DOGE: University of Alaska Fairbanks subscriptions focus on woke, exclude solid academic subjects


The University of Alaska Fairbanks library subscribes to many different services, but leave it to the librarians and you’ll get certain results.

HeinOnline is a service that academic institutions subscribe to, “allowing students and researchers to search and access a vast collection of legal materials, including scholarly journals, historical documents, case law, statutes, and government publications, often dating back to the inception of the publications, all in a fully searchable, image-based format; essentially providing a comprehensive legal research platform for academic study and research.”

The University of Alaska Fairbanks library subscribes to HeinOnline. It does not subscribe to the Law Journal Library service of HeinOnline, which is a core service. But it does subscribe to these other databases:

  • Civil Rights and Social Justice
  • Gun Regulation and Legislation in America
  • LGBTQ+ Rights
  • Open Society Justice Initiative
  • Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture and Law

The Open Society Justice Initiative is a project of the George Soros-founded Open Society Foundations.

There are dozens of other databases at HeinOnline to choose from, including Voting Rights & Election Law, Judges and the Judiciary: Exploring America’s Court System, Military Legal Resources (U.S. Army JAG School), and Water Rights and Resources, to name a few. The choice of librarians to exclude the Law Journal Library in favor of the LGBTQ database and George Soros information illustrates how difficult it will be for the Trump Administration to get rid of all the woke aspects of public education, in spite of his executive orders.


  1. Public institutions invariably morph into religious cults of like-minded individuals focused on preserving their faith. These institutions can’t exist without a solid base of entitlement culture. It is difficult to believe a society can successfully eradicate these entitlements. There is a false sense of authority achieved with the induction of entitlement into the human soul. I believe the process is the path taken to Hell. And look closely at these souls. Anger, bitterness, and covetous define them. Like a spoiled child demanding more and more from its parents. The problem is, I am not your daddy.

  2. Oh so happy to see the waste and fraud being brought to light! Hang on to your hats more to come when they look into the FNSB and their idiotic idea of a 5 yr contract with Dominion Voting machines. It’s gonna hit the fan – stand up and speak up America Strong!!

  3. This kind of crap has been going on at UAA since the 90s. I’ve seen it personally. The emphasis on political correctness, as it was called then, was appalling. Study for mid-terms? Nah? March for gay and lesbian rights? Absolutely! It seems to have only become worse. Very little focus on results. I know, because I’ve hired some UAA grads who have had to be trained on work ethics and on simple things like grammar and how to show up on time.


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