Dunleavy asks Trump to undo Biden’s four years of damage to Alaska’s economy

Governor Mike Dunleavy greets President Donald Trump at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in 2019.

In a letter to President Donald Trump and his transition team, Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy pulled no punches about how devastating the past four years have been for Alaska. And he asked Trump to, on his first day in office, issue an executive order to help restore Alaska’s economy, starting with the Ambler Access Road to the state’s mining district, and reopening the 1002 Area of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for energy development.

“In your first term, you led in realizing A1aska’s potential like no other President in history. Alaska’s untapped energy and mineral resources stand ready to contribute to America’s economic revival and national security,” Dunleavy said.

“Over the last four years, under the Biden Administration, Alaska has been targeted by no less than 60 White House executive orders and agency actions, undermining the State’s authority over its land and people, cutting off access to public lands, foreclosing future energy and mineral development for our Nation, and destroying economic opportunity.
Your election will hail in a new era of optimism and opportunity, and Alaska stands ready and is eager to work with you to repair this damage wrought by the previous administration, and to set both Alaska and America on a course to prosperity,” Dunleavy wrote. “In order to move quickly, I ask that you issue an Alaska-specific Executive Order on your first day in office, setting in motion critical agency actions that would restore opportunity to Alaska that your Administration set forth.:

Dunleavy specified:
Reversing Biden’s resource lockdown on Alaska and reinstating Trump’s previous administration’s actions, opening ANWR and the Ambler Mining District.

Ending the Biden “Deep State” overreach by reversing agency actions that lock up Alaska lands and resources.

Restoring Alaska’s authority over wildlife, lands, and waters, and completing the transfer of statehood lands promised in 1959 for the benefit of the people of our State and the Nation.

Dunleavy also said he expects more 11th-hour punishment of Alaska by the Biden Administration that will need to be undone by Trump when he takes office on Jan. 20.

In addition to the reversal of these actions listed above, we anticipate the Biden Administration in the closing days of their tenure, between now and January 20, 2025, will Dunleavy will flag those for the incoming president’s consideration.

The specific executive orders that Dunleavy requested include these items to reverse Biden’s Alaska resource lockdown:

  • Reissue TRUMP ANWR Leases, Initiate Exploration, and Hold Lease Sale
  • Reissue TRUMP National Petroleum Reserve Plan, Reverse Biden Reserve Lock-Up Rule
  • Reissue TRUMP Ambler Mining Road Permits to Open Alaska Critical Mineral Storehouse
  • Reissue TRUMP Tongass Roads Rule to Allow Mineral, Timber, and Community Access
  • Restore TRUMP Wetlands Policies and Allow Alaska to Develop One Percent
    End Biden’s Deep State Agency Alaska Overreach
  • Reverse Over 60 Biden Agency Actions Targeting the Lock-Up of Alaska Lands
  • Reverse Biden Endangered Species Act and Marine Mammal Protection Act Weaponized
    Actions Used to Lock-Up Oil & Gas and Mineral Resources in the Name of Climate Change
  • Reverse Biden Agency Actions Dividing Alaskans over Fish, Wildlife and State authority
    Counter Biden’s Attack on Alaskan Management of Alaska’s Assets
  • Restore Alaska’s Primary Authority Over Fish & Wildlife Guaranteed by Law
  • Restore Full Primacy for States Under the Clean Water Act Guaranteed by Law
  • Revoke Obsolete Public Land Orders so Alaska May Finally Receive its Statehood Lands
  • End Agency Stonewalling and Recognize Alaska’s Ownership of its Submerged Lands

Read the full Dunleavy report to the Trump transition team at this link.


  1. To make Alaska great again, we have to support Trumps nominations and remove the infestation, Lisa Murkowski. Murkowski is loyal to the Washington DC establishment not Alaska.

  2. I want these projects going as fast as we can get them moving. Alaska has done NOTHING of any magnitude since we built the pipeline. 45 years dead in the water. Held hostage by bureaucrats and environmentalists. Enough already.

