By executive order, President Donald Trump is pulling back US involvement with three major United Nations sub-organizations that have been shown to have questionable activities: the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC); UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); and the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).
UNRWA has reportedly been infiltrated by members of groups long designated as foreign terrorist organizations, he said. UNRWA employees were found to be involved in the Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas attack on Israel. The organization vehemently denied the allegations, but in August it fired nine staffers for having been involved in the attack on Israel, which killed 1,200 Israelis.
UNHRC has protected human rights abusers by allowing them to use the organization to shield themselves from scrutiny. Among the members of the council are some of the worst human rights abusers in modern history.
UNESCO has demonstrated failure to reform itself, he said, and has continually demonstrated anti-Israel sentiment over the past decade. Trump ordered a review of the US membership in UNESCO.
“This review shall be led by the Secretary, in coordination with the United States Representative to the United Nations (UN Ambassador), and must be completed within 90 days of the date of this order. The review will include an evaluation of how and if UNESCO supports United States interests. In particular, the review will include an analysis of any anti-Semitism or anti-Israel sentiment within the organization,” the executive order said.
In addition, no executive departments or agencies are allowed to use any funds for grants or payments to UNRWA.
Trump also ordered a complete review by the UN Ambassador of all other international intergovernmental organizations of which the United States is a member and provides any type of funding or other support, and all conventions and treaties to which the United States is a party, to determine which organizations, conventions, and treaties are contrary to the interests of the United States and whether such organizations, conventions, or treaties can be reformed.
“Upon the conclusion of that review, the Secretary shall report the findings to the President, through the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, and provide recommendations as to whether the United States should withdraw from any such organizations, conventions, or treaties,” his order said.
“The Secretary shall inform the UN Secretary General and the leadership of UNRWA and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights that the United States will not fund UNRWA or the UNHRC and that the United States will not satisfy any claims to pay 2025 assessments or prior arrears by these organizations.
The United States helped found the United Nations (UN) after World War II to prevent future global conflicts and promote international peace and security.
But some of the UN’s agencies and bodies have drifted from this mission, Trump said, and instead act contrary to the interests of the United States while attacking our allies and propagating anti-Semitism.
As in 2018, when the United States withdrew from the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) during the Trump 1 Administration, “the United States will reevaluate our commitment to these institutions,” he said.
This week the administration also said it’s shutting down USAID offices and putting staff on leave. The US Agency for International Development closure will affect all direct-hire workers with the exception of those who are doing “mission-critical functions, core leadership and specifically designated programs.”
The Trump administration says USAID is a waste of taxpayer dollars. The agency staffers and Democrats in Congress have protested the cuts.
Additionally, the executive branch will stop spending money on Politico subscriptions after paying millions of dollars to the news Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt said on Wednesday that the administration will stop paying for subscriptions to Politico Pro, after it was discovered that more than $8 million has been given to news organization by certain agencies, including USAID, for subscriptions on the taxpayer’s dime. It is being speculated by various news organizations that the Politico payment was about $25,000, but that has not been confirmed by Must Read Alaska.
“The DOGE team is working on canceling those payments now,” Leavitt on Wednesday.
We need DOGE here in Alaska.
Exactly Lal!! Just like the million plus they recently budgeted for drone operations in western AK.
Drunken sailor spending.
Man, that is a fact!
Anchorage assembly and the dimlibbys are crazy!
Why? You are funning us right. The state is spending money it does not have, they are funding crap we neither need or can afford. We would be better off with crack heads holding our money. It is not one party either it is a bunch of them. If they were on the up and up they would gladly show you where all the money is going . Ask them for a showing, They will not show you the books. Nothing transparent about it!
Andrea; maybe you should do some research on what exactly the State of Alaska is spending so much money on. That’s what Trump has done and is cutting back on. That’s how we will get a balanced budget by trimming the excess.
Good news keep cutting.
Any progress on United States grocery prices. During the campaign I don’t recall Canada, Greenland, and the Panama Canal being the focus of his first month in office. In fact we heard quite a bit about ending the Ukraine war on day one. One phone call.
