A group of Alaskans, inspired by Elon Musk and his team of analysts are the Department of Government Efficiency, has started DOGE Alaska.
The initiative was conceptualized in November by Jamie Allard, who has since recruited Alaska citizens dedicated to the same lean-government principles as the Department of Government Efficiency that is exposing government waste and fraud on behalf of President Donald Trump.
In her capacity as a citizen, and not in her job as a representative for Eagle River, Allard has brought on several people as the founding members of the group, including:
- Cathy Tilton, Wasilla civic leader
- Bob Griffin, former member of Alaska Board of Education
- Craig Campbell, former lieutenant governor
- Loren Leman, former lieutenant governor
- Dan Sullivan, former Anchorage mayor
- Jordan Harary, IT and AI
- Suzanne Downing, Somewhere in Alaska
- Portia Erickson, former community engagement director for Municipality of Anchorage
- Sami Graham, educator and former chief of staff, Anchorage mayor
- Jordan Schuster, Fairbanks businessman
- Jamie Allard, Eagle River
The group will be researching and encouraging others to research waste, fraud, and misuse of public funds in Alaska, and findings will be reported to the public. The group has no role in the administration of Gov. Mike Dunleavy, the Alaska Legislature, or the Trump Administration.
“Of course, it’s our sincerest hope that we don’t find waste, fraud, or abuse in our state budget, but considering that our state has the highest level of federal funding per capita, it’s likely that some federal and state funds are being directed to places where they have marginal benefit. We welcome people to research and send us what they find because this is going to be a group project for Alaska,” said Jamie Allard.
“We are all volunteers, and would love to work ourselves out of the job of tracking down misuse of public money,” she said. “There are so many people in Alaska who have stepped forward to help, and more will step forward, of that I am confident.”
The initial team can be seen here.
A website with contact information has been established. Alaskans who know of specific instances of misuse of funds can forward the information through the website.
To learn more, go to www.DOGE-Alaska.com
Elon/DOGE/Trump will destroy America’s reputation, and much of it is already gone thanks to them. Eviscerating foreign aid is a prime example and it’s only the start.
The America that created U.S.A.I.D. had an expansive view of itself in the world: defending freedom, buttressing international institutions, waging battles for the hearts and minds of peoples across the world — an effort that dovetailed with the civil rights movement at home. The administration that is cannibalizing U.S.A.I.D. has a very different sense of its place in the world: threatening conquest of smaller nations, withdrawing from international institutions, casually proposing ethnic cleansing in Gaza — a worldview that complements the mass deportations and erasure of diversity programs at home. A nation growing smaller in size and self-conception. And of course Chi-na will step right in as Trump has created a huge opening for them.
I wonder what this almost all-White group will do to Alaska. It’s apparently got its own IT arm and its own propaganda tool (MRAK), just like Elon. If I were a Native I think I would be a little afraid.
What a sad state of affairs. Good luck to all!
Bark bark bark
Go chase some parked cars.
Or click those ruby slippers three times.
We shouldn’t need to give tons of money to other countries to support or “like” us. It smells like bribery to me. Just being logical, we need to take care of our own first.
Thedog ol’ boy, there you go again.
USAID is nothing like it was at its inception and anyone making that argument is purposefully misinformed.
I encourage you to better inform yourself by reading an article at Foreign Policy, which explains how USAID has been covertly operating in vile, costly, and non-humanitarian ways for decades.
Here’s just a clip of it for you: “Though better known for administering humanitarian aid around the world, USAID has a long history of engaging in intelligence work and meddling in the domestic politics of aid recipients. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, the agency often partnered with the CIA’s now-shuttered Office of Public Safety, a department beset by allegations that it trained foreign police in “terror and torture techniques” and encouraged official brutality, according to a 1976 Government Accountability Office report.”
That does not even scratch the surface of the spy-and-meddle activities it is involved in. Of course, USAID denied it,.
Maybe you don’t believe the magazine. Maybe they’re lying. How about your friends at AP writing about the twitter app that USAID developed for Cuba to start a revolution…Does ZunZuneo ring any bells or have you fried those brain cells with all that dope you are evidently smoking?
