Don Young rated as the most effective member of Congress


The non-partisan Center for Effective Lawmaking has named Alaska Congressman Don Young the most effective member of Congress for the 115th Congress.

“Legislative effectiveness” is defined by the group as a “proven ability to advance a member’s agenda items through the legislative process and into law.”

In the 115th Congress, Congressman Don Young authored six bills and numerous provisions in larger legislative packages – such as opening ANWR for energy development – that were ultimately signed into law by the president.

Congressman Young’s legislative achievements are even more impressive given that he did not hold a leadership position of committee Chairmanship during the 115th Congress.

The Center for Effective Lawmaking notes that “relative to the average of 17 bills introduced by House lawmakers, Young put forth 62 pieces of legislation, 19 of which received some action in committee and 14 of which reached the floor.”

His continued legislative success is a testament to his ability to build coalitions, work across party lines, and dogged determination to see Alaska’s priorities to the finish line.

Co-Director of the Center for Effective Lawmaking Alan Wiseman, said,“In Congress after Congress, Congressman Young has emerged to become among one of the most successful members of the U.S. House of Representatives in his efforts to advance his legislative agenda, and the 115th Congress was no exception; as his record of legislative successes contributed to him being the most effective lawmaker in the House.”

Congressman Young has previously been recognized for his effectiveness in Congress. In 2017, FiscalNote named him the most effective Member of Congress. Additionally, the Lugar Center determined Congressman Young to be in the top 10 percent for bipartisanship in Congress.

For more information on the bills Congressman Young has introduced in the 116th Congress, click here.

To read the Center for Effective Lawmaking’s full report on the most effective Members of Congress, click here.

The list of the top 10 Congress members for effectiveness:

1.       Don Young (AK-AL) 5.935 No committee chair
2.       Edward Royce (CA-39) 5.414 Committee chair
3.       Michael McCaul (TX-10) 5.136 Committee chair
4.       John Katko (NY-24) 4.897 Subcommittee chair
5.       Steve Knight (CA-25) 4.657 Subcommittee chair
6.       Bob Goodlatte (VA-6) 4.238 Committee chair
7.       Greg Walden (OR-2) 4.166 Committee chair
8.       Scott Tipton (CO-3) 3.988 No committee chair
9.       Steve Chabot (OH-1) 3.735 Committee chair
10.   Barbara Comstock (VA-10) 3.706 Subcommittee chair


  1. I was in DC about 15 years ago on a business trip and at a dinner function with a few people I had never met before (mostly liberals). One of them said to me “What has your congressman done for you lately”. It was said in a snotty tone of course thinking Don Young hasn’t done squat. I said, “would you like me to list that chronologically or alphabetically?”. As a born and raised Alaskan, I had a great time rattling out a list while they stared at me blankly….. I guess they thought I was born on the moon and Don Young was just a bohunk from Ft. Yukon. It was a blast!

  2. I would expect him to be effective. He’s been my US Rep since I was a senior at Dimond High School. Now I’m a senior citizen about to turn 65.

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