The U.S. Department of Energy made it clear on Friday that the punishing policies of the Biden Administration against Alaska are no more. It’s the Trump era.
“Gone are the days of the Biden administration undermining American energy projects. Thanks to President Trump’s directive, the Department of Energy is committed to supporting Alaska and the rest of the U.S. in responsibly developing and exporting their LNG,” the Department of Energy posted on X/Twitter.

Sen. Dan Sullivan responded: “Alaska is America’s energy powerhouse. I look forward to working with @ChrisAWright_ and @ENERGY to get clean-burning Alaska gas to Alaskans, all Americans, and our allies overseas.”
Congressman Nick Begich said: “The centerpiece of Donald Trump’s energy dominance strategy is clearly Alaska. From our heretofore stranded gas resources to enormous estimated quantities of liquid gold, Alaska has what the nation needs.”
The fact that Alaska LNG was prominently mentioned in the message was not lost on those who have watched the state being locked down.
For the past four years, President Joe Biden cancelled resource project after resource project, allowing only the ConocoPhillips Willow Project on the North Slope to proceed — and that one was only allowed to proceed because Biden’s lawyers told him he would lose in court, according to Biden’s own account.
After President Trump was sworn in as president on Monday, he immediately prioritized Alaska LNG and other resource projects in the 49th state with his executive order titled “Unleashing Alaska’s Extraordinary Resource Potential.”
But such an exclusive mention by the Department of Energy signals that the turn has been made.
“The one [order] that hit me that will have the quickest effect on it, is getting rid of the LNG pause that Biden had put into place,” said former Energy Secretary Rick Perry.
The message from the Energy Department, even before Chris Wright’s nomination for Energy Secretary has been voted on, is clear: Alaska is a Trump priority.
Sully & NB3 …
I urge both of you to sincerely and honestly convince Lisa to change course – tactics immediately!!! Her current trajectory, ie: mindset // attitude // approach, is truly harmful to Alaskans and Alaska. We can maximize this opportunity but, she needs to get on board and be a Team Player and not be an obvious burden and/or liability.
America first! Alaska first! The shut-it-down-and-grovel-to-our-enemies-for-energy policies of the Biden regime are over.
Thank God Southcentral Alaska will be saved by this explosion of exploration for natural gas in Cook Inlet to solve Enstars supply problem. We can return to the days of ample supplies of cheap natural gas again. Thank you President Trump.
You are dreaming.
Too bad our energy is well out of Seattle’s death grip. NO GAS OR OIL for King County is music to my ears
With Trump cancelling all these pesky regulations maybe we will get to see an oil derrick on the Homer Spit! That will show those libtards!
So, is the Department of Energy going to lift the wind energy ban for Alaska? There are about a dozen village projects that were approved that are now in limbo, like the two additional turbines planned for Kotzebue that would provide additional power to eliminate some of the reliance on expensive diesel-fuel-powered generators. Or is the Administration going to build some pipelines to Interior and Northwest Alaska to supply new LNG-powered turbines? This order seems aimed at satisfying those from the Outside to exploit our resources and not at all intended to improve the dire energy needs in Alaska, whether that’s the railbelt or the bush.
Harold, there are circumstance where common sense will or should prevail.
In isolated cases such as the Kotzebue and other villages issue where the wind blows excessively (That is the case, right?) that support for wind turbines being worth the investment to reduce diesel burn.
Have or has the projections on the disposal or even repairs during the height of the season the turbines are temperature affecting operation. Build them, rely on them and then they freeze up.
Here is a primer on the topic, enjoy-Johnson-Ketchikan
Thanks for the input, Al. Can you link an article related to diesel-fired power generation facilities going out across bush Alaska, too? I guess with the incoming administration sending prices of oil to less than $50/barrel will at least offer some relief.
