Edie Grunwald tapped for lieutenant governor for Charlie Pierce campaign at event in Kenai


Edie Grunwald of Palmer has joined the Charlie Pierce for Governor campaign as running mate and candidate for lieutenant governor.

Grunwald was, until Friday, the chairwoman of the Alaska Board of Parole. A well-known civic leader, she ran for lieutenant governor during the 2018 election, losing narrowly to Lt. Gov. Kevin Meyer.

Grunwald spent 31 years in the military, retiring with the rank of colonel. She has a master’s degrees in business organizational management, and strategy, national security and military.  She has an advanced certificate in human resource management and is a certified firearms instructor.

Pierce said “I am thrilled to have Edie as my running mate in this election. In addition to the oversight of the Division of Elections, she will be assuming other executive duties and be an integral part of our promise to put ‘Alaskan’s First.’

Pierce introduced Grunwald as a campaign event at Pizza Paradiso in Kenai on Saturday, with about 50 people in attendance. Pierce, mayor of the Kenai Peninsula Borough, entered the campaign in January.


  1. Who saw this one coming? It’s a nice looking partnership. Now our Dunleavy needs to find his lieutenant governor as nice looking and as honest as Kevin Meyer. Next year is Dunleavy, Pierce, or Kurka — red team won! And you can choose to wear a mask or not or get the covid shot or not for the next four years.

  2. By appearances alone I like her. No goofy blue or green hair, no glasses, no hyphenated name, no he/she moniker behind said non-hyphenated name. Most importantly, a strong resume. Good luck!

  3. ‘https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2014/10/22/gov-parnell-replaces-alaska-national-guard-leaders/
    Lets not forget her past history. She didn’t stand up for the women of the Alaska National Guard and she will do nothing for Alaskans.

  4. I’m intrigued!! The tall guy and his not for health Zink have failed. Going to be needing a replacement.

  5. What will Pierce do that Dunleavy isn’t already trying to do?

    The left-wing media has been painting Charlie as a nut job for quite some time. He must be doing something right.

    • He will promote early treatment and ban local school districts and towns from imposing mandates

      • I don’t see how he does that (ban) without getting a new emergency powers act, (Dunleavy let his expire) and if that’s why they thought he was doing it, I can’t see how the legislature would go along. You can make the argument that the bully pulpit hasn’t been used enough, that the current governor should have spoken out more against local overreach, but I don’t think you can argue the budget cuts haven’t been put forward and the reforms attempted, or that statewide there were excessive mandates. Dunleavy has had his own party stab him in the back in TWO separate legislatures. And the Judiciary has gone even farther left and even more political than most Alaskans can ever remember. It’s hard to see how Pierce or Kurka somehow gets past those hurdles?

        It comes down to this: you get decent legislators in there, for once? And you try and get some reforms on how the AK SC justices are appointed, and you “may” see some change. But as it stands now, Reagan, The Great Communicator himself could not get more out of the current landscape. These dime store politicians are some of the absolute cheapest in the nation to buy off. So they have been for years. You have a partisan media, and a true deep state bureaucracy that thinks Alaskans work for them, not the other way around. This is literally the first guy we have had in there that’s actually tried small government reform and they’ve come after him 8 ways from Sunday. Earthquakes, Fires, Pandemics, and the shadow of a recall since about day one on the job. That’s a heckuva draw in one term. I don’t think Pierce or Kurka will go anywhere, about all they could do is somehow hand this to Walker, but even if one of them got in, even without what Dunleavy’s had to face, they would find themselves with a steeper hill to climb, and none of the (limited) momentum, and intel he’s gained along the way. Whereas, it’s fair to assume a second term for Dunleavy he would have nothing to lose, and you may see some turnover on the legislature that might end up with a GOP majority that is actually honorable and effective. Hard to see how any of the B listers bring anything tangibly new to the fight, and truthfully I don’t see them getting in.

  6. Nothing against the military, but this is probably the wrong person at the wrong time. Don’t think this is going to help Charlie which is too bad as he was really the only candidate who has any sense of what the State needs right now.

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