Facebook, Instagram, Twitter begin censoring content about protest


Facebook, which also owns Instagram, has made the extraordinary decision to remove all video content that has the President’s speech to protesters in the nation’s capital on Wednesday. The company is also removing photos from the protest from users’ news feeds.

In a statement, Facebook wrote,

First, we have been searching for and removing the following content:

  • Praise and support of the storming of the US Capitol
  • Calls to bring weapons to locations across the US — not just in Washington but anywhere in the US — including protests
  • Incitement or encouragement of the events at the Capitol, including videos and photos from the protestors. At this point they represent promotion of criminal activity which violates our policies
  • Calls for protests — even peaceful ones — if they violate the curfew in DC
  • Attempts to restate violence tomorrow or in coming days

As a part of this, we removed from Facebook and Instagram the recent video of President Trump speaking about the protests and his subsequent post about the election results. We made the decision that on balance these posts contribute to, rather than diminish, the risk of ongoing violence.

Also today, Twitter locked President Donald Trumps Twitter account for 12 hours, an unprecedented move, and also blocked some of his recent posts from view.

Recent photos that Alaskans have sent to Must Read Alaska:

(Note: To prevent this news story from being censored by Twitter and Facebook, Must Read Alaska has chosen to illustrate it with skeletons. Enjoy!)


  1. The communist coup attempt continues with Zuckerberg in the vanguard. I hope he gets his comeuppance soon.

  2. What else would you expect from the CCP of America? Like all of the fake news that is shoved in your face 24 hours a day about inflated Covid 1984 plandemic cases.
    I do not do the facebook, twitter or any other communist channels or information propaganda. No wonder I see the writing on the wall when those who live on these media outlets are now setting themselves up for facing a brick wall with CCP at their backs.

  3. Just watch… mayor bowser call for assistance from biden, who calls in the ccp stormtroopers. Antichrist is not far behind.

  4. From the AP: “…a number of GOP senators who had planned to support the objection reversed course.
    The Republicans raised the objection based on false claims pushed by President Donald Trump…”
    If they had said “based on claims” it would nave been news … but they said “false claims” which is a partisan call.
    At this point in time, Trump’s claims have not been fully investigated, and honestly weighed, to determine the truthfulness or falsity of them. For the mainstream media to determine, on it’s own, that Trump’s claims are false can’t but flame the lack of trust in the media … and any conspiracy theories of a Communist coup.
    I’m not privy to any insider info, so I don’t have enough “evidence” to make a determination either way. However, this continued bias by the press, and stonewalling by government officials pulls on my emotions to make me want to believe Trump’s version … just out of spite.
    Main reason I haven’t flown to DC and joined in any “protesting” is that at my age, I would be exhausted after three minutes and have to take a good nap.
    This bias by the mainstream media is why I have a paid subscription to the Epoch Times. They also have an agenda, but they seem transparent enough about it for me to trust their reporting a bit more. It’s also why I donate a couple hundred to MRAK every year.

  5. That’s ok with me.. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are private companies and they can do as they please. Besides, I have never used any of them.

    • Films were also made by private companies that allowed subliminal advertising by other private companies. So, we should allow now the manipulation of the masses simply because too many people are too stupid to write laws to stop that very thing?

      • Yes, exactly, we should allow it. I’m pretty sure that is how the free enterprise system is supposed to work. But I certainly agree with you that there are far too many stupid people.

  6. When liberals loot and burn the reaction is this: In a New York Magazine piece entitled “The Rioters Aren’t Here to Convince You,” Zak Cheney-Rice defends the violence in and of itself, arguing that, like The Joker who wanted to see everything burn, “you might begrudge the rioters their insistence on seeing some of it burn for a few nights. But then again, you’d be missing their point.”

    • “You think we’re rallying now? You ain’t seen nothing yet,” Waters said at the event, according to a HuffPost report. “Already you have members of your Cabinet that are being booed out of restaurants … protesters taking up at their house saying ‘no peace, no sleep.’”

      “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,” she added.

  7. That’s weird.
    The big tools that the cancel culture uses to doxx people they do not like, is preventing pics and videos from the protest from being shared. Why would they do that? Surely they understand that having and hosting those pictures and videos would help to identify the people who were in the protest.

  8. For almost two months, Portland has been under siege from antifa and other extremists. These troops of the left terrorize the downtown area every night. They with paramilitary precision. As organized anarchists, they deploy a wide array of less than lethal weapons to wound police, ranging from bats and bricks to lasers shot in the eyes of officers to permanently damage their sight. All of this is to further their goal to overturn our society and radically transform the country.

    If the news media cared to tell the public the truth, it would have been a top story on nightly broadcasts for weeks. The antifa rioters even tried to break into and burn down a federal courthouse in the city. The campaign of intimidation and destruction is plainly domestic terrorism. But the one reason the siege on Portland has become a major news story is because the administration is trying to restore law and order to the beleaguered city, and Democrats hysterically oppose any such action.

  9. This is not just happening in the lame stream media, it is happening here too.
    I have been posting like many others and my comments are getting blocked and do not appear.
    See what we are up against?

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