Most Sebastian you’re right about that. And by the way, there’s a whole lot of other things going on right now that we never heard about during the election either.
Relax, neither of you is correct.
Slow your roll their seabass, it took bydumb 4 years to FIU
You mean the grocery store prices that are steeply higher than they were before the illegitimate usurper China Joe took office four years ago? Those prices?
Gonna whip up some egghead salad sandwiches tomorrow at noon. You’re invited.
It’s only been two weeks. It will take months and months to unravel the chaotic mess that President Pudding Pop, his shadow government and the (D)ems created. Rest assured, Trump has done more in two weeks to flush this mess than Sleepy Joe did in four long miserable years.
No it was one phone call. Done deal, instead he is suggesting his “America First” strategy includes getting involved in Gaza. Spin this anyway you want but he is not making headway on his grocery prices BS! Or gasoline!
Where did you learn about supply-and-demand economics? The Anchorage School District?
Sebastian; I beg you to understand this simple word:
rel·e·vant ˈre-lə-vənt
Synonyms of relevant
A : having significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand
B : affording evidence tending to prove or disprove the matter at issue or under discussion
relevant testimony
c: having social relevance
The US is like a badly leaking ship. You fix the largest holes first and work your way down. As the pumps kick in the water level will drop.
Do you folks on the left get your talking points from the same individual?
Perhaps you did not hear, but today’s reason for outrage is “Elon was not elected.”
Sebastian; please read this definition; It will save you from looking foolish.
rel·e·vant ˈre-lə-vənt
Synonyms of relevant
A : having significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand
B : affording evidence tending to prove or disprove the matter at issue or under discussion
relevant testimony
c: having social relevance
I just love all of this winning!
I’m all for Space X Mars program. And let’s send Elon first.
Yeah & maybe you can be right under the launching pad for lift off!
I’ll happily be close – not that close, but close enough to push the button marked “LAUNCH”.
Good use of today’s talking point.
Tell us, is there a place where everyone can look up what the new reason for outrage? Or do you have to get on some secret mailing list?
Dog, I missed that one tiny moment where we agreed on an issue.
Where is that Dog?
So you wanna talk about making America great again? Well for almost all of my life, America has been great. It’s been a leader all around the globe in almost every way you can think. Technology. Diplomacy. Democracy. Economics. Freedom. Compassion. Respect.
And now here comes Trump and his clown car. No more World Health Organization. Great. All the good we were doing there is over. No more Paris climate agreement. Great. Let the world heat up and flood. No more United Nations. Great. Now we’ll fight everything out and let people die instead of trying to solve things with negotiation and discussion. No more USAID. Great. Now we can watch children around the globe starve to death on our mobile phones while China comes in and fills the vacuum.
Boy are we winning. I can hardly stand all this winning.
Basically, Trump is not making America Great again. He is ruining the place. And he’s not even close to being done. By the time he is finished, the place won’t be recognizable, we will all be poorer, the world will be on fire due to the lack of our leadership, and we will all, including Trump, be the laughingstock of the globe. Meanwhile, China will fill the vacuum, and we will be all the worse for it.
Trump is not making America great again. America has been great in the past, and it is still, in the eyes of most people in this world, pretty darn great. But now he is burning it all down. He is the great destroyer.
Hopefully he’ll be gone before he does damage that can’t be undone. Thank you to everyone who voted for him. You’re going to soon find out how wrong you were.
Seeing you in such discomfort gives me great pleasure. By all means…….continue.
Yeah, sadism is a big part of MAGA, too.
No Whidbey, is more like finally smacking that annoying mosquito that has been buzzing by my ear all night.
Finally, the annoyance of society (represented by you, the mosquito) is getting the collective slap and will eventually lead to peaceful silence.
Do I take pleasure in smacking the mosquito? No, the pleasure is in the aftermath.
“Basically, Trump is not making America Great again. He is ruining the place. ”
Legitimate question here, Thomas.
