Dunleavy stands: GOP governors say they will not comply with Biden-Harris global health control

Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations co-chairs Dr. Ashley Bloomfield of New Zealand and Dr Abdullah Assiri of Saudi Arabia lead the effort to create stronger international health governance, which may weaken national sovereignty.

All Republican governors, including Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy, joined together to state that they will not comply with the World Health Organization’s attempt at one global control over health policy.

The Biden-Harris Administration has been participating in negotiations with the World Health Assembly as part of the intergovernmental negotiating body, and the WHO released a second draft of the WHO Pandemic Treaty in October of 2023.

Twenty-six Republican governors signed a letter this week stating, “if adopted, these agreements would seek to elevate the WHO from an advisory body to a global authority in public health. Under the proposed amendments and treaty, the WHO’s Director- General would supposedly gain unilateral power to declare a ‘public health emergency of international concern’ (PHEIC) in member nations, extending beyond pandemics to include a range of perceived emergencies.”

The governors said the WHO could “erode state sovereignty by granting the WHO’s Director- General the authority to dictate responses to a declared PHEIC, stripping elected representatives of their role in setting public health policies and compelling citizens to comply with WHO directives, potentially including mandates regarding medical treatments.”

“Additional concerns arise regarding the establishment of a global surveillance infrastructure and requirements for member states to censor speech related to public health, potentially facilitating the proliferation of biological weapons,” the governors wrote.

“As governors, we affirm that public health policy is a matter reserved for the states, not the federal government, and certainly not international bodies like the WHO. We are committed to resisting any attempts to transfer authority to the WHO over public policy affecting our citizens or any efforts by the WHO to assert such authority over them,” the letter reads.

Read the full letter here.


  1. Klaus Shwab is working the herd from every angle.
    Rest assured He is celebrating a victory lap in his efforts to create a one world order control center.
    Thanks to the Governor for his effort to at least resist as a State of Alaska representative.

    • Dunleavy wants a job after his time in office is up. Your memory is pretty short if you were here during the “Big Covid” issue. Dunleavy really put the hammer to the residents of Alaska through his lying, mealy-mouth Adam Crum. Dunleavy is still playing that scene. Dunleavy puts on a lie and a show, so be careful of what you put out to the public. You may be mouthing Dunleavy’s impersonation of someone who is competent, and the state already knows he is not. The last investigative committee to meet and investigate Fouci put on open hearings and after three weeks of testimony, Fouci admitted the shot was not a vaccine but just a shot. So, now Fouci is facing indictment when this presidency is gone from the white house. And, the policies of the Dunleavy administration should also be investigated. Everyone of them for the time he has been governor of Alaska.

  2. This is blatantly an unconstitutional process to subordinate law and regulation governance outside of congress in this manner.

  3. Interesting! I was just watching a pastor in TX talk about this very thing in his weekly prophecy update. Canada’s Trudeau was also shown to be forewarning of another virus (Monkey virus, I recall) that would result in greater lockdowns than covid. If anyone is interested the video is called Pastor’s Point of View (PPOV) no 317 8/30/24. Dr. Andy Woods. It’s world/political/social news presented in a Biblical context. Very insightful.

  4. It’s about time dunleavy grew a set on health matters. His choice of Anne zinc for COVID Nazi was very sheeple and had nothing to be do o with science

    • Zink and Murkowski are big pharma!
      I personally was in ER with sig other while having organ shut down after Covid booster ! I suggested it was a booster reaction and Zink wouldn’t entertain thought or allow tests in that direction!

  5. I love the ever so subtle pivot right wing publications like MRAK have made from always saying the “Biden Administration” or just “Biden” to now saying it as “Biden-Harris”, as if the Vice President does anything except go to funerals or break a tie in the Senate.

  6. It is disgusting to see our enemies desire for control and power. We can be thankful that they are willing to show themselves more and more. They have to go.

  7. Question for GOP governors is will your resolve, your unity, be as steadfast when Harris-Biden-Obama tie global health control compliance to federal revenue sharing?

  8. How about we all work together to STOP funding the UN, and by virtue of doing so, the: WHO, WEF, NGOs that foist migrants upon us, and all manner of nefarious actors intent upon activities designed to destroy our constitutional republic from every angle possible.

  9. Thanks for standing up for Alaskans, Big Mike. I get a sense that you learned from the COVID sham and now know why these shenanigans are being foisted upon the largely sheep public.

  10. Well, finally Dunleavy is saying something. Is this only because the Alaskan People have united to back NB III and Dahlstrom dropped out?

    • They don’t even pay their bills!! I had dealings with them in my old job.. They tried to go deadbeat on me for services provided. Took me hours of extra work running down the WHO bureaucrat that signed the contract. He didn’t want to pony up for the shipping to get his equipment back. The rule was, no pay, we take your stuff until you do!! I finally got to him and explained that I wasn’t in the charity business for Third World functionaries like him. I got sent from clerk to secretary to receptionist before reaching hid direct line in DC

    • Vote wisely in November.
      One party has done nothing except support the globalist agenda since 2008. The other party is not much better, but at least they have some resistance to the WEF agenda. Any resistance is better than compliance.

  11. Anyone and I mean anyone who try’s and subject me or my family to anything from the WHO will be dealt with on severe consequences.


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