Event: Bronson’s Inauguration Day schedule


Anchorage Mayor-Elect Dave Bronson will officially be sworn in to office at 8 am on July 1, 2021 at an inauguration breakfast hosted by local nonprofit Bean’s Café. All proceeds and donations from the event will benefit Bean’s Café.

“We are honored to work with Bean’s Café on this inaugural breakfast and swearing-in ceremony,” said Mayor-Elect Bronson. “The decision to take my oath of office here was made in large part to underscore my administration’s ongoing commitment to addressing issues relating to homelessness, food security and the valuable role our local non-profits have on our community. We consider Bean’s a vital community stakeholder and we are honored to be able to highlight only a small part in their ongoing work to serve the residents of Anchorage.” 

The swearing-in ceremony and breakfast will be held at the Marriott Anchorage Downtown, from 7-8:30 am. RSVPs are required and seating is limited. Email [email protected]. Must Read Alaska has learned that tables are going fast for this charitable fundraiser.

The words that are in the oath of office are: “I solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Alaska, [AND] the Charter of Anchorage, and the Anchorage Municipal Code, and that I will faithfully perform the duties of to the best of my ability.”

Mayor-elect Bronson and his wife Deb will also participate in a community celebration and ceremonial swearing-in on the Delaney Park Strip from 5-9 pm on July 1, 2021. 

Block Party Ad Must Read Alaska

The Inaugural Block Party is described as a family fun event featuring cultural celebrations, activities for kids, food trucks, a beer garden, and a concert by Sixwire, a Nashville band that was featured entertainment for Super Bowl LIV in 2020.

For more information about the Inaugural Block Party, visit: www.ancblockparty.com


  1. Are Liberals, Democrats, LGBTQ, America Haters, Trump Haters, Environmental wackos, Communists, and other assorted mentally ill folks invited?

  2. Does this event require a permit..??..surely AQD will see that it issued without the slightest delay…if required….and if the assembly needs to vote on anything Barbara Jones can quickly count he votes and report the results….maybe even fix the results if need be..!!

  3. @Alvin:
    You most certainly are invited. So are all of your friends.
    Please keep it cordial. No one likes to see any events disrupted with unnecessary shenanigans.
    Remember, there is a difference between writing something snarky on a web site, and disrupting a public event. I am sure you would be upset if Forrest Dunbar had won, and some people made a ruckus at his swearing in.
    Remember, unity and cooperation are important, even if the Mayoral Candidate you did not support won.

  4. Thanx for the much appreciated updates. The latest but probably not the last unelected mayoral scud is payment process for AWWU. Their goal is inhibiting acceptance of funds usually prepayments. Their plan is to make an appointment to pay a bill. Bologna! You get those doors open and serve the public AND make sure their accountS show the payments to the correct accounts. TAKE PAYMENTS OVER THE PHONE. Any way the customer wants to pay you accommodate it. This is not fricken CAlifornia. If you have asperger syndrome get out Of the way and let someone else handle IT. YOUR RECALCITRANCE IS OVER.

  5. Let’s have NO shenanigans on our part.. We are celebrating our new mayor that WE helped elect. The people listed in the above ALVIN TEAGUE’s comment are already suffering their defeat. If they plan to instigate anything, let them pay for it, but don’t aggravate them.

  6. Due to the late opening after being shut down, this will probably be “our” only 4th of July-type celebration.. It takes years and years for any type of planning for the 4th which we did not have. Does anybody know if there will be any type of a 4th July celebrations.?? being on Sunday..??

  7. I hope the former “administration” has their moving trucks reserved. They don’t need to be taking their crazy ideas to the state. They just need to git on out of here and take their crazy ways with thum!

  8. Bean’s Cafe, huh? That tells me all I need to know about why he’s pushing yet another McShelter down people’s throats. The only reason the Sullivan shelter was “successful” was due to Lisa Sauder’s success in controlling the narrative with media outlets too gutless to bother with independent fact-checking. That and its role as a conduit to launder “free” federal money.

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