  3. Trump was responsible for denying Army Corp of Engineers permits for Dunleavy’s defunct pebble mine though some believe Donald Trump junior persuaded his dad to stop foreign owned, Security’s fraud convicted Northern Dynasty who cheated investors out of 200 million but have only paid 6.3 million. Google it.
    Summarize; Biden is Dunleavy’s scape goat.

    • O quit flipping about pebble 3rd. You were against it yourself as I remember. One thing we do know for sure if we go to war we know where there is a massive amount of copper. Biden is the worst president in us history. I’ll agree with you on that for sure.

      • I agree on everything except if you look at the pebble plan, the war would be over by the time copper ingots are produced, 10 years to build airport, Cook Inlet gas line and infrastructure to power it and much more. Trump said no on pebble anyway.
        Pebble is a low concentration wide spread ore deposit.

        • Hey 3rd & other Pepple promoters: google what a copper mine looks like in the real world … ck out Bisbee in the state of AZ … notice that the land is desert-like … now ck out Pebble Mine Alaska … what is most noticeable? Maybe how F…g wet it is?… that’s the reason there is absolutely no way that the mountain it occupies can be remediated … once the toxins involved in removing the orr from the soil is dumped onto the soil there’ll never be a way to get it out of the soil —> that’s tundra!!! what is tundra? here’s a mental picture for those who have no tundra experience: its moss, water, sticks, more water, stones,more water, twigs, & more water; it’s solid ice in the winter months (6 + months) & hard as rock … you walk on it w/no problem but if you return in the warm months —> summer … & walk over the same turrain, u’ll fall thru up to you trunk w/every other step. That’s why it’s the largest salomn breeding & harvest ground in the WORLD … the salmon spawn there in all that water u dumb sh_ts! It supports all the native tribes –> 31 tribes referred to as BBNA (Bristor Bay Native Association) plus all the coastal fishing communities in Alaska plus much of the fishing crews who winter in Washington & Oregon.

          • M Kelly; Yes, you are correct and I see you have studied the pebble plan and people don’t understand that acid generated sulfides along with finely ground ore with lead coupled with water is a killer, though the majority are against it.
            There is an economic way to open pit mining but not an environmental way to do it safely, yet Dunleavy is suing the federal government on behalf of claim owners foreign owned Northern Dynasty, it doesn’t make sense.
            Summarize; Wet land open pit mining and dry pit mining are very differant.

    • The argument between pro and anti Pebble sides in front of Trump never happened. Decision was too close to Trump leaving office.

      Pebble isn’t dead. Merely resting. Need still exists for the rare earth metals from the mine. Same with the mining district accessed by the Ambler Road. Both projects will be built. My guess is sooner rather than later. Cheers –

  4. Democrats have tried to put a wet, heavy, frozen blanket over Alaska to destroy its economy. We hope President Trump can reverse all of it. ??

    • You’re dead wrong, Donald Trump Junior hunts and fishes in Alaska and as a close advisor to his dad, has and will continue to make Alaska off limits to state government, with the exception of oil and gas.

        • Pedro bay native corporation cut off access to the mining claims and besides, Trump said no on pebble, google it and see for your self.

    • It’s the Democrats who have insisted the past 30 years that Alaska is a NATIONAL PARK, not a STATE to be able to provide for their people to survive.

  5. The list is longer than here in the article. The actors in the demise of the list is also centered on L. Murkowski, the good friend and buddy to Biden, who pushed every button and pulled every string to accommodate Biden and his agenda. So, lets do a recall of Murkowski and look to putting her out to pasture. Today she is in a state of “shame” for her past activities and actions on Alaska. Putting the right players who created destruction to Alaska is paramount, so add L. Murkowski to the list of bad actors.

  6. Is this going to solve the Cook Inlet drilling issue so we have natural gas to heat our homes before we run out? I sure hope so.