‘ https://apnews.com/article/technology-cuba-united-states-government-904a9a6a1bcd46cebfc14bea2ee30fdf
Really sad, Whidbey, that you can’t take off your blinders. I didn’t think you were that irrational … until you asked MRAK to reveal how many handguns it has on site…that was kind of whack of you TBH. No, actually, that was totally whack.
To be clear, I asked MRAK to state their policy for carrying guns on their work premises. Please don’t misrepresent my words. And also to be clear, they never replied which means to me that they are afraid to post it.
Or maybe it was simply over the line for you to ask such an intrusive question in the first place?
Whidbey, you have stated repeatedly that you are not a radical leftist, but virtually EVERY post that I have ever read from you here in MRAK is reflective of the classic radical leftist mindset — anti-gun, arrogant, elitist, pro-big-government, pro-conformity, pro-dependence, pro-deviancy, and all the rest of it. Who do you think you are fooling here?
the dog is not anti gun. He has guns himself (per his own words).
He is against others having guns.
Only himself !
Just wondering if they practice what they preach…
Dog; are you proud of your hypocrisy?
A deliberate veiled threat of violence against MRAK.
It’s always the Left that resorts to violence when they don’t get their way politically.
Maoists, Leninists, Nazis, Pol Pot, Castro & Che, Antifa, BLM (remember the 5 cops they killed and 7 cops injured in Dallas in 2016? It’s never talked about).
“…they never replied which means to me that they are afraid to post it.”
No, it does not.
It means they chose not to answer your question. Nothing more.
That you choose to make that assumption does say a lot about you. Most of it not good.
“And also to be clear, they never replied which means to me that they are afraid to post it.”
I ask you direct questions quite often.
You rarely respond, and most of the time, when you do, it is not an answer to the specific question I have asked you.
I guess that means you are afraid to post your answer.
I come here to express my opinions, not to respond to your queries.
Threats of violence against MRAK should get you banned from the site.
What do you think Suzanne is doing?
HINT: Reporting, and expressing opinions.
Dog, if you had consistent and relevant words to not mis represent or misinterpret in the first place.
But do keep up your irrevant string of lies.
Nobody is afraid to respond to your idiot questions. I expect you are mostly beneath notice. Nice of you to let everyone know you are a soft target. Probably not a smart move.
Well, I did get a whole story in MRAK, which was on the front page for weeks. Ain’t nuthin’.
Hilarious that you think you deserve an answer.
Dog, you almost appear to be [almost] open minded and reasonable. Prove that’s the case by admitting you have been proven dead wrong and the healing can begin.
Stay on point Dog
Can we please 🙏🏼 have a look at this now…
The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) in Gakona, Alaska is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF).
The NSF funds the Subauroral Geophysical Observatory (SAGO) for Space Physics and Radio Science, which includes the HAARP facility. The NSF grant supports research, travel, and education.
The UAF Geophysical Institute operates the HAARP facility under an agreement with the Air Force. The Air Force developed and owned HAARP, but transferred the research instruments to UAF in 2015.
The UAF operates the facility on a pay-per-use basis. The UAF Geophysical Institute also holds an annual open house to welcome visitors to the site.
The HAARP facility is the world’s most powerful high-frequency transmitter for studying the ionosphere. The facility is located near Gakona, Alaska, in a prime location for studying the ionosphere and magnetosphere.
What does skin color have to do with anything?
Haven’t you heard, we are a meritocracy now.
And, it is very interesting how the left is all kinds of angry at the people who are exposing the fraud and waste, but not outraged at the people who are committing fraud, and wasting their tax dollars.
Thedog, If you knew anything about Native politics you would know that the level of corruption and misuse of grant monies, the modern basis of the rural “economy”, is massive.
The resource based economy was ended by a variety of factors, the Sea Mammal Protection Act being a prime example to create humiliating dependence on the outside culture hand outs. Removing the ability of men to hunt for resources convertible to earned cash, making them superfluous.
Mass rape of children by “educators” to create generational extended family dysfunction, insuring a large percentage of the people were both largely illiterate and constantly coping with issues of child abuse, to prevent a cohesive resistance to outside control.
