Dunleavy makes key transition appointments



Gov.-elect Mike Dunleavy held his second press conference since the Nov. 6 election, announcing key members of his team. Still hoarse and sucking on a lozenge with an obvious head cold, he left most of the comments to Chief of Staff Tuckerman Babcock and two of his Transition Team policy advisors: Brett Huber and John Moller.

Former Gov. Sean Parnell was named the special adviser to the Alaska LNG project. He was governor from 2009 to 2014 and he will be analyzing the Alaska LNG project as it stands today and making recommendations on the next steps.

Dick Randolph, the “father of the income tax repeal” was named the special adviser on constitutional amendments. He ran as a Libertarian candidate for governor in 1982 and as a Republican primary gubernatorial candidate in 1986. He is known for his efforts to repeal the state income tax in 1980. He will advise Dunleavy on which public policy issues should be considered for protection or clarification in Alaska’s constitution.

Gov.-elect Mike Dunleavy stands as John Moller, Brett Huber, and Dan Saddler enter the hangar as the press conference began at 11 am on Friday.

The Transition Policy Council will be co-chaired by Huber and Moller. Both will also be joining the administration as senior policy advisers to the governor after Dec. 3.

Huber was the campaign manager for Dunleavy. His role was announced earlier this week. He has served in numerous staff roles in the Alaska Legislature and has broad knowledge of Alaska’s key issues.

Moller is the former rural affairs advisor under Gov. Parnell. He is a commercial fisherman who lives in Juneau and he will be advising the governor-elect on rural issues during the transition, and will likely continue in a similar role in the Dunleavy Administration.

Rep. Dan Saddler, who is leaving the Legislature, will serve as the executive director of the Transition Policy Council.

The next formal press conference will be at the Resource Development Council meeting in Anchorage next Wednesday, Saddler said.

Dunleavy will head to Fairbanks for the Alaska Outdoor Council banquet on Saturday, where he will be giving remarks.


  1. Good choices, balanced with Moller having Commercial fished and Huber once head of Kenai Sportfishing. All the rest are A plus.

  2. Dang. Special adviser on constitutional amendments. Now there is a job I could probably do. And work from home, too.

  3. Why State Farm insurance? They pay out less often than Harrahs or MGM slots. Stingiest insurance company on the planet. Is this an inside joke?

    • Yes. As I referred to in a recent comment, outside of politics, Dick Randolph has been associated with State Farm Insurance since shortly after the 1964 earthquake and continues to run an agency in downtown Fairbanks. One of his closest allies throughout his political career is Curtis Green, husband of Lyda, who runs his own agency in Anchorage and is a former district manager for the company. His son and daughter-in-law also run State Farm agencies in the Fairbanks area.

        • So was this governor’s race a State Farm conspiracy? More mandatory insurance laws coming down the pike for Alaskans?

          • Read the Newsminer’s editorial today by Dermot Cole. According to Cole, Dick Randolph couldn’t tell the difference between a good state constitution and a State Farm Conspiracy. If Cole bought some Whole Life insurance from Dick, he would learn that his daily constitutions promote longevity and lessen the need for more insurance. Two old guys, each taking their last stands, and stabs, as their own relevancies fade from view.

          • Funny comments! Though I tend to wax conservative, thank god for Alaska’s insurance regulators. Otherwise, these State Farm Insurance agents like Dick Randolph would be lobbying for legislation to require mandated health insurance policies, and other forced insurance. Interesting how these promoters of private business and minimal state intrusion are the first at the trough seeking non-competitive access into the public’s pocketbook. Forced insurance, such as auto, puts money into the insurance agent’s pocket and creates quasi-monopolies in the industry. The very thing that Dick Randolph speaks against in his public rants. Go figure!

    • Well, I guess there’s nothing like selling mandatory car insurance to every man and woman in Alaska. And under a plan they can’t refuse. Must be constitutional. A “family” kind of business.

  4. “…analyzing the Alaska LNG project as it stands today and making recommendations on the next steps.”
    Rather hope “next steps” means a long walk off a short pier for that boondoggle.

  5. Suzanne thank so very much for your Alaska News and Journalism, we can finally
    move forward with our Elected Officers Gov Mike Dunleavy and his staff. unravelling
    all of the past and moving forward, Negative thinking and tight Neglect almost ruined
    our State that we all love. I would like to thank our new Gov Elect Mike Dunleavy for
    taking on this task along with Tuckerman Babcock Chairman of Alaska Republican
    Party this relation-ship will make are State of Alaska Great Again thank you Larry Zenor palmer ak

  6. Is that the State of Alaska’s new jet? I hope so, maybe on loan from somebody in Houston Texas. The governor does need a jet. This is a big state.

    • The hangar is a private company — the jet has no relationship to the State of Alaska. It’s just a random jet.

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