Dunleavy names Hedberg as permanent Health commissioner

Heidi Hedberg

Gov. Mike Dunleavy has named Heidi Hedberg to serve as the permanent commissioner of the Alaska Department of Health. Hedberg was named acting commissioner last month after former Commissioner Adam Crum moved to the Alaska Department of Revenue. 

“After working with Commissioner Hedberg the past four years, she has impressed me with her management skills, and ability to enact public health policies that make Alaskans healthier and safer,” Dunleavy said. “Alaskans can be confident that the department responsible for their health and welfare is in good hands.”

Hedberg has been with the State of Alaska since 2009, serving in various capacities within the Division of Public Health, Department of Health, and most recently as the Director for the Division of Public Health. She holds a bachelor of science degree from Alaska Pacific University. She moved to the Alaska in 1995 from Seattle. Prior to her state service, she worked with various non-profit organizations for twelve years. She also chairs the Governor’s Advisory Council on Opioid Remediation and serves on the Governor’s Council on Homelessness, and State Emergency Response Commission.

Commissioner Hedberg’s name will be forwarded to the Alaska Legislature for a confirmation vote in upcoming the 2023 session.


  1. Her experience level seems right for the job. Also, she has had the time to work with the governor in the acting commissioner role so she would be acquainted with his expectations. Good luck to her.

  2. She has her work cut out for her. With the streaming of drugs such as Fentanyl entering our state on a large scale (thanks to an open southern border), we have a real crisis brewing. Good luck!

    • Yeah, those Canadians and Alaska CBP officers just let the Al-Can go… fun fact: over 95% of the fentanyl and meth coming into the US are coming through shipping routes, not asylum seekers. The drug volumes are so large, cartels don’t even bother having individuals cross the border with backpacks any longer.

  3. Dunleavy continues to flush the state of Alaska down the toilet. First, Anne Zink with her Biden style stories about her homemade tests for Covid, to distract people from her Nazi totalitarianism. Now, “Alaskans can be confident that the department responsible for their health and welfare is in good hands.” We already have OSHA and DEC, now somebody with less than half my education, probably not even in a medical discipline, and probably no medical experience, is going to be responsible for my health and welfare? Somebody who’s dictates will be enforced by the state at gunpoint? How is this different than the Soviet Union?

    • I don’t know why they keep pushing the Russian doctorine. They think they have it all tied up in a bow. They are sadly mistaken. Majority rules. And that “dirty little secret” will Russian Roulette them. I guess stashing a cash cow in Alaska was not such a good idea. Especially since you have been waging warfare on that one since they came back to Alaska. Let’s talk about that in the courts there Mikey. Oh. Wait. ICC knows already.

  4. It’s the (worship of ) science. What was once “science” two years ago is now “junk science”, now experimental and everything. We have come so far to still need the Kingdom of God so much.

    • Aleutian: it’s impossible to demean the scientific method. You use it all day. It’s a problem solver. It made your coffee this morning. Junk science doesn’t exist. Incorrect data and assumptions lead to bad conclusions. When that happens, we call those conclusions false.

  5. When a government spreads misinformation not backed by any science but instead produced by interest groups having an agenda I have a difficult time believing anything the government says about anything else. Government needs to carefully preserve its reputation in all areas if they might one day want us to believe them about something that is actually important. I will explain what I mean.

    Over the past three or four years this department has come out with advisories against lead bullets being used for hunting. Those State of Alaska advisories would have us believe that shooting game with lead bullets, or bullets that contain a lead core, risks game consumers ingesting lead. There is no real, peer-reviewed research to back this up. We’ve all cut up game shot with bullets and know it’s pretty easy to make sure the bullet and the meat damaged by a bullet is discarded. As a matter of fact, most of us may have clomped down on a piece of lead shot when eating a bird shot with lead shot but I have never heard of that becoming a medical issue. I have never once heard or read of someone having been a victim of higher lead levels, let alone being poisoned, by this happening.

    Also, I have also observed more than once this administration publishing advisories that would have us believe that predators and scavengers are being killed by consuming lead from shot animals, gut piles, etc. I have looked extensively and can find no research that shows this is happening. That is, there would have to be research that has a control area off limits to both predators and scavengers that might have ingested lead, and that control are predator and scavenger mortality would need to be compared with results the non-control area. Anti-hunting groups within and outside the federal government produce this kind of information and for all I know give grants to state agencies for spreading this sort of misinformation.

    I do not mean in any way to implicate this new, cute commissioner. I would presume she will carefully stick to science.

  6. So hopefully she can get a handle on the fact that people cannot access the DPA offices and there’s so many cases backlogged there’s families in Alaska
    Will be without food stamps and heating assistance this Christmas. Try calling 800-478-8888 and getting through? On hold for 6 hours only to be told
    They working on September stuff.

  7. So hopefully she can get a handle on the fact that people cannot access the DPA offices and there’s so many cases backlogged there’s families in Alaska
    Will be without food stamps and heating assistance this Christmas. Try calling 800-478-8888 and getting through? On hold for 6 hours only to be told
    They working on September stuff.

  8. Does anyone think this Health Commissioner will alert Alaskans about the countless deaths and serious adverse effects that these Experimental Clot Shots ? 3 years of BS and these clowns won’t even mention it.
    Doesn’t that disturb anyone ?

    • Ak907. Maybe she doesn’t know about “the countless deaths and serious adverse effects”? Seriously, do all of us citizens a favor and send her the reports that support your claim. I don’t want to die cuz of an unreliable vaccine. She needs to know!

  9. She should immediately call for destroying all remaining bioweapons know as the covid shot within the state of Alaska.

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