Will Don become ‘Dean of the House’?



Rep. John Conyers was spotted on a plane back to Detroit, Mich. today, unusual for midweek and a sign that his resignation may be imminent, after a third former staffer made allegations of sexual harassment against the longtime Democrat.

Conyers has served in Congress for nearly 53 years and is being pressured by the Congressional Black Caucus and many of his fellow Democrats to resign, according to Politico.

If he does, Rep. Don Young of Alaska will become the Dean of the House, the longest-serving member.

It’s a position not held by a Republican lawmaker since March 1933, before Rep. Young was born.

The stars are certainly aligning that way. Conyers has already stepped down from his position as the Democratic lead member of the House Judiciary Committee after it became public that he settled — using taxpayer dollars — with an accuser.

The House Ethics Committee is now investigating his conduct, which could result in a shuffling of the deck for Congress’ most senior member. His hometown paper in Democratic-heavy Detroit has already called for his resignation.

Although the Dean of the House position comes with limited responsibilities, including swearing in the Speaker of the House, it is a respected position that will add to Young’s already impressive track record of getting bills through Congress.

Young has moved six bills through Congress this year alone and will have his second bill signed into law by the end of the year.

John Conyers is the current member of the House who has served longer than anyone else presently serving, at 52 years, 321 days.

Don Young is next, having served since March 6, 1973, 44 years, 259 days, according to Wikipedia. He is the most senior Republican.


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