First 2018 GOP straw poll: Dunleavy, Hawkins, Chenault


In Juneau, Republicans hosted two Friday forums with the declared Republican candidates for Alaska governor and lieutenant governor. The candidates answered questions at a luncheon and dinner, with about 180 participants between the two events:

The combined results of an unscientific straw poll conducted at the events are:


Mike Dunleavy – 49%
Scott Hawkins – 34%
Rep. Mike Chenault – 14%
Write-Ins – 3%
Michael Sheldon – 0%







Sen. Kevin Meyer – 66%
Lynn Gattis – 19%
Edie Grunwald – 15%
Stephen Wright – 0%


  1. This is the starting point for name recognition poling. Now it’s time for voters to do their own research and back the best. August is just a round the corner. Get to know the candidates.

  2. Dunleavy very much appears to be the best person to beat Walker, and that will remain true even if one or two additional Republicans enter the race. Everyone agrees that beating Walker before he bankrupts us is the main goal.

  3. I would like to thank all those who participated and this is only the start. I think that a report on how the questioned responses went. I can give you some a question I tried to answer without my written response. I think it went well for my first forum like this..

    Question 2. Policy Activity: Lieutenant Governors have had differing roles in the history of Alaska statehood. From Lowell Thomas Junior to Fran Ulmer to Loren Leman, the Alaskans occupying these positions have had different portfolios and spent their time on different kinds of policy activity. What would interest you most if elected to serve as Alaska’s second highest elected official?

    My biggest interest is seeing Alaska succeed, I am interested in helping find innovative ways to build infrastructure. I am interested in finding efficiencies in government processes. I am interested in reduced fees for the people of Alaska, I a interested in picking fewer winners and allowing the economy to grow. I am interested in helping the people of Alaska restore industry and open up opportunities for technology to replace slower processes within government. I am interested in completing ideas that have been studied and inlace since statehood. We have to find ways to move the ball forward in education and not the administration of education. I am feel that we have to consolidate our resources in some areas and expand economic activity. If removing a fee or changing the audit process to make the government more flexible in addressing high interest items, then we need to look closely and determine what our costs are and what the return. I would like to see a production based credit system for developing our resources. Exploring and finding new ways to operate efficiently is an important bridge we must cross. Some times we need to go backwards to go forwards, and some times we are stuck in four wheel drive moving forward. There are multiple ideas I and Michael Sheldon have considered, we will have the tools needed to do the job and look forward to serving you..Thanks

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