The women largely became the providers by becoming grant writers to fund all aspects of rural existence. The grant based spending economy creates issues for which another series of grants were created to “solve” the problems the 1st level created. Yet the whole model is flawed and is a continuous waste.
As with all human beings as fallen creatures, petty politics and corruption took hold and we have created the putrid mess of impoverished ghettos and loss of societal order out of what where functional and pleasant villages.
This is why you see objections raised by certain villages towards modern resource development and productive economic activity in and near their communities.
The grant writers are simply paid off, very well, to perpetuate this failed system. They do not want to relinquish their cushy, non productive careers in favor of actual productive careers. Never mind the cost to everyone else in the communities. The same holds true for the non Natives in the rest of our State are doing in government positions.
Shedding sunlight on state wasteful spending is just as important as at the federal level for us. Time to clean out rat infested Juneau and go back to a resource, private enterprise economic based society.
“Grant Writer” seems to be an honored position in Alaska. Some of the best and brightest young people aspire to this exalted career. A friend was employed in one of these non-profits, and she said her job was scheduling meetings. Other employees seldom showed up or, if they did show up, did nothing. The whole purpose seemed to be to provide jobs. I had a friend who was an IRS auditor- he said the government needed to send him and others like him to audit the expense side of the government. He said he could cut 30% of federal spending and no one would notice. It sounds like Trump is doing that. Long overdue!
“Almost all white” …they just can’t help it, can they? When in doubt pull out the race card. If you want to have some fun with liberals just replace “white” with any other racial color and then sit back and enjoy the howls of outrage.
Put down the crack pipe, Whidbey.
Dog, take a seat and be quiet.
Reputation? Reputation of Democrats.
Stealing, cheating, lying, self-dealing. It’s what Democrats do for each other in the name of building up more government at the expense of taxpayers who flit the bill for all of their dirty deeds
Under Trump, it’s coming to an end, quick. Trump Time.
Actually whidbey… Weak liberals have destroyed our reputation. They look at limp noodles and gag.
The times are a changing. Change with it or be left behind.
“Elon/DOGE/Trump will destroy America’s reputation, and much of it is already gone thanks to them.”
The only thing they can possibly do, is begin to restore our reputation. Fortunately, they seem to have had some extra time to think about this. Now its ‘go time’, and the “Old Yeller” hand wringers are getting twitchy. I love it!
No rebuttal from me, dog. Against stupidity even the gods contend in vain.
Here is the thing WTD, if you and your compatriots think this is all so important, having Sesame Street in Iran and LGBT awareness in Serbia, then why not all of you chip in your own money and talk to your buddy George (Soros) or Reid (Hoffman) and other like-minded individuals and pool your funds to create and maintain this endeavors?
Why does this have to be on the taxpayers dime? Shouldn’t tax dollars be spend to improve our old infrastructure, keep SS and Medicare solvent, provide for the common defense, promote peace and tranquility in the country by enforcing our laws etc…??
This is a fundamental question of priorities for the good of all vs the vagaries of the few and entitled.
His dogma still can’t catch my carma.
I don’t think what you think is what is happening.
Cry louder Whidbey, I can’t hear you…..
You are being led around by the nose. If Trump ever went after true corrupt government that thought it didn’t need to answer to anyone, that corrupt agency would know exactly what to say to make you think what he was doing was bad and you would eat up and believe every word of it. Oh wait, that’s not a hypothetical.
Not just natives should be concerned, several other agencies should be too. I’m completely supportive on what our current administration is doing. This is what Trump ran on and this is what we voted for.
Yes.. It’s a sad state of affairs of your whining.
Here’s a good place to start.
Look at the Mayor and the Anchorage Assembly.
Also look at the legislators and their legislation as who benefited from it.
Absolutely this. Covid funds — did they ever straighten that out to follow the law? Homelessness. And then there’s that education funding issue.
An impressive group of Patriots with a noble mission‼️
GOD Bless them every one‼️
Start with an audit of the education!
