emotions!!!!
    Anchorage has just re elected a Mayor that is horrible for Anchorage. Why????? Because they heard his ads on the radio that said he is such a great guy and cares about crime in our city. Please people…Please do your homework. He pulled one over on a lot of people because he had more money to spend on his false advertising.
    Over half of the voters did not think through the bathroom issue either.
    We will soon be voting for a new governor. We can maybe save Alaska if we vote in a new governor. It’s time to clean house and save our great land!

  10. I am sad for our town, but more than that, I am fearful for women who have to experience this sort of trauma.

  11. Well my Amazon stock just went up. I’m sure many people, myself included, are going to be shopping online instead of venturing into the depraved urban jungle that Anchorage had become. I had my window smashed and car robbed when I was away from my car for 45 minutes in midtown. It cost about $500 to repair all the damaging. All of a sudden online shopping, even when you have to pay for shipping seems way more economical not to mention less risky.

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