Fairbanks’ airport robotic dog has a pronoun (she/her) and is a first for an American airport

Robotic dog is unveiled at the Fairbanks International Airport

The jokes are going to write themselves. The Fairbanks International Airport has started using a robotic dog to scare off birds and other wildlife that can pose a threat to aviation. The robot’s name is “Aurora” and the Alaska Department of Transportation refers to it as a “her” in the press release:

“Aurora, named after Alaska’s famous northern lights, is a technologically advanced robot with the capability to navigate rugged terrains and endure harsh weather conditions prevalent in Interior Alaska,” DOT said. “Her deployment at FAI marks the first time an American airport is utilizing a robotic dog for active wildlife control, setting a precedent for innovation in airport safety and wildlife management.

“Aurora can operate for 90 minutes at time and takes 30 minutes to charge completely. Aurora’s handler controls her movements by utilizing a handheld remote which allows them to see what she sees and determine the method of approach. She comes equipped with the ability to crawl, crouch, walk and sit. The scope of her abilities includes data collection, species identification, wildlife mitigation, and notification,” the department said.

The Department of Transportation is beta-testing this robotic dog and will consider deploying models like it at other airports in the state. Aurora is equipped with advanced sensors and programmable capabilities to patrol the airport grounds actively, deterring wildlife from entering runways and aircraft operation areas.


  1. Is this thing transgender, go through a transition, or was it born this way? We have a right to know, damn-it !

  2. Who gets to choose what “it” identifies as and does that someone have blue hair? AND knee pads? ( no peanut butter required))……..

  3. Other articles said DOT wasted an incredible $70,000.00 on this fake dog.

    The FNSB animal shelter is full. It would be way cheaper to get some real dogs for a fraction of the cost and train them to chase birds.


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