Also, if public schools are closing statewide due to lack of funding then it’s time to move the capital to Anchorage.
No first start with GOV, Dunleavy’s office then the APFC ect
Naw… Lets start with the wasteful spending called “per diem” (the practice of twice a year moves to Juneau of legislators). Since you’re an IT guy, you would understand that secured VTC equipment would be cheaper than moving them. The other win, they would be close to their constituents, instead of having to fly to Juneau to see their employee (legislator).
Move the capital to Willow. It’s already in the Alaska Constitution and it’s a place that reduces the per diem of most reps. Just need that funding appropriated, and I’m hoping LNG projects will help with that.
Sounds great, but the land surveyed for the capital was sold off long ago. Will have a pick another spot in Willow and re-survey.
what on earth does one have to do with another?
Thank you! Education is the first place to look!
You should talk to some of the captains and mates in the ferry system over the past 20 years who earnestly tried to do things to save money… Operate efficiently, maximize fuel efficiency, optimize routes, avoid egregious pricing schemes for SOLAS approved equipment etc. Always fell on deaf ears with the management. most of them just gave up and put their heads down and stopped trying to do things efficiently. So much state money unnecessarily wasted. Not to mention the north Lynn canal ferry terminal debacle and the multi-million dollar retrofit for the Tazlina and Hubbard.
I echo this post!! The one department that has suffered either misplaced funding, or reflecting total disregard for the system, it is our State legislature’s allowing the system to self destruct through lack of forward planning.
Good place to start
Pipe line money has long been gone !
I know 1st hand out in Chugiak,
Parks and Rec. hides at the horse arena
Behind Loretta French , just playing around and gets real upset when called out!
Multiple times caught on duty employees
Stoned and shopping for munchies at 3 bears!
Audit all government
We the people
We need this badly. Thank you, Donald Trump. And thank you, Elon Musk. Exposing all of the Democrat’s fraud and corruption is going to cause them to go nuts. But, it HAS to be done.
BREAKING- – There’s a certain somebody in the executive branch who has already cost taxpayers about 10 MILLION DOLLARS just to play golf. Wait till Elon finds out.
Sebastian; seriously, look up the word: “Relevant”.
It will help you advance in life.
Who was this person playing golf with?
Certainly someone who doesn’t object to players teeing balls up in the fairway and driving the carts onto the greens. Certainly not his wife.
You have no idea what President does when he is on the golf course. Do you really think he is not playing with people working for him, advisors, or often visiting dignitaries? HINT: Yes, he is.
On the other hand, what did it cost the taxpayers to watch Biden sleep on the beach? Where he was meeting/talking with no one? Where was the outrage about that?
HINT: Never a peep from Sebastian, because he is a leftist and cannot say anything bad about dear leader.
But Seba, that’s only a fraction of what federal taxpayers spent on Joe Biden while he was flying around on his 747, lost half of the time, and the rest of the time covering for Hunter, fondling underaged girls, taking naps, and having his diapers changed every couple of hours. Trump puts in 18 hour work days and could still wip yur *ss.
See there’s your first big mistake
The corruption and fraud lays on both sides of the table. The partisan style of doge is not gonna work and its inefficiency along with borderline tactics will end up costing us plenty in the long run
Good crew
Most of the founding members of this DOGE. Were or are part of government that ignored the waste in the level of government, they controlled of had/have jurisdiction over. Should we believe, they seen the light? Now they want to expose it and fix it? Is this all because of President Trump? If this team needs a placed to start. Start at all the unfilled and still being funded. The empty positions in every state Division. If that can’t be fixed with this A Team, they may as well go back to their day jobs, spending our dollars.
Mayor Dan was good on less government, but his hands were tied by his Assembly.
For instance, an MOA shop was weatherizing houses here for about 35 years.
Sullivan closed that shop & now Rural-Cap hands that Fed money out to small, private, contractors.
Also you can trust Loren Leman, Bob Griffin & Suzanne Downing to zero in on gov waste …..imo.
They haven’t yet. In fact they’ve promoted it in supporting our losses of return on primary resource
How about convening a grand jury that this group can report to?
