Even Facebook agrees: Soldotna’s burlesque drag queen show was ‘adult content’


Facebook appears to agree with some parents in Soldotna that the drag queens who performed for children in a public park designed for kids were providing adult entertainment.

The drag queen show occurred during a LGBTQ celebration and featured erotic dancing by adult drag queen performers in front of young children.

Our story, featured on Facebook and other social media outlets, was illustrated with a photo of a male twerking his buttocks to the audience of children. The man, a drag queen from Anchorage hired for the occasion, was wearing flesh-colored tights and a thong, with the 12-inch miniskirt that barely covered his implied-nude groin.

Must Read Alaska’s use of that illustration was rejected by Facebook’s ad team for “adult content,” when we attempted to get the story to a wider audience.

“Rejected. That image does not comply with our adult content policy,” Facebook noted in its explanation to Must Read Alaska.

The policy says, “Ads must not contain adult content. This includes nudity, depictions of people in explicit or suggestive positions, or activities that are overly suggestive or sexually provocative.”

Facebook (Meta) gives examples of what that includes:

  • Nudity or implied nudity 
  • Excessive visible skin or cleavage, even if not explicitly sexual in nature 
  • Images focused on individual body parts, such as abs, buttocks or chest, even if not explicitly sexual in nature 
  • Dating ads where the focus of the ad is on a partly clothed model


  1. We all have agreed this was a disgusting display for children.
    Yet we are still talking about it.
    That is what they want!
    They either need to charge these pigs with indecency in front of children, or child endangerment whatever and fine them or take them to jail. That’s it! Make it clear there will be no more shows of this type allowed in Alaska. They want this type of garbage go to Seattle.
    We need to stop giving them any ounce of attention except for notice that it will not be allowed again. Period. That includes State Fairgrounds! Should have never happened!

    • I agree. everyone is entitled to their choices and this should not have been for kids. Their minds are too young and easily influenced or is that the purpose? Hopefully they were laughed off the stage……

  2. Facebook is big tech so are you saying now you support big Tech ? Supporting censoring conservative voices is not ok! who

  3. There is only one germane question. Would the equivalent display featuring biological females be considered appropriate for children? Of course it wouldn’t.

    • Scott, you need not use the adjective “biological.” The term female stands on its own. We all know what it means. A so-called “drag-queen” is simply a male.

  4. So who was this show for? Not for the kids. The parents? Well probably, anyone who would take the children to this kind of event would have no problem helping the trannies groom their own children, but no. This was for the media. Hey media, show this to your readers so that we can give them a good, in your face, we’ll groom your kids and you can’t do a damn thing about it, “message”. The message is: we control the media today and tomorrow our “Liberal World Order” will control you. And none of you will call us out.

    Push, push, push. Go ahead and get mad. There’s nothing you can do. We own the politicians and we own the police. I have to wonder if they’re right.

  5. A time for choosing. Either someone makes a criminal complaint or forfeit your children. If not now, when? Do you think it will get easier or better in the future? If this stuff* comes to my town and I will be attending, asking many questions to the presenters, as well as video taping. I will be pressing charges if half of the display is what Soldotna was. Shame Soldotna. Shame.

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