Double-dip: Peltola pays chief of staff with taxpayer funds, and also pays him from campaign treasury


Rep. Mary Peltola has seen a lot of turnover in her office since her first swearing-in last September. She has rid her staff of almost all registered Republicans, although the legacy media lauded her for her bipartisan staff during her first few weeks in office.

But one Democrat has stuck with her and has risen to the top of the heap: Anthony (Anton) McParland. He’s her chief of staff and her campaign manager.

McParland came from the union organizer world and shapes Peltola’s daily pro-big-union messages. He had never worked in Congress before, but McParland took over as chief of staff, after Peltola let go of Alex Ortiz, who had been Congressman Don Young’s chief of staff, departed.

McParland worked for Service Employees International Union and the National Education Association. He was a Democratic Party organizer in Oregon, Illinois, and Virginia. He moved to Alaska last August to run Peltola’s campaign, and he does not show up on Alaska voter rolls.

Peltola has arguably one of the most politicized offices in Congress, with her chief of staff also running her reelection campaign, calling into question whether McParland can really separate the two different roles.

According to, the average chief of staff in Congress makes $140,000 to $190,000 per year. On top of that, Peltola’s campaign has been paying McParland over $1,700 every two weeks for campaign services, according to the Federal Election Commission.

Congress allows staff to work on political campaigns on their own time, but there’s a cap on how much can be paid. To work on campaigns inside of federal facilities is a violation of the Hatch Act, and there are different rules for campaigns than there are for official duties on behalf of a congressional representative — things like accepting free meals.

Five have left Peltola’s office this year. Besides Ortiz, others include Paula Conru, Josh Wilson, Mark Black, and Claire Richardson.

Peltola’s current staff is listed as: Simone Auger, Logan Basner, Sam Erickson, Tyson Fick, IntiMayo Harbison, Samuel Hiratsuka, Bre Klayum, Emily Larsen, Anton McParland, Lauren Noland, Elizabeth Othmer, Josh Revak, Renee Royal.


    • John, if you had been around Alaska politics any length of time you would have noticed that in this state, ‘republican’ and ‘Democrat’ are generally pretty interchangeable.

  1. Sarah Palin is waiting for her kickback/reward $$ from Peltola. Or, maybe she already received it?

    • NB3 is waiting for his sweet contracts forconsulting on software for the office that peltola isn’t operating here

      • Chuck, I don’t know how to explain this to you in any simpler terms:
        Sarah feeds on people like you to satisfy her psychotic mind. Please don’t fall into her trap. I regret it everyday for the rest of my life.

        • Lets make it simple, like you. The Begich family are pretend nobility like the Murkowski s. They wanted to stick us with another snout in the trough

  2. Thank you Suzanne for reporting on what will be dismissed by the ADN given it’s allegiance to the Washington Post.
    An Office of Congressional Ethics investigation into Peltola should be initiated
    posted haste. It’s time to reveal the truth.

  3. So her chief of staff is a democratic organizer that isn’t even a resident of the state she represents. AOC has a person to tell her what to say also. Recall the first RCV runoff Peltola had 1 TV add,,,,, come election time she flooded the airwaves with adds. Gotta love that outside money.

  4. Oh come on now . Whats all the fuss about? What’s wrong with doing two jobs at once and collecting two paychecks. Joe Biden has been doing that for years and skates around eating ice cream and laughing all the way to the bank. I believe he has set a precedence for the entire Democratic party called “Preserving Democracy” he is always yelling about whenever they prop him up in front of a microphone.

    I certainly wouldn’t expect anything respectable about Anton McParland considering He was employed by the Union Mafia! It takes a while to get rid of any employees with any shred of decency and replace them with like minded scoundrels. Who wants a mismatched team? They must all be scumbags to get along in those tight quarters. Josh is a good fit there especially if he had his drinking buddy with him (Scott Kawasaki)

  5. Where are the Peltola supporters when these important issues come to light regarding Alaskas only representative? Come on now we would like to hear from you….Crickets is all I hear! Just like I thought its “normal” Democrat behavior.

  6. Striking resemblance between Peltola/McParland and Al Sharpton when it comes to financials,,,

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