Dunleavy’s Labor Commissioner: Tamika Ledbetter


Gov.-elect Mike Dunleavy announced Tamika Ledbetter as his Labor and Workforce Development commissioner.

Ledbetter is an equal opportunity coordinator for the department. She works in the Eagle River and Wasilla offices of Labor.

The announcement was made at the convention of the Alaska Farm Bureau, a nonprofit devoted to increasing the successes of Alaska’s farms. About 40 farmers from around the state were in attendance during the group’s annual banquet in Anchorage.

Ledbetter was named a Top 40 Under 40 by the Alaska Journal of Commerce in 2014. She has a bachelor’s degree in history and political science from Virginia Union University and a master’s degree in adult education and training. She also has her PhD in organizational leadership from the University of Phoenix.

She has been active in housing and homelessness coalitions, women’s ministries, and small business development.

In her current role in DoL, she oversees and coordinates three job center locations, and as many as 30 staff that provide workforce development and services to job seekers, veterans and employers. She began with the department in 2009 as a career development specialist.

She is a U.S. Air Force veteran.


  1. Aye Caramba…………………..I’ve had dealings with this lady. She hates white people, and is a real dyed in the wool Obama voter. What deal has Dunleavy made with the lunatic Left? Will we see more of the same from this administration? At least we can hope his Lt Gov isn’t a pedophile!

    • Not really Burt. I’ve wotked with her for years and she’s been very diligent and dedicated to assisting anyone in need of employment and beyond. Quite literally she has been a direct support asset to the hiring of well over 350 veterans and transitioning military members with and through organizations outside of the DoL. And I do not recall one single moment where politics or party affiliation or racism was a part of that.

  2. Burt, do you have evidence of your claims? I’d like to know.

    Suzanne, what evidence do you have of her being conservative?

    Thank you.

    • I checked her out in a political database that models people based on a number of aspects. They model her as a “hard Republican” as opposed to a “weak” Republican or “swing” voter. She is a super voter. The data is pretty reliable, I have found. – sd

    • If Suzanne says someone is a conservative republican, that is all you need to know. Asking her for evidence to support her statement is redundant and maybe a tad ( just a tad) insulting. There is no better or more reliable evidence for such a statement than her opinion.

  3. There are some sideways things under her watch at DOL but that happens anywhere. Let’s give her a chance as commish and see what she can bring to the table. Seems like a stretch for her but an improvement from the last one!

  4. “Alaskans First,” it is never insulting to ask for evidence. If one of my neighbors asks me why so-and-so in the government should be trusted to do something, I should have an answer. I have found S.D. to be reliable and honest and a topnotch reporter, but I think someone’s voting record, memberships in organizations, education and employment history, etc. speak volumes. Suzanne, thanks for the reply.

  5. I agree CA. Nothing wrong with a bit of intel and evidence. Very fair question. Burt in the first statement of the string is the one with no evidence. I am looking forward to Ms. Ledbetter’s term. Nice to see someone not plucked from the union pool.

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