Dunleavy: Acting Revenue commissioner is Deven Mitchell


Gov. Mike Dunleavy named Deven Mitchell acting commissioner of the Alaska Department of Revenue today. Mitchell replaces outgoing Commissioner Lucinda Mahoney, who is leaving to refocus on her health and family. 

Mitchell has been employed at the Alaska Department of Revenue since 1992. He has served most recently as Alaska’s debt manager as well as executive director and treasurer of the Alaska Municipal Bond Bank Authority, a public corporation of the State. Mitchell has also worked at several Alaskan financial institutions. Mitchell will become acting commissioner starting Monday and will serve on the board of the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority.

Mitchell holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Northern Arizona University.


  1. When lawmakers & the Gov develop statutes for tax revenues, common sense tells us we need competent & fair people to carry out those laws and regulations, irrespective of whether those taxes are destined to go down or up. Devon is perfect for the job.

    The problem is, his Department has been gutted of the people he needs to carry out that mission. Good luck, Dev….

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