Fairbanks Democrat pushes vote on resolution asking Trump to restore ‘Denali’ name for Mount McKinley


Democrat Rep. Maxine Dibert has offered a bill that is being fast-tracked through the House Rules Committee, asking President Donald Trump to change his mind on the restoration of the name of Alaska’s tallest mountain.

In his first week in office, Trump reversed the name change that had been one of Democrat President Barack Obama’s executive actions in 2015.

According to Dibert, it should be up to Alaskans and not the federal government or the president what the name of the geographic features are in the state, even if those features are on federal land.

“Denali is the traditional Koyukon Athabaskan name for the tallest mountain in North America; and … the name Denali is deeply ingrained in the state’s culture and identity,” she says in her resolution.

In addition, “President McKinley, after whom the mountain was previously named, never visited the mountain and has no significant historical connection to the mountain or to the state,” her resolution says.

President Trump’s order is already signed and even the Associated Press, a liberal news organization, has acknowledged the name change is now law. Thus, the effort by the Democrat from Fairbanks is largely symbolic and intended to force legislators to take a vote on something that has little to do with the state’s economy, budget, infrastructure, or educational outcomes.

The Alaska House and Senate, although they have more Republicans than Democrats, are ruled by Democrats with the help of turncoat Republicans who abandoned their party to join with the Democrats and form a majority. The resolution requires no action from the governor and would be sent to the Trump Administration and the Alaska congressional delegation, if it passes.

Read the resolution in full at this link.


  1. Just wait for liberals’ heads to explode when the Trump Administration restores the statues removed in recent years. Truly, there will be a mental crisis of epic proportions. As for restoring the Mt McKinley name, it’s a great and noble act … MERICA!!!

  2. Interesting Ms. Dibert. The last time I checked Mt. McKinley is in a National Park. The mountain and park were named in 1917 by the federal government when an “Act” passed through Congress and the order was signed by President Woodrow Wilson to honor President McKinley who had just passed away from his wounds after being shot in 1901. The federal government names mountains in national lands. The name changes from Mt. Mckinley Park by President Carter to Denali Park with the passage of ANILCA and the name change to Mt. Denali by President Obama without Congressional help were both political actions. I am sure that you were happy with those political actions by former presidents. I will not be surprised when the United States next elects a Democrat President, the name of the mountain will probably be changed back to Denali again.

  3. This is a beautiful war tactic. Trump is getting the stupid knee jerk Dems to respond to his initiative to change the name of a mountain. This expends their resources on basically a decoy while he gets to work on other things.

    He put out a lure and the Dems fell for it.
    Absolutely beautiful!

  4. Mt McKinley it is. Now let’s go back to Point Barrow. I can spell and pronounce that. Then, let’s go back to Anchorage International Airport and then Minnesota Drive.

  5. So what? A small minority of Alaskan Natives want Denali, while a huge majority of Americans want McKinley back. Sorry Dilbert, but DEI is going out of business. And let’s get something else straight: the first to summit McKinley was a band of White mountaineers, not a Native man, which is fictionalized in a book by some outdated DEI UAF professor.

  6. This 100+ generation Alaskan doesn’t care, we have more important issues in Juneau. Get ready for the uni-party to take your PFD away. Funny thing is the ones that need it the most voted for the ones that are going to take it.

  7. Since she can’t be bothered to do basic research: the name McKinley is enshrined federally. It can’t be changed by presidential fiat. If she wants the name changed, talk to the US Congress and do it by the numbers

  8. The mountain is not in the historic territory of the Koyukon. For the most part, you can’t even see it from their area. The Tanana and Nenana areas are where past natives would have been familiar with it. The natives on the south side, upper cook inlet would be familiar with it.

  9. McKinley view lodge need change their name too ??? This is all Ridiculous. I have always called it McKinley. Call it what ever you want. Who gives a —-.

  10. I have the original copy of a rescue by buddy woods and Ray genet on the summit of you guessed it Mt McKinley written by Bradford Washburn in 1979. It was the highest altitude helicopter rescue in history at that time. Call it Denali call it McKinley everyone knows what you are referring too. Can we quit wasting ink discussing this. ??

  11. Further more old Obama not a real name didn’t give Alaskans any say in changing the name he just did it. Sort of like Alaskans flying to Washington and changing the name of the Washington monument.

    • Governor Hammond requested it in 1975 and multiple sessions of the Alaska Legislature requested the same thing – to rename it Denali. It is back to 1975 trying to undo a Washington-led Federal overreach.

  12. First Mt. McKinley, then Barrow, then Sleeping Lady, eventually EVERY Alaskan landmark, landform and location will be saddled with some gibberishy, unpronounceable native name. All to satisfy the self-loathing of guilty white radical leftists.

  13. How about a compromise …what’s the traditional Koyukon Athabaskan name for Trump-deranged-baby-killing-child-mutilating-America-hating-Democrat-whose-only-life-skill-is-living-off-taxpayers’-money?

  14. How about the legislature display as much concern about the abysmal condition of public education or the energy uncertainty in Alaska?

  15. I Love it ! The liberals are chewing on this stupid name change . It’s funny as Trump is using subtrafuge ( a chapter out of the socialist playbook ) to send the Democrats off on another direction .

    It’s going to take a lot of effort to to derail this movement of the people . And yes Dear Lisa the people have spoke on Nov 5 . I really thought that when our new president signed at EO finally building the road to KingCove , you were boarding the TrumpTrain ? You’ve worked on this for years . Interesting that Biden did not authorize it on way out the door while giving over 8,000 pardons for your benefit . The TrumpTrain is roaring down the tracks now , you better get on or get completely out of the way .

    It’s still going to be Denali Park , they did not change the name of the park , did they ? As an Alaskan , I could care less what the name is as long as it’s not Mt Obama or Mt Biden.

  16. I’m S-U-R-E that President Trump is going to reverse his executive order reversing Obama’s executive order because a group of (checks his notes) Fairbanks Democrats (cue outrageous laugh track) pass a resolution… Get over yourselves. To paraphrase Churchill, “I don’t have time do stop and throw stones at every meaningless dog that barks as me.”

  17. I like how they say the name should be up to Alaskans. What she is really saying is it should be up to our legislators – which we all know they are not about what Alaskans want, but what they want.

  18. Okay is it just me or is this really THE most pressing issue the state faces, so we need to fast track this and waste time on it??
    Maybe the legislature should not be able to pass anything until the budget is done.
    Move the legislature to Fairbanks!

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