  7. Biden was the best thing to happen to Dunleavy. He had an excuse for his ineptness. When I go the the governor’s Facebook page the first thing I see is a pinned post from. 2022. He is announcing the $3284 PFD. That is twice anything delivered during the Trump administration. He should thank Joe for helping on what he sees as his acomplishment.

  8. Maybe Big Mike should close his immigrant employment center….I might start thinking he gives a —- about the state then….

    • According to Representative Allard, there are 5-10,000 illegals and 60,000 non citizens living in Alaska now. That’s almost 100,000.
      Someone should ask Dunleavy just how many more he is going to bring in with grants to NGOs ?
      Seems he’s willing to sell Alaskans out with whatever they are holding against or in front of him. God help us all !
      Alaska is at risk of being overwhelmed trying to support them all !

  9. Irrelevant Gov. Dunleavy is attention-seeking. Jump on the bandwagon, there, Mike and beat the drum for Alaska.
    how many lawsuits has your Attorney General lost so far?

    The Challenge of Poor Governance

  10. The mandate is clear. Murkowski must go. Alaska needs strident, honest representation in D.C. and ‘we the folks’ must find that talent, void of partisanship.

  11. Lisa (aka: Daddy’s Little Princess) could help with Dunleavy’s effort here, if so so can compartmentalize here emotions and chooses to! Her choice! Let’s all pay attention to her actions as it affects all Alaskans & Alaskans!!!

  12. True leadership, Big Mike. If this happens and Trump overturns Biden’s overturning of Trump’s EOs and legislation, then the industry needs to step up, kick it into high gear and get it done – otherwise the (D)ems stand a chance of getting into power again and chucking all this progress into the (D)umpster.

  13. Pretty comprehensive list. Note the request to complete the transfer of land guaranteed in the 1959 Statehood Act. This a key item and must be done while Alaska has a friendly president in the White House. It can’t wait any longer.

  14. It’s telling that there is a lot of sentiment at this opinion site advocating for indiscriminate plundering of Alaska’s non-renewable natural resources. Thank heavens it is representative of a minority.

  15. The Congressional Review Act is up to bat and should be used early and often to reverse actions taken by Biden and his regulatory flying monkeys over the course of the last 4 years. Nick, you’re up to bat. Cheers –

  16. -It took Shell seven years and $7 billion to get the federal government’s permission to drill a single oil-exploration well off the coast of Alaska.
    -It took 17 years to receive a permit for the SunZia energy project in the Western US.
    – It took more than 40 years to permit the Cooper Landing Bypass project, a 15 mile highway project in Alaska.
    -New U.S. highway construction projects usually take between nine and 19 years from initial planning and permitting to completion of construction.
    -It will have taken almost 25 ears to permit and construct The Gross Reservoir expansion project in
    Colorado, expected to be completed in 2027.
    -It took almost 20 years to permit the Kensington gold mine in Alaska.
    -It took four years to construct a new runway at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, but it took 15 Years to obtain permitting.

    In FY2024, U.S. Congress provided $516 billion to programs whose authorizations previously expired under federal law. Nearly $320 billion of that S516 billion expired more a decade ago.

    A day one reversal sounds nice but my concern is in the longevity of our nation.

  17. Very good. Access to private land is equally paramount to a civil population and currently no one appreciates that in a state bisected by corporate transportation facilities and where less than three percent of the land is in private fee title unlike in NY state where ninety eight (98) percent of New York land IS in the private sector and consequently a developed private sector and possibility of private family wealth exists. We don’t want that for Alaska and It is not allowed while communist public policy preached and preferred in lieu..

  18. Trump believes we still need Dunleavy as governor to help carry out Trump’s resource development in Alaska. There will be more opportunities for Dunleavy down the road.
    And we need Big Mike to get us our full, statutory PFDs.

  19. Before the rest of Ak land selections are made, the Federal Public Land Order lockdowns that were supposed to to be “temporary” that locked up prime state land selections needs to be lifted so we are not stuck with useless mountain tops and glaciers.

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