Gov. Mike Dunleavy, in an interview with The Daily Signal publication, said military activity from China and Russia is becoming more frequent along Alaska’s coast.
The U.S. military deployed 130 Army airborne soldiers to an island in the Aleutian Chain earlier this month after joint Russia and China exercises started in the North Pacific.
“There’s been naval exercises, there has been joint flyovers … not necessarily our airspace, but identification airspace, which is between the Russian airspace and our airspace,” Dunleavy said to the Signal reporter.
“I think these are, you know, chess [moves] and probes,” Dunleavy said. “But because of the instability in the world, and to some degree, I think some of these countries are questioning America’s resolve, [so] you may be seeing more of these activities in the future.”
Listen to his interview below:
Is it me, or does he look sickly, like he has lost weight and aged tremendously? The stress from selling out the state and its people has really taken a toll on him. It can’t just be me who notices this. I don’t agree with his policies in any way, but I will, without question, pray for him.
Its not just you, I noticed it immediately when I opened the article. Had to pull up other photos of him on google to be sure I wasn’t just misremembering. I’d wager that the job of governor is already a high-stress job, and it may finally be taking its toll on him, regardless of politics and what he has or hasn’t done. Think about how most everyone looks after being president. Being governor in Alaska, having run on the platform he did, as well as how his term has gone, I’d be a bit surprised if he wasn’t showing signs of major stress.
I just saw Dunleavy and talked with him. He has lost some weight, especially around his chin and face. But the governor is a very big man (6’8″) and he looked very athletic and full of energy. Don’t let Democrat comments fool you. Joe Biden looks sickly and totally demented from Alzheimer’s. And Kamala Harris looks used up, exhausted, and frumpy for her age. Trump, at nearing 80, is a big strapping man, full of energy and indefatigable. If Trump gets elected, Dunleavy will get a cabinet level position and have to work hard to keep up with Trump, 20 years his senior.
Ozempic face. Guys too much of a flake to actually work for something so he takes the easy way out like a typical republican.
I think he is just trying to look like sleazy-fake-drug-dealer Gavin Newsom. The hair looks similar.
Dunleavy definitely needs a trim.
I agree about his looks. Definitely not healthy-looking.
He took the jab.
WA DC/ US federal government War Mongering all over the world, weaponizing the worthless colored paper F note, calling Russia and China and many Countries the enemy and the USA creating this WAR against Russia- the USA is starting WW3.
Governor Mike Dunleavy is weak for not getting the other States involved and reigning in WA DC/ US federal government- who are the Worlds biggest problem. USA chose to make War and enemies instead of friends and trading allies. Russia and China are NoT Alaskas enemy, they are responding to corrupt WA DC/ US Feds selling out to the globalist and forcing their one world government new world order by destroying one sovereign banking Country after the next. In a way Russia and China are the world’s last hope by fighting for their Independence they are fighting for the world people. Because in the new world order one world government your prodigy will be sacrificed for the good of the whole. Socialism at a National level is Communism at a global level-
and yea I know China is Communist and most the people there aren’t free.
We need world ?☮️peace
Thank You, Jay, for saving me some typing!
… what Jay said !!!
If Kamala Harris becomes the next president, we should start learning Chinese. Or Russian. Or both. Because protecting our great country from communism and totalitarianism is not on her agenda.
I think you are on to something. If the Left remains in power in DC, I do not believe the US military would resist a slow, creeping invasion of Alaska by the Chinese, Russians or both. It would be justified on some kind of diversity basis. Plus, the US military has very “woke” leadership that does not want to offend anyone or get their uniforms dirty. They have fashionable careers to think about, after all.
I have thought the same thing. It sure seems we are dangerously weak right now with essentially no executive office unless you count the puppet masters, many who likely are not even Americans. If Cackling Chameleon Kamala is elected I fear we are doomed and Russia for one does seem to have sights set on Alaska.
Couldn’t we just all learn Yupik and try getting along? They teach it at UAF and offer an advanced degree along with Climate Change Studies.
Hey Big Mike, might want to lay off the Ozempic. Oh wait, are you all right, dude? Do we need to know something? Saying a prayer.
