Gov. Mike Dunleavy announced legislation to enhance election integrity by ending the automatic voter registration that occurs every time a person files for a Permanent Fund dividend.
HB63 Election Efficiency and Integrity Bill does the following:
- Repeals provisions of Ballot Measure No. 1 (2016) that allowed voter registration through PFD applications.
- Closes early voting five days before Election Day.
- Authorizes by-mail voting for communities with populations under 750.
- Provides postage-paid return envelopes for absentee ballots.
- Requires absentee ballots to be received by Election Day.
- Allows the Division to begin counting absentee ballots sooner.
- Increases flexibility in pay for election workers and standards for voting booths.
“This bill is a necessary step to ensure the integrity and transparency of our election process while addressing Alaskans’ concerns about reliability,” Dunleavy said. “By modernizing our election code, we can provide a more efficient and trustworthy system for voters and election officials alike.”
Currently, anyone who files for a PFD can end up with a voter ID card, even though they are not qualified.
It is doubtful the Democrats who control the Alaska House and Senate will let this bill move. Removing this provision may take a lawsuit.
Dunleavy also filed HB59, State-Tribal Education Compact Schools Pilot Program Bill
Building on the foundation of Senate Bill 34 in 2022, Dunleavy would establish a five-year pilot program to launch State-Tribal Education Compact schools in partnership with five federally recognized Tribes and Tribal organizations.
Key features of the bill:
- Creates a framework for DEED and tribes to negotiate compacts for tribally operated public schools.
- Mandates reporting on student data and enrollment to ensure accountability.
- Provides funding for STEC schools comparable to regional education attendance areas.
- Requires annual progress reports to the legislature, culminating in a comprehensive review at the end of the pilot program.
“Parents should be able to send their children to a school that they love and meets their educational needs. State Tribal Education Compact Schools are sure to be one of the public-school options that work the best for many Alaskan students, regardless of Tribal affiliation,” Dunleavy said. “This bill is a major milestone in bringing this transformative educational model to fruition.”
Dunleavy also announced HB62 Sexual Assault Kit Tracking System Bill
This legislation ensures the comprehensive implementation of a statewide Sexual Assault Examination Kit Tracking System, reinforcing transparency and accountability in addressing sexual assault cases.
Key provisions include:
- Mandates healthcare providers notify law enforcement of completed kits within seven days.
- Requires law enforcement to update survivors on kit status within 14 days of testing.
- Establishes clear accountability at every stage of the kit collection, transmission, and testing process.
“Survivors of sexual assault deserve a system that prioritizes their well-being and delivers justice,” Dunleavy said. “This bill reflects our commitment to creating a trauma-informed, survivor-centered process.”
Nothing in the bill solves the problem. Voting is inherently corrupt because the ballot can’t be reconciled to the voter. Ballot reconciliation is a simple matter in today’s world. And without a reconciled ballot it is easy to game the system.
Serial number and tracking number like any on line purchase! Also in person voting with the exception of our senior citizens and overseas military!
Voting is an honor and privilege, treat it as such!
Dunleavy’s idea is a good start, but we need voter ID as you indicate.
And a purging of the voter rolls, so that they are accurate.
Ugh! Alaskan bureaucrats have long been on this endeavor & it makes me sick! It is NOT the government’s responsibility to register voters. It is the individual’s! Just stop babying grown-A adults! If they don’t give a crap about voting, then let them not vote- that’s on them. Automatic registration & mail-in voting that encourages ballot harvesting & other types of unethical behavior (GL anyone?) is the reason Anchorage is dealing with the garbage mayor & assembly under which we currently suffer. They weren’t elected by the informed, they are elected by the ignorant government dependents who are easily duped, swayed, or straight up bought.
The public unions payed for by the Anchorage taxpayer.
Yes, that’s what this Dunleavy bill does–removes automatic voter registration. It makes it the responsibility of the individual to register themselves.
We Alaskan voters ask: Why doesn’t Governor Dunleavy submit a bill to repeal ranked-choice voting? ?
Wow! This make so much sense. So smart to keep people off the voting rolls that either don’t want to be, or who should not be on voter rolls. Dems wanted this provision to bloat the rolls and have a greater chance to win elections, especially the April elections. I know because I worked with Dem movers and shakers who couldn’t stop talking about this. Next: abolish April elections and RCV.
Agree with that.
It is one thing to offer a voter registration form to someone using a government site. I do not have a problem with the DMV asking if I want to register to vote.
I do have a problem with automatically registering everyone who gets a PFD, uses the DMV, etc… Registering to vote MUST be a choice made by the individual, not the government.
One should have to get a Covid vaccine in the butt cheek in order to get one’s PFD
I’m assuming this is a parody.
Thats a good start, how about requiring ballots to have serial numbers for tracking and prevent cheating.
Absentee ballots do have serial number…In person voting: when you sign in on that line; they check your ID, and voting card and your signature; the number is the serial number which is their tracking number , ..I asked about that..this past election because I let them know I needed a tracking number.
Step in the correct direction. Especially the requirement for absentee ballots to be received by election day. No more of this “we have to wait until forever after election day” to run the RCV algorithms.
No justice for me
Big mike is just a little bit late to THAT party…
What does Obama’s husband have to do with this?
Voter registrationn with PFD is a cost effective method of reconciling voting rolls, and aiding in uniform distribution of representation (redistricting). By mail voting should be available statewide with postage paid. Limiting mail in voting based on area population is clearly unconstitutional. Absentee ballots should be pre qualified to aid election workers, but no coiunting should begin prior to election day.
If it is a cost effective way of reconciling voter ID rolls, why are there so many errors in the Alaska voter database? Effective is the operative word here, and since the experiment has been an abject failure, I would say the opposite is happening.
Thank you, Governor Dunleavy, for HB63 – Election Efficiency and Integrity bill.
We need to protect our democratic institutions from corruption and irregularities. We need to have complete trust in our voting system.
I didn’t like how the “YES” vote for Ballot Measure #2 won by 4000 votes at the end of election day (Nov. 5, 2024), but over the next several days, the “NO” absentee votes trickled in and crept up to win by 700 votes. I’m not saying there was any cheating, but it makes one wonder. I had voted “YES” (to get rid of ranked choice voting) on election day.
How about voter ID?? Hello?
We have voter ID w/our names, addresses & pol party on them
Division of Elections mails them to us.
Didn’t you get one?
But, if you were to show up at the polling place and say you refuse to provide an ID, they will still let you vote.
Any form of automatic voter registration should be ended. In person registration will proper identification and proof of residency is the only way to stop registration fraud.
Thanks Mike.
Too bad the commies in Juno won’t let it happen.