I’ll say it again, investigate into the Biden’s family interest in foreign oil and gas……
Unfortunately companies can’t act within a four year window with the risk that the next guy at the desk reverses everything that the previous President had done. They need stability and a known set of rules from which to operate even if those rules are onerous. While the EO was great for Alaska and reversed many harmful policies the process is still there for someone to just reverse them. That is a hallmark of Banana Republics. Companies can’t invest with that risk and nothing happens quickly especially in Alaska. While Sullivan tries to ooze under the door and take credit the EO must have originated from Governor Dunleavy given his ties to Trump and the specifics in the order. Now if they just would have reversed the Antiquities Act Trump could have renamed all mountains in Alaska after family members for all I care and we would have been good to go! For the sake of our state I hope that some development materializes. While this is a start in the right direction we have to get back to Congress making laws, Executives implementing them and courts figuring out the legalities. Put government back in the constitutional box it was given to us in.
Very well said, Joe!
Indeed, these executive order-driven policy lurches every four years are NOT good for the country, and really are not constitutional at all. Presidents are not supposed to make orders by decree. The fact that I happen to agree with most or all of Trump’s EOs (so far) takes nothing away from that argument.
Biden’s first executive order was to shut the Keystone pipeline down . This was for benefit of Warren Buffett who pumped $400M into the Biden campaign . It was payback . It intentionally drove the price of a Barrel of oil up to near $80 for his four years . ConocoPhillips lives Biden and his policy , drove their profits through the roof while adding billions to the permanent fund .
Better late than never, I guess.
If memory serves me right, Lisa supported Peltola and Peltola supported Biden. Weird.
And it’s weirder that she keeps getting voted in.
Let’s roll. Right over the top of the sierra club and the biological diversity crowd. Go try to hide behind your attorneys and judges this time you douche bags.
Government funded infrastructure for privatized profits. 47 screamed making America energy independent, but now claims energy dominant and a lot of talk about exporting it.
“Government funded infrastructure for privatized profits.”
How, exactly, is that different than any other Administration since the US Government was first formed in 1789?
With the opportunity for the state to make piles of money, I wonder if the state will continue to break statutory law by not giving the people their full dividend?
We will wait and see it takes time to drill a hole in the ground and lots of money.
Thank God!!!
To celebrate, I’m going to go out and buy a new gas/diesel F-250. Love gas guzzlers. Next up, a new gas powered snowmobile and side-by. Then, new gas lawn mower, chainsaw, and motorcycle.
Celebrate the internal combustion engines. Celebrate the snuffing-out of Joe Biden.
And celebrate our new leader: Donald John Trump. ??
I’m celebrating and enjoying my new EV, which never needs maintenance, lasts forever, and only costs 1/4 as much as an ICE vehicle to operate. But if you want to keep splashing out on fuel, be my guest, since I own oil company stocks. Thanks for helping to fund a Liberal in his retirement.
Never needs maintenance, good luck with that.
Lasts forever, good luck with that.
Only cost as much as and internal combustion engine to operate, good luck with that.
None of those things reflect the reality of an electric vehicle, as an owner of multiple electric vehicle company stocks I thank you for helping to fund my retirement fund.
Only a fool, liberal, Marxist, America-hating traitor like Whidbey would brag about owning an EV and buying it with profits earned in the free market……the American way.
Sometimes it’s difficult to know whether these dunces are just Democrat hippocrits or
mentally ill. At any rate, I hope this two-faced scum can find a recharge station. Because Trump is going to scrap all of them.
You’re funny when you’re an idiot. And you are always funny.
I LOVE watching your ignorant and idiotic virtue-signaling fools (although no actual virtue is involved) spending multiple times as much money as those of us with normal, practical internal combustion engine vehicles on your impractical battery-powered toys, with their 45 minute (or longer) charge-up times and highly reduced wintertime driving ranges. Oh, and the $15,000 (or higher) replacement batteries that you will inevitably be required to buy. And the cost of dealing with a vehicle that insurance companies will total for what would otherwise be a relatively minor accident on a normal vehicle.
“A fool and his money are soon parted”.
For real. Impeachment at midterms though. Get it while you can.
