From an airplane flying overhead with “Trump” spelled out on its wings, to truck convoys rolling the Old Steese Highway and a get-out-the-vote rally at the Event Center, Fairbanks was electric with energy today for the conservatives who intend to take charge in Juneau and in the U.S. Capitol.
The weather was about 15 degrees with wisps of snow, and participants in the truck rally were happy with the weather.
The festively decorated trucks gathered in the parking lot of Regal Cinemas and then drove around Fairbanks, ending up at the Event Center, where Gov. Mike Dunleavy, U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan, and Congressman Don Young were the keynote speakers for a crowd of 225.
It was a who’s who of conservative politicos and candidates in Fairbanks. Spotted were Rep. Mike Prax, Rep. Steve Thompson, Rep. Bart LeBon, candidates Keith Kurber, Mike Cronk, Kevin McKinley, and Robert Myers.
Also, former State Sen. Pete Kelly, former Rep. Dick Randolph and retiring Rep. Dave Talerico were present, along with Hugh Fate, father-in-law of Sen. Dan Sullivan. The event was emceed by National Committeewoman Cynthia Henry.

Sen. Sullivan ignited the crowd when he said he would go through a checklist of everything President Trump had delivered for Alaska. As he read off the list of accomplishments (Opening ANWR, appointing justices, refunding the military, etc.) the crowd shouted “Check!!” after each item on the checklist.
Gov. Dunleavy also spoke about how the president has taken an interest in Alaska, a state with just 730,000 residents and a measly three electoral votes.
Dunleavy noted that he has met more times with Trump than any probably other governor and that the president’s interest in Alaska comes from a genuine place, in no small part due to his grandfather’s business ventures in the Yukon during the Gold Rush era, but also because he just cares about Alaska.

Dunleavy got a huge ovation for his speech, during which he pulled out a Trump mask and put it on his face to ham it up for the crowd on Halloween afternoon.
The organizers passed out surgical face masks that were numbered, and door prizes were given out based on the number on a person’s face mask. They also had gloves and hand sanitizer in supply.
After the rally, several of the trucks continued the parade to North Pole.
My vote for best and most humorous Trump vehicles in the parade: a pickup with bright red snowplow attachment and white letters reading: “Trump 2020, Pushing Snowflakes Aside.”
This was an awesome Trump rally. Conservatives are lit-up to go vote on Tuesday.
I missed it as i forgot
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