Don Young’s office is now the Alaska At-Large Congressional Office


The late Congressman Don Young’s Communication Director Zack Brown wasn’t sure how long the facility managers of the Rayburn Building will allow Congressman Young’s name to stay next to the door of Room 2314. Young died on March 18 on a flight from Los Angeles to Seattle, where he was connecting to another flight to Southeast Alaska.

Thus, Brown had a poster produced that has one of the final portraits of Congressman Young, which is propped on an easel outside the offices. That way people can find Don Young’s old office.

The office is now known as the Alaska At-Large Congressional Office. Brown said he’ll remain the communication director for now, although his workload has changed.

Young will be the 37th person to lie in state in the Capitol, and only the 4th whose federal service was entirely in the House of Representatives, according to the House Historian. Speaker Nancy Pelosi would not allow him to lie in state in the Rotunda, but approved the request to lie in state in Statuary Hall.

For a complete list of people who have lain in state or in honor in the Capitol, visit this link.


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