Fairbanks pols take over busy corner to protest governor’s veto of ‘free birth control’ for all

David Guttenberg, right, looks surprised at the camera during a NewsCenter Fairbanks interview with protesters who want free birth control

David Guttenberg, running for Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly, joined a small handful of protesters on Friday at the corner of Peger Road and Airport Way in Fairbanks to express dismay at Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s veto of House Bill 17, Rep. Ashley Carrick’s crowning achievement.

The bill would have forced private insurance companies to provide one free year of birth control pills. Dunleavy said that was government overreach and that “contraceptives are widely available, and compelling insurance companies to provide mandatory coverage for a year is bad policy.”

Most birth control is already free with most health insurance plans, according to Planned Parenthood, and for those who are on government programs, such as Medicaid. Birth control pills are prescribed and mailed to people in Alaska and most other states using the Planned Parenthood Direct app.

Carrick serves House District 35, which includes the Ester Lump. Her primary focus during the 33rd legislature was HB 17. While her constituents reached out to her for help with legislation on squatters taking over their properties, she chose to use her resources on a bill that was not even needed, rather than her broader constituency.

Her opponent is Ruben McNeil, a well-known property rights activist. 

Guttenberg, a Democrat, who waved a sign during the protest, previously served as a state House representative for a part of the district now represented by Carrick.

During his time on the Assembly, Guttenberg’s votes have been to raise property taxes. He has aligned with Presiding Officer Savannah Fletcher’s radical agenda to refashion the Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly into an Anchorage style government, controlled by tax-increasing leftists. 

Guttenberg is currently running for re-election for Assembly against against retired U.S. Army veteran Miguel Ramirez. Ramirez is currently a civilian working for the Department of Defense to help military families find housing. 


  1. “Free” birth control.

    Democrats keep using that word, “Free”, but it doesn’t mean what they think it does.
    Someone somewhere is always paying for your “free” stuff.


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