Fairbanks: Leslie Hajdukovich files for Senate to take on Sen. Scott Kawasaki


Fairbanks Republican Leslie Hajdukovich has filed to run against Sen. Scott Kawasaki for the Alaska State Senate Seat P, which Kawasaki has held since 2018. Hajdukovich filed her letter of intent with the Alaska Public Offices Commission on Tuesday morning.

Hajdukovich served for six years on the Fairbanks North Star School Board, including three years as president. She was the Fairbanks-Interior regional director for Sen. Dan Sullivan, and has remained active in the political life of Fairbanks. In 2014, she was part of the “Vote No on [Ballot Measure] 1” group that fought and defeated Senate Bill 21, the bill that had raised taxes on oil in Alaska.

Hajdukovich comes from the storied Wien aviation family and is a lifelong Fairbanks resident who graduated from West Valley High School. She is married to aviation executive Bob Hajdukovich.

Kawasaki is a Democrat who served on the Fairbanks City Council for two terms and then was elected to the State House. From there, he rose to the Senate in 2018, defeating incumbent Sen. Pete Kelly, a Republican.


  1. Suzanne – you may want to edit this article in regards to the “Vote No on BM1” she was involved with. As you will recall, that Ballot Measure sought to repeal SB21 and failed. Your write-up makes it sound like she opposed SB21.

  2. Kawasaki has had a good long run by but the Hajdukavich family roots are deep in the Golden Heart. When it comes right down to it, Fairbanks has a long tradition of familial connections trumping all other considerations.

    Not knocking FBX. Certainly a different breed up there but it works for them.

    • Sure is a different breed up there. The Republicans built Fairbanks. Entrepreneurs. Business people. Charitable donors
      The Democrats tried to tear Fairbanks down. Government regulations. Taxes. Political action groups. The Hopkins family cones to mind. Luke, former borough mayor. His brother in law. His son. His son in law {Scott Kendall}. Political animals of the extreme left

      • WilliamM::;Correct. Not only do we target Scott Kawasaki’s political demise, but also an all out effort to make sure that Grier Hopkins gets defeated for his daddy’s old job as mayor of Fairbanks North Star Borough. The Fairbanks version of the Bidens.

  3. DO YOU SUPPORT PROPERTY RIGHTS. What will you do to defend and secure the US Constitutional rights of your fellow countrymen’s rights to quiet enjoyment of their private property rights? Nothing? We have already had “that”.

  4. Curious minds want to know. Has Kawasaki ever passed a bill? Has he ever done anything in the legislature except run?

    • No. But the Little Scottie sends out “Happy Birthday cards” to all the senior citizens in his district. Even Republicans. LOL. In 2024 he should send out “farewell cards.”
      Go Leslie!!!

    • The only thing Scotty Kawasaki did at the legislature involved offering his full support to every bad idea his best buddy Billy Wielchowski came up with. I say the legislature needs to get rid of both of them.
      Good luck, Leslie.

  5. I’m happy to see that Fairbanks is returning to her roots and bringing back the Viches!

    John Butrovich represented FBX for many decades, a wise and caring man with the smartest wife on the planet, Grace Butrovich.

    Where can I donate?

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