DEI is alive and well in the bureaucracy here in Alaska. And we still have people working from home instead of reporting to the office. Step one eliminate both of these.
Hopefully, Alaska DOGE will be able to take a look see at Anchorage School District. Start at the top and plow through the waste. Anchorage needs to return to education that helps build futures and stops pandering and virtual signaling to globalist agendas.
Hear, hear!
Attend the next Alaska Permanent Fund Board Meeting. What is happening to our money? An investigation is needed.
You don’t need an investigation. What is happening to Alaskas money is our prime resource is being given away for well below its actual value and there isn’t sufficient return to balance the account and let Alaskans draw any sizable dividend
You will need the governor on board, and the corrupt democrat legislators will fight this. Watch.
Corrupt legislators from both sides of the political aisle will fight this.
The corrupt members of both parties will fight this. Which sadly means nearly iur entire representation system since none of them seem to actually represent Alaska and Alaskans needs in their actions.
Also the governor is the last person you want supporting this. It will become even further partisan and ineffective at actually helping improve the state of Alaska and economy
DOGE-Alaska would be better served trying to determine which portion of state spending is NOT waste, fraud and abuse. It is certainly the much smaller fraction.
PS: And please, folks, pronounce the word correctly — It is like “DOAG”, with a hard “g”, NOT “DOJE”, like the former rulers of Venice.
Tell me you don’t understand efficiency without telling me you don’t understand efficiency.
Start with the bypass mail. Why are we subsidizing flying hundreds (not a typo) of pallets of soda into the bush every day?
I know and can agree with most of what you said, but consider the fact many of the outlying villages do not have septic tanks or a sewage system..Many of them are still carrying buckets of home sewage out somewhere and dumping it or some other place. This in itself has caused alot of health problems and to say many of the villages do not have SAFE water to drink..Thereby they’re shipping sodas etc.and whatever else from here. of course the young people prefer the sodas.. Probably don’t trust water anymore. For many of the native people that read this, you can correct me if I’m wrong…I apologize..
The villages I have been to they take plastic bags and throw them on the tundra at the edge of town. It was quite the sight to see hundreds of plastic bags. This was years age and may be rectified now, but just that philosophy tells you that the villages have trash and junk laying all over.
Kc, (this is an educated guess) Many of the USAID programs are very likely tied through the ones that are still a huge money laundering system. Some programs there will dole out just enough money to the stated program to make it appear legitimate.
The wrecking ball right now is the effective route. If Elon and his crew take notes ..and we taxy paying citizens can send notes as such, to keep the programs intact if possible.. or at least reinstate them ASAP.
Stopping the whole grift is priority
Korny, that was a factual and well written post, which surprised me. I read your ridiculous post about the enormous waste of minting cents for the past 30 years. You didn’t seem to have any information about how much the cost was, or how it compares to the trillions of dollars we have spent bombing other people into oblivion. How about some facts, please and thank you.
Natural; let me know when you learn the word: “relevant”.
That particular word is totally unknown to Democrats apparently.
If you want to see it for yourself, just show-up at ANICA
… 1801 West 47th Ave (Anchorage)
Noticing, you are speaking of the ” vortex of insanity ” , where unhealthy food is shipped to rural areas via a subsidized program, ( by pass mail) this junk food is then purchased by the rural consumers vis another government subsidized program, ( food stamps). Said consumers then become unhealthy from eating this junk and are then themselves shipped back to Hospital for medical care,( paid for by the Federal Government).
Why is our Government intentionally killing Alaska Rural Residents?
You have to be kidding me! All the names in the article are former politicians and or, in the public eye. You are the people who and others that should be investigated. The Alaskan R’s and D’s are all the same. You want real a investigation hire the citizens or cannot pay there bills or buy groceries or the property taxes are too high and have no agenda or special interest, what a joke.
Why don’t you contact them and volunteer to help? I bet they would be very happy to have you!
He’s too busy leaving the siding off his shed to avoid taxes and applying for entitlement programs. Seriously, he’s got a point. Rand Paul calls attention to himself with his Festivus report; USAID has thrived for years, under the GOP and DEM watch.
