Dunleavy asks feds for waiver on REAL ID deadline


The Dunleavy administration has asked the federal government for an extension on the REAL ID deadline, due to the ongoing national emergency caused by the COVID virus outbreak.

The REAL ID law stipulates that on Oct. 1, 2020, all people will need a REAL ID-compliant identification, such as a REAL ID driver’s license or a U.S. passport, in order to board commercial flights, enter federal buildings or gain access to American nuclear plants.

In many parts of rural Alaska, people have not yet acted to bring their identification into compliance. The new Alaska driver’s license that is REAL ID compliant has certain design features that indicate the holder of the card has been verified by the state Division of Motor Vehicles.

Nationally, according to the Department of Homeland Security, only 95 million out of 276 million total drivers and ID cards met the Real ID standards, although many Americans hold passports, and those are considered REAL-ID compliant and may be used to get through the TSA checkpoints at airports.

No response has yet been received by the Department of Homeland Security, sources in the Administration said.


  1. Yes. My license expires in April and I went to DMV last Thursday to take care of it. The Palmer office was packed and people were sitting on the floor in the open area outside. I then went to the UMV and they had a long line and I just didn’t have the time. Now it’s too late. I’m just hoping I can get in before my birthday or will be forgiven for driving on an expired license.

  2. There has already been one extension. Being non-compliant in rural Alaska is just a bad habit that crops up when the community may be without.

  3. I don’t remember the State Governor, but in the meeting today with the President this was brought up.

  4. Alaska is a state full of toddlers being led by a bunch of middle schoolers. It used to be a state populated with self reliant adults……..those were the days.

    • Those were the days before we used to have a government mandated identification card to get on an airplane. Now we need the government to tell us to wash our hands or they will shutdown our businesses and lock us in our houses. We are a nation of toddlers who are ruled by sheep.

  5. I had lost my wallet several months ago and am still without ID. I had gone to the DMV to replace them. I showed the clerk all I had for ID who summoned a supervisor and I showed her my passport, my green card from when I came to Alaska in 1967 and my permanent resident hunting / fishing license. She refused to accept those for ID. They are on the list, why would she not accept them? The next day my father came with me to vouch for me in an attempt to help as I need an ID to work. She, the same supervisor glared at me then pulled it up on the computer by using my DL/ID # and she saw it was me, my dad saw it was me and I saw it was me. Yet she would not give me the card without ID…….that’s why I was there. Days later I was able to get was a paper printout from a UMV outlet store, I brought that in, she would not accept it either……So I tried going to the federal building to talk with the Dept. of naturalization to get this matter cleared up as I became naturalized when my parents did but I could not get in, no ID. The security guard that would not let me in told me that the naturalization office was at a different location anyway. So we went there to be met by another security guard who would not let me in because of…..No ID….

  6. Ben,
    You sir have my sympathy. Even with a valid US Passport one must provide other forms of Identification, meanwhile border crashers from Central America and Mexico get free medical and vote Democrat!

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