Dunleavy for Energy Secretary? Sources say ‘no’

Photo of Governor Michael Dunleavy

A rumor that President Donald Trump may tap Alaska Gov. Michael Dunleavy to become Energy Secretary has no basis, according to Must Read Alaska sources.

The rumor has been flying around for a couple of days in political and oil company circles.

It would make sense because Energy Secretary Rick Perry, former governor of Texas, is leaving the post and Trump needs a replacement for him. Dunleavy comes from an energy-driven state, and Trump likes Alaska’s governor, calling him “Big Mike.” Dunleavy has met with the president four times.

But Dunleavy would be a long shot for that role. He’s not wired for the bureaucracy of Washington, D.C., and he doesn’t like to travel, as the Energy Secretary needs to do. Plus, he’d have to leave his ranch in Wasilla for long stretches, and give lots of speeches.

The fact that Dunleavy is facing a possible recall might factor into a decision and being called to service by a president is a heady opportunity, one that few governors could resist. Trump could certainly do worse than a Secretary Dunleavy.


  1. Not like he’d be the first Republican governor to jump ship. But in all fairness, anyone would be tempted by such an offer.

  2. Dunleavy should probably stay here in Alaska, remain as the governor. The person that needs “to-go” is Daddy’s Little Princess.

    • She’s on her way out. The running commercials now that show people on the Illiamna side want Pebble mine because of the high paying jobs and what it will do for their economy and they are actually thanking Murkowski for being on their side, so yeah she’s gone.

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