Dunleavy campaign deals with crush of volunteers

Dick Randolph introduces Mike Dunleavy at a fundraiser this week.
Randolph is a volunteer co-chair of the Dunleavy for Governor campaign.


So many volunteers, and only 61 days until Alaska’s Primary Election is in the rear view mirror. It’s already a busy time, but the fun has just started. There are parades, postcards, and phone-calling ahead. In other words, the volunteering season is here.

The Alaskans for Dunleavy campaign has added over 100 volunteers in the past week alone, bringing the total to 600 statewide, from Ketchikan to Kotzebue.

That information was revealed during a “Meet Mike” event held at the home of former Mayor Dan and Lynette Sullivan in Anchorage on Wednesday. Every day, more and more volunteers are signing up, said campaign manager Brett Huber. It’s evidence of the strength of the grassroots support for Dunleavy, he said, and for a primary campaign is nearly unheard of in Alaska politics.

Dunleavy said that the best way for people to volunteer is to go to the website, AlaskansforDunleavy.com, where there’s a signup box with various options, such as knocking on doors, being part of the digital response team, making phone calls, displaying a yard sign, or hosting an event at your home.

Is a 600-person volunteer army too much of a good thing? The challenge for any campaign is to keep people busy doing things they like to do, or at least don’t mind doing. But campaigns are not glamorous ventures — they require a lot of elbow grease and phone calls. Many of the volunteers in this year’s campaign cycle may not have ever been part of a political campaign before.

For political candidates interested in getting better at managing a volunteer army, Must Read Alaska recommends reading:

A Guide to Managing a Volunteer Workforce, in Harvard Business Review.

If you’re thinking about whether volunteering on a political campaign is right for you, MRAK recommends reading:




  1. The Mike Dunleavy for Governor campaign is on the verge of transitioning to a movement. That is not because Walker is such a dunce, although that doesn’t hurt. Dunleavy is the only man in the race – Republican, Democrat or independent – with a cohesive economic message. That is why Begich uses the same language criticizing Walker that Dunleavy uses in talking about the state economy and Walker policies. Begich has enough instinct to copy Dunleavy, but it sounds odd coming from a Democrat so it’s not working nor likely to do so. It’s also why Hawkins has had so little success speaking over the top of Dunleavy, and it’s why Treadwell is still searching in vain for a message. Dunleavy is also aspirational which is a space unavailable to Walker given the disaster he has created; at least if Walker attempts that mode there is a danger everyone will laugh in his face. Aspirational may also be a word I made up, but you get the idea. Begich lacks the character and even the vocabulary. Treadwell jumps back and forth between the issue and the message, and he looks like he was a spoiled little boy kept in short pants until he was 15 years of age. Treadwell is not believable, and he is shrill. But no one can take November 6 for granted. Democrats will do anything to win this. Hillary and Bernie people have kissed and made up, and they will come together in plenty of time to make this a difficult race for Dunleavy. The economic future of Alaska needs Dunleavy to win.

  2. Mike Dunleavy is a man who stands for his beliefs despite any political fallout. He has a comprehensive fiscal plan to bring us back from the abyss and will follow through despite the naysayers. He not only defends the PFD for Alaskans but has a long term plan to sustain it. Mike is a supporter of business who will fire our economic engine.

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