Why now?
Why are only Democrats screaming and shouting against it?
Dems aren’t the only ones. True independents and true conservatives aren’t fans of it either
Max; Really? who exactly? All I’ve seen are democrats pushing this so far.
Your “news” sources will dictate who you see complaining
And as for republicans which are mostly in name only not true conservatives are busy hiding any questioning for fear they will be put in jeopardy of losing career
Max; I’ve seen lots of protests where it is exclusively democrats screaming and shouting against DOGE.
i have seen a handful of Elected Republican officials standing up for Trump and Elon.
The few republicans you are probably talking about are saying nothing at all.
PS, Princess Lisa is a democrat speaking loudly against it.
Lol. You wouldn’t see a real republican on any tv nowadays. Not one of them is truly a proper fiscal conservative
But again yes democrats are yelling loudest. Wonder why…. A fully partisan farce of a department is targeting liberal ideal based programs. Why would any republican get angry when that would only draw trumps ire and put their pet projects at risk??
Come on man no one is really standing up for him. Just like none of these countries are really backing down. It’s all kowtowing for show and it pleases his ego and he moves on
PS, the Republicans remaining totally silent on DOGE are very likely corrupt and are probably packing their bags to the Cayman Islands. (if they were smart as they think they are)
Lmao… only the silent ones are corrupt. Got it
The loudest of these so called republicans has already proven himself corrupt (even legally)
Not that it’s much of a surprise these days with how many instances of career politicians there are and how they all seem to make money off their so called servitude to America
Maybe they will have the ‘c-ones’ to point out the elephant in the room: the native villager that forever receive yet have nothing or little tangible products to show for.
JanL, the economic black hole that is Bush Alaska, sucking in vast resources and money, with effectively nothing coming back out, is one of the many third rails of Alaskan politics that can never be touched in polite company.
Every village has very large fuel tanks (1 million gallon) to feed the power generators.
Who pays for that?
I am shocked that Jamie Allard DID NOT invite her trusted confidant and close friend Eddie Burke to join her and this group in its search for waste, fraud, and abuse in Alaska. By all appearances, she believes he is a stellar candidate for just about anything.
Wishing you the very best in your endeavor.
Post investigations and audits, be prepared to seize assets and apply claw-backs with associated interest to offenders. If not paid back in a timely manner (ie: immediately), then arrest and prosecute followed by incarceration.
Blah, blah, blah! Oh, and Blah, blah, blah!
All of this government accountability is long overdue and greatly needed, my thanks to all thise who have stepped up.
What stikes me as odd is when folks on the left like Whidbey howl and scream about government accountability and the wasting of taxpayer funds. They claim that by spending funds responsibly that government services are being denied when in fact thise funds can be pit to better use. Take USAID for example the mission statement says “Our Mission: On behalf of the American people, we promote and demonstrate democratic values abroad, and advance a free, peaceful, and prosperous world. In support of America’s foreign policy, the U.S. Agency for International Development leads the U.S. Government’s international development and disaster assistance through partnerships and investments that save lives, reduce poverty, strengthen democratic governance, and help people emerge from humanitarian crises and progress beyond assistance.” The waste and fraud that has been brought to light by DOGE would be better served fulfilling the mission statement of USAID than spending money on left leaning newspapers for people making high wages, or better spent fulfilling the mission statement than on a transgender opera in Columbia or a transgender comic book in Peru or sex changes and LGBT activism in Guatemala or in poppy cultivation and heroin production in Afghanistan or tourism in Egypt. Instead of acknowledging the waste and admitting that there are better uses it’s unhinged wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Start with the Merricks and Murkowskis. Duh.
Then look at contract “usps” mail.
Try Office of Children’s Services after that.