If you think President Trump is making America worse by leaving the WHO, pulling out of the Paris agreement, etc… Explain how surrendering our sovereignty to the UN (the WHO was pushing for that under their pandemic treaty), and crippling our ability to produce and use US energy, while sending billions to 3rd world countries so they can build coal power plants is being a world leader?
Last time I checked, leaders do not subserviate themselves.
Whole lot of doom mongering fluff void of any substance.
What’s wrong with canceling our membership dues to a lying orgnaization like The World “Health” Organization? They collueded with the Chinese Government to withhold information about the Covid Virus for at least 6 months. That act alone is valid grounds to dump them
As for the Paris Accord; did you read it? America will have to pay the most and agree to more pointless Environmental regulations than all other countries. It lets China and India totally off the hook – even though they are the biggest polluters in the world.
All other issues regarding Trumps policies have been proven to be helpful, yet you insist on ignoring the facts presented you. Why?
Trump is stopping the bleeding that will kill this country in short order. All those wonderful agencies you list are nothing more than money laundering schemes. Easy to see who’s gotten rich over this.
Dog, I presented facts that exposed your lies. Are you going to counter me with more evidence? I might be missing something, I’d like to be proven wrong
That’s the difference between Democrats and everyone else; we want to be proven wrong with facts.
You just have name calling and baseless accusations.
He’s just plumb crazy, going around that bend so fast like his head is on a swivel. Seems like he and those egging him on are simply asking for a disastrous end game
Mrs. N, your vague assertions and opinion is ignored as usual.
It is exactly what we voted for.
In fact, the more leftist angst he causes, the happier we are.
The morning of November 8th, 2024, I woke up with a huge smile.
Now I’m laughing my a– off every single day.
I am glad you are not happy N
Makes my day
The UN always has been a joke that’s not funny. Nothing but a bunch of overpaid bureaucrats spending US taxpayer’s money.
Foreign policy is a bread, or bullets and blood approach. The USA is changing course to bullets and blood
Foreign policy is a lead, or be led approach. If you want to lead, you must be able to defend that position. And the way to defend your leadership role is to have a strong military.
On the other hand, every time the UN or other globalist organizations told the 0bama/Biden administrations to bow down and cripple your country’s ability to lead, they did it. President Trump is placing the USA at the forefront.
To paraphrase President Reagan, no one ever attacked the USA because we were too strong.
Ready for DOGE and ICE to come do the jobs in Alaska
So you wanna talk about making America great again? Well for almost all of my life, America has been great. It’s been a leader all around the globe in almost every way you can think. Technology. Diplomacy. Democracy. Economics. Freedom. Compassion. Respect.
And now here comes Trump and his clown car. No more World Health Organization. Great. All the good we were doing there is over. No more Paris climate agreement. Great. Let the world heat up and flood. No more United Nations. Great. Now we’ll fight everything out and let people die instead of trying to solve things with negotiation and discussion. No more USAID. Great. Now we can watch children around the globe starve to death on our mobile phones while China comes in and fills the vacuum.
Boy are we winning. I can hardly stand all this winning.
Basically, Trump is not making America Great again. He is ruining the place. And he’s not even close to being done. By the time he is finished, the place won’t be recognizable, we will all be poorer, the world will be on fire due to the lack of our leadership, and we will all, including Trump, be the laughingstock of the globe. Meanwhile, China will fill the vacuum, and we will be all the worse for it.
Trump is not making America great again. America has been great in the past, and it is still, in the eyes of most people in this world, pretty darn great. But now he is burning it all down. He is the great destroyer.
Hopefully he’ll be gone before he does damage that can’t be undone. Thank you to everyone who voted for him. You’re going to soon find out how wrong you were.
Not that you’re worth the rebuttal but, here it is: More US citizens than not are fed up with the reckless spending of tax money that’s unaccounted for that, for the most part pays for administration costs; I.E. money to the people who run the NGO’s. So. We’ve had it. If the world needs the WHO, WEF, PCA, UN and whatever else that we overwhelmingly support, they can start paying more and they can meddle with other country’s politics. Exposing USAID for what it really is and has become is a breath of fresh air.