Serious question here Dog:
How much does it cost you to charge the batteries up?
And, where do you do it? Do you take your EV from Anchorage to Fairbanks? That will require at least one charge. Where do you charge up, and how long does it take? (Also, what is the cost?)
I am serious. I am very interested in your real world experience.
He can’t tell the truth so make sure a use a BS screen to filter his reply if he has anything to say.
So wonderful to see things being unlocked in Alaska from the Biden regimes agenda!
Go Trump!! Alaska needed this!
Finally common sense on restoring Alaska as a prime state to get resources going Biden‘s restrictive policies strangle this state I hope our governor our house and our senators can see and work together with this. I know one senator that that says she’s Republican, but acts like a democratic stranglehold
It’s not the Government that has been standing in the way of Alaska LNG. It’s not economic, and the companies on the Slope aren’t yet willing to sell the major gas reserves. But keep dreaming that dream – another pipeline and you won’t pi*s it all away this time.
That’s mostly true, if being compliant with government regulations in Alaska and in the US didn’t cost as much it would obviously drive the costs down the way it does in places that don’t care about the environment or safety. Unfortunately leftists would rather we outsource high paying jobs that produce responsibly developed gas and oil to third world countries, tyrants, and terrorists.
Crunch the numbers. Natural Gas is cheap, and wells are being drilled all over the globe. Building a $44 Billion (as TAPS showed it will cost much more than projected costs) pipeline to tidewater is a loser. By the time the NG gets to tidewater, it would need to sell at more than 4 times the going rate just to break even. An LNG plant on the North Slope and transporting LNG by Tanker ship may be viable.
But the state gasline employees will be paid.
And a company will spend Fifty Million Dollars (more) of state money to decide that building a gasline (still) doesn’t pencil out.
The spice must flow. In Alaska’s case spice is state money, and it flows into people’s and companies’ pockets.
Dumb or dumber is a movie and you might be able to get a part in it.
The EV will need maintenance and your electric bill will be higher.
No free ride for the dog.
The state of Alaska needs to allow gravel roads to be built on the NorthSlope . This is huge impediment to drilling and year around access for construction of drilling opportunities . In 2020 ConocoPhillips could have built the roads and pads in the Willow project . They elected not to , this keeps the competition out . The smaller company’s don’t have patient capital like Conoco has . CP is self financed .
It’s costs as much to build an ice road for a short season that it costs to build a gravel road . They need to open up gravel pits like they had at Kuparek in the late seventies and mine them year around instead of scratching frozen gravel off the surface . If that does not work , it’s way easy to barge the gravel in . There’s company’s barging rock all summer long that’s meets federal specifications .
And without a year a round road to Willow or PtThomson , it’s impossible to access or clean up an oil spill . It dumbfounds me how Badami and PtThomson were built without gravel pads for the pipelines and pads . It’s unlawful .
Armstrong found a huge field in the Pikka drilling in Conoco
Phillips back yard and could afford to borrow the funds to develop it .
Either ConocoPhillips has been warehousing these fields or just plain incompetent is another story . The question must be asked ?
Then the four largest banks in America jumped on the green energy deal and denied financing for projects on the slope . Most of the money in our permanent fund is invested in these four banks . I would ask the Permanent Fund Trustees to resign . Governor any comments to this ?
I see a conflict coming for Murkowski. Frank is promoting tankers from the north slope with icebreakers. Per ADN she has accepted 84,000 from icebreaker builder. And where will Lisa stand on a trans gas line?
How would you fight a fire without fossil fuels?
The same way you fight a fire with no water?
If the LNG pipeline gets built it will probably be built by people mostly from the Pacific Northwest states, no?
It will be built by the contractor who is awarded the contract. Because they are a for profit business, they will use the most qualified personnel they can get. If those individuals are from the lower 48, so be it. However… there are plenty of people currently residing in Alaska that are more than capable of performing the work, and a good businessman would take the travel and lodging costs into account as well.
In summary, it will likely be built by both Alaskans and Lower 48 workers.
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