Yes all the above
Anyone who can’t see the theft and fraud from the American tax payers with in virtually all channels of Local, State, and Federal government is either a complete idiot,OR they are willingly participating in it at some level. The sad truth is about 40 percent of all the people nowdays are theives and have no problem circumventing and taking advantage of any situation that directly benifits themselves and their self serving alliances . There is absolutely no logical reason any decent person would have any good reason not to like the idea of DOGE or any other effort to seek out waste and fruad of any kind unless your directly benefiting from this fraud, or in on the taking of it. God Bless any and all who are trying to purge and dismantle any kinds of this BS, we know it’s been going on for decades , thank god we finally have people who are now exsposing these scum bags for who they really are, dredge out these entrenched Hogs and make examples of them all.Drain the Swamp once and for all!!!
It’s not the concept that’s an issue. It’s the overtly partisan application of it that rubs most the wrong way
Just look at this list and tell me it’s a group that will look even for a second at the biggest waste of Alaskan resources? Cause they won’t since they have puppet strings back to the groups pushing our losses in oil
So far, it is exclusively Democrats crying loudly against it. Name one independent or outright Republican crying against DOGE.
It’s time for a colonoscopy to where the funds are spent on the homeless . That’s got to be the biggest money laundering operation in the US . Cali has received $26 billion dollars in the last five years . The bigger the city government , the bigger the homeless issue . San Fransisco had received in 2020 $2 Billion from the Feds . No accountability , no one knows where the money was spent . It’s my thought the city of Anchorage is doing the same as they’ve received and excess of $100 Million in the last few years . Half the Hobos could have just been sent back to their respective villages . That’s 80% of the homeless issue in Fairbanks . Don’t hear much about the Hobos in Wasilla or Palmer ?
As mentioned before , the bigger the city government the bigger the homeless problem . What you say Anchorage ? Perfect example of no accountability and very poor management at best .
Be careful those Hobo’s don’t squat at your cabin or house while ‘snow-birding’ @ Palms Springs … Chena Hot Springs, Harding Lake, Clear Water Creek, and/or house on Chena River. It’s wise to take protective measures and there’s excellent technologies on the market at a reasonable price.
Hey Bussell f&@k off .
How about the State position of Alaska Gas Pipeline Laison to the Federal government? Wasted millions of dollars in salaries and studies for decades and still no finished product. It wouldn’t surprise me to find out that there are still a few skeletons in the proverbial closet that are still drawing a paycheck from that boondoggle! I could mention a few names that were sucking on that government tit for years, but I don’t want to publicly embarrass them.
Start with the Anchorage School District!
too many people with attachment issues to various causes
End state grants to NGO that suck the money out of the state for supposed “missions” that are just make rich organizations for there “CEO’s. Audit state grants to the MOA and prosecute those on the assembly that laundered the money. Audit the Medicaid “village travel program”. Medicaid has become a free trip to town payment program. End the AIDEA money pit that has done nothing but burn billions in state dollars and give a few some well paying jobs at state expense.
End non profits who are a big part of our issues.
What a crock, a group largely consisting of marginal players attempting to cash in on the latest popular political trend.
Let’s with Ms Tilton “civic leader” why not mention that she is a current member of the legislature. She was speaker of the house the last two years and accomplished nothing that resembled any type of DOGE actions. I am sure she will cut waste from the state level now that she is in the minority. The rest of the group’s past actions are more DOGEless than DOGE.
The reason DOGE has proven so effective in rooting out waste, fraud and corruption at federal agencies is because Elon Musk is a true outsider. He has never been a Beltway insider and so hasn’t had to form any entangling alliances. The Alaska DOGE knock off, however, is comprised of former educators and politicians who may know where the waste and fraud can be found, but if they didn’t expose it while they were in the belly of the beast, what makes one believe they will expose it now! After all, it will be family and friends that they would be potentially exposing. I don’t expect much from this group.
Hopefully dunleavy an bagaigee will finally be shown for the criminals they are!!
Not from this purported group. They are too buddy buddy with our failure of a governor
I love your assumptions, Max. You make me laugh.
And you make me sad with your puppet attitude
The same people who were so obsessed with stealing and publishing Trumps’s personal tax returns are now fighting to prevent even a single ray of sunlight from falling on wasteful and bizarre federal expenditures. Bah!
For once, I can help:
– what about the 500 AGDC wasted by the project without any public outcome.
– what about the US military that failed their 7th audit in the row, but year after year have a bloated project
I stated this on another story thread where I was on the board of the Native Health Consortium 25 years ago.