Well, thank you very much for investing your time to rebut me.
Idk… there’s a lot of moving objects going at one time… and that’s probably the objective…
But alas, don’t worry…be happy…
That the reason why Frank Murkowki reversed the SOL on rape didn’t sue the SOA…just held the doors of justice open… and the First Peoples walked in and reported the Catholic Church…
Or that the reason why Palin resigned was because she got caught committing crimes…no jail time…yet.
Or that the reason why Russia exhumed graves in Russia and Jerusalem was because of a DNA test…
Or that after Russia invaded Ukraine that DNA test made it to the UN and the ICC…after that they started seizing assets… globally…
So the current chit show is because of money…
A largely amount… talking trillions…
And I guess we can all thank God that the owner of that HUGE account is on the front lines with us?
Not living in some ivory tower…if the obvious intent was to “crucify those you cannot forget” welp that backfired bigly…and it’s only going to get worse…
Nice to know poor little rich girl is among us…
What “damage” exactly? So far, he’s been actually living up to MAGA and he’s only been back in office under a month.
Trump is like a bull in a china shop. I hope he doesn’t stop until every last piece is smashed to bits!
Exactly. That includes the democrat party and whidbey and Sebastian.
“Hatred corrodes the container it’s carried in…”
Righteous anger is not “hatred”, Whidbey. But when you are determined to speciously and egregiously demonize your political opponents at every opportunity in your inchoate rage, the two apparently seem to blend together.
And by the way, when I refer to you and your ilk as “radical leftist extremists”, I am not using that phrase as a slur (although it could be). It is simply the most precise term that I can find to describe you, and them.
But speaking of hatred, what is it that all you radical leftists have been showing towards Trump, and his voters, for the past 8 or 9 years? It certainly has not been love!
Dog, you really should let go of your hate. There is no justification for it.
USAID funded all of the media not banned in the so called “democracy” one party state termed Ukraine. Cutting off the jugular vein of foreign meddling and Empire building world wide, saves us billions, and the rats are scurrying worldwide.
The National Endowment for Democracy is another black hole used to funnel billions into creating dictatorships under US control that is needing to be ended.
To all you Trump haters:
“Get over it! There’s more to come!”
I thought the world was going to end when Obummer was elected. He even said he was going to “unite all Americans”, … but all he did in his first eight-years and then his second four-years (Bydum) was create the biggest division amongst the races that any other President this country has known. By all accounts, the mess my President has stepped in is completely Obama’s making.
President Trump is obviously taking a wrecking ball to all the waste and abuse the previous Administration has heaped upon us taxpayers and that includes all of you Trump haters, i.e., Whidbey the “whinning” Dog, M.John, Sebastian, etc., and et al.
The waste and abuse of the USAID has shocked most, if not all Americans and the only remedy, is of course, to shut it ALL down. You Trump haters are the most asinine idiots and you all have no freaking clue as to what the libtards have done with your tax dollars. I am so grateful for the light that is being used to show just how much wreckage and abuse (to use something for the wrong purpose in a way that is harmful or morally wrong) this past Administration(s) have incurred. Trump promised he would do this if elected and he won in a flippin’ landslide!!!
So, to all you people who hate Trump, … like … get over it real quick because there’s more to come.
Boy … do I like the smell of winning!
I woke up November 7th, 2024 with a huge smile on my face.
I woke up this morning with an even bigger smile.
DOGE an advisory committee, with the power to look at the unseen. Every American is entitled to the same right, to see and know what the government is doing. They are our servants. Yet much is hidden from the electorate.
Amen to that.
It is amazing how much waste there really is in the Federal government. All of it funded by your tax dollars.
I love what DOGE is doing.
I find it baffling that everyone opposing Trump and DOGE is crying the exact opposite.
Even when you point out exactly what DOGE is doing.. they still cry “Fascism”.
Here’s a great article laying out what has been happening of late. Long overdue. And, yes, it gives me great joy when Dem heads explode because that means the world is getting better.
Get along, little DOGEies.
Yippie Kiya.. Mother..F****rs!
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