Fifth Circuit rejects Biden’s vaccine mandate for federal contractors and their employees



The Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday upheld a lower court’s ruling blocking the Biden administration’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate for federal contractors and their employees.

In a 2-1 decision, the court said the mandate could be interpreted to give President Joe Biden “nearly unlimited authority to introduce requirements into federal contracts.”

The mandate could have affected up to 20% of the U.S. work force.

“Today is a victory for freedom,” Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry said in a statement. “We will continue to stand up against the Biden Administration’s abuses of power that threaten us now and in the future.”

Landry filed suit along with the states of Mississippi and Indiana challenging the constitutionality of Biden’s requirement that contractors who do business with the federal govornment must ensure their employees have received the Covid-19 vaccinate or face strict mask and testing requirements.

Among other things, the federal contractor complaint claims the scope of the mandate is “as broad as possible.”

“Thus, the guidance ensures that the contractor vaccine mandate applies to all employees of a contractor or subcontractor who is party to a federal contract – even if the employee’s work is completely unrelated to the contract or if the employee will never work in a location with a co-worker who is working on a federal contract,” the lawsuit reads.


  1. Facts and common sense taking hold. It never was about public health, just control. It would give Biden, “nearly unlimited authority to introduce requirements into federal contracts.” Yes, that sums it all up.

  2. Yet DOD contractors are still subject to the vax mandate. Soldiers exempt, non military contractors exempt. Fug it.

  3. Good.

    Federal contractors are not military. There is and should not be a requirement regarding health concerns.

  4. Everything about the incumbent president is done. Even the party to which he belongs has said ‘yeah uh, let’s get a fresh one next go round’.

    From this point forward he’ll be mumbling stupid stuff and no one will care. Every conversation will be something like:

    Concerned Citizen: Mr. President, what are your plans to cure the diesel shortage?

    Biden: Haha… nobody F’s w/ a Biden!

    CC: Sir there are several that question your decision to leave Afghanistan in the manner you did. Care to comment?

    Biden: A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.

    CC: Sir, why do you inappropriately touch women and young girls?

    Biden: Stop being so stupid. It’s my turn!

    You may all turn your attention to what’s going to happen next as what’s happening currently will go down in the annals of history as an intermission between two periods of responsible behavior. As soon as the next ass gets in the seat he will chase down the many issues that seem to be marginally interesting now… like Hunter’s laptop, the selling of influence to foreign politicos, and more. Politics is a dirty business and this guy is yesterday’s rat. We need a fresh rat.

    • It’s also important that these Hunter matters not be resolved until the next President is seated. To do so now would simply leave dear old dad in the position of pardoning his errant son.

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