Once a person starts on Ozempic, they cannot ever stop taking it. I cannot remember what I heard about it, but I remember hearing that part. It is a life-time medicine. Better to lose weight naturally without drugs.
Ozempic is an diabetic medication
We’re an easy target here. Sink the barges and tugboats we’re screwed. They know the value of Alaska and it’s proximity to the Arctic. They’re testing the vulnerability of our military bases and thanks to open borders, I imagine the terrorists are already here.
He looks like a cancer patient
Chip Howard amirite?
You’re probably not supposed to dox even when you consider them to be complete dipsticks, but yeah.
I hope he will be OK 😉
And since Day 1, he’s governed like a dink, impatiently sitting in the waiting room for a brain transplant. Meanwhile, numbly and dumbly following the bad advice from those who have access to him.
The Russians and the Chinese have intruded into our airspace and waters always and especially since we have been a state. Debris of every kind has been found along the coast of Alaska over the last sixty years and especially since WWII to prove their presence invited or not. Are we vulnerable to North Korea, China, Russia and Japan? The Aleutians are the scene for the WWII 1000 mile war with the natives of Alaska and the Army National Guard that were killed and imprisoned by Japan. That is why we have the military presence in Alaska for a long, long time and the military presence is not going away but increasing strategically. The fighter jets out of Eielson AFB scramble daily as well in the Anchorage JBER area. The scenario today is more present to public observation due to the types of media. Does anyone remember the Domes in the Fairbanks Delta Junction area? Our communication has improved and the scenario of air space use has improved with the FAA Center monitoring all of that activity. Will the strategy of that monitoring change with a change in governors or presidents? NO!!! We are in the Pacific Security Strategic Command. Only the president has the say on its use and the parameter of control. Why are those countries interested in Alaska today? Same reasons as WWII. Nothing has changed their purpose and nothing will. So, here is where we are and here we live with our boundaries unchanged and the same mineral wealth the world knows we own. Its a biggie event when anyone runs for political office. That is why the concern and that is why it has to be newsy.
The governor did look a little tired, but this seems to come and go with him, usually when he is handling one or more disasters. The next time you seem him he is back to normal, so I wouldn’t worry too much. He has always asked for prayers for wisdom. And we have to remember that dealing with the Alaska legislature is not the easiest of jobs. So he has my prayers for both wisdom and his and his family’s health. As for his job, being Governor of Alaska is not a bed of roses, more like the thorns. Hang in there, Big Mike, our prayers are with you. Also, good interview.
When US servicemen are deployed in Ukraine firing missiles into Russia, in another undeclared and failed war, supplying them with weapon systems and providing ISR targeting data, why would anyone be surprised if they patrol their own border with us in international airspace? We don’t use our military to defend our borders from cartels, meth, fentynal and mass illegal migration, but cogent countries do. We deploy our military all over the globe trying to maintain hegemony and serve the interests of globalist corporations. Our utterly incompetent State Department has managed to unite Russia and PRC into a strong alliance on the basic premise that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Deploying 130 paratroopers on Shemya is a pathetic joke. It simply reinforces the reality our General Staff is the product of DEI idiocy and beholden to our MIC.
Did he do the interview from his basement like he did with Covid? Maybe he can use the emergency alert system like he did with Covid to warn us the Russians are coming! Is there a nasal test for testing of Russians that can be done for those arriving to Alaska?
Remember the movie, “The Russians Are Coming” comedy. That’s like it is today, They may be in the Bering Sea as they have right to be or they be flying into Anchorage enroute to Seattle or East Coast. After all, the United States gave them permission years ago to travel in our air space and dock in our waters under certain circumstances. This is an election season and Dunleavy is famous for being out of control over issues such as this in an election season.
Want to keep the Russians & Chinese out of International Airspace near Alaska? Change the boundaries. Of course, that would be a fool’s errand as they would just intrude up to the new line and the USA would have egg all over its face trying to explain their routine intrusions of our military ships off Taiwan in – you guessed it – International Waters! Nothing to see here, just the usual puppets of the military industrial complex trying to drum up some more business for their donors.
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