Many of the topics on the agenda revolved around studying the drug and alcohol abuse in the native community.
Every single one of those discussions about studying that problem was to apply for more grants to study a problem everyone has known existed and has been studied for decades. When I voiced that we should start looking for solutions. I got ignored.
Now we might see solutions for problems across America.
Start with the Alaska Industrial Development & Export Authority.
Look at the Alcohol Tax. It was to go to Alcohol treatment whereas most of it was taken by the Assembly wasted… on their bogus Homelessness excuse for SPENDING TAX DOLLARS.
I recall there was an alcohol (or some city tax) passed a few years ago that did not have any guidelines or restrictions on where it was spent.
Still waiting for my DOGE stock to surge to go up…..
Another fertile place to start: The Governor’s Office, especially his promotional setup.
I’m not certain how a private watchdog group will access govt computers to run the AI analytics like Elon’s boys do? That’s how they are being effective. Without access to the data, and the deepstate Cabal in firm control of the gavels in both legislative bodies, not sure what real fruit wll come from it. We can thank Sitka and Kodiak for consistently sending us representation that has no real concern for the overall health of the state, they just want as much money as possible from their power brokers in Juneau.
Does anyone remember the Policy Forum? They did tons of work and made many good recommendations. Did legisltors or the governer(s) listen? Nope!
What needs to happen is the Governor should order the Admin to run it so there is real access to the data. However, remember that Dunleavy employed Donna Ardwin as a one person DOGE, and Kelly Tshibaka as Admin Commissioner. Kelly looked into election fraud issues and the report got redacted of 100% of its findings, and the severe blow back from Ardwin resulted in a recall effort, which stopped any further discussions about real waste being eliminated for state spending.
Kelly’s credentials were off the chart, so were Donna’s. Bottom line, apathy and a lack of courage prevail, and disrupters are not welcome in the inner circle of the Juneau Cabal.
Block any attempts to establish or expand pension plans!
Might I suggest the task force solicit former Senator David Eastman for assistance.
Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’
Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’
Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’
Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’
Hah! Hah!
[Verse 1]
Keep rollin’, rollin’, rollin’
Though the streams are swollen
Keep them DOGEs rollin’, rawhide
Through rain and wind and weather
Hell bent for leather
Wishin’ my gal was by my side
All the things I’m missin’
Good vittles, love, and kissin’
Are waiting at the end of my ride
Imagine if these Doge people got real jobs instead
“Somewhere in Alaska”? Another lost angel?
Anyway I think their first order of business should be to buy 5000 subscriptions to Must Read Alaska.
Hey Suzanne, it looks like you have a lot of people who served in public capacities. You may want to reach out to leaders in the private sector in Anchorage and the Peninsula who may be interested in the group. Honestly, I’m hard pressed to find a company in Alaska that is more business savvy than Hilcorp: it’s a pretty efficient company. Have Ms. Allard reach out to Hilcorp people she knows, I think they could help.
You really want a company with a laundry list of failings to be an example to follow?
It looks to me that many of the individuals have served in government. Doesn’t seem to be a balance of political parties there. What legal constitution authority does this group think they have. I guarantee you a lawsuit is waiting. Self appointed, just all show
RMR – Methinks you don’t know how the food chain of all this works. It is the government that is supposed to work for the people, making the people they deign to represent fully in charge. The constitutional authority starts at the very beginning with the phrase “We the people…..”
Given the lack of airspeed and ideas from the left these days, lawsuits are all but guaranteed, though I would warn against playing that card too often as the lawsuits will end up devaluing the judiciary that chooses to dabble in them much the same way the left has managed to destroy the power of the words “racist, Hitler, Nazi, etc.” But keep it up, it will make it all the easier to destroy your world of corruption, graft and self aggrandizement. I’m having fun these days. How about you? Cheers –
Not too different from the farce that is going on at federal level. In the end it’s gonna cost us even if a few things done are good too much is questionable and deleterious
I give a b+ in creativity and a d in efficiency/seployment. But an f for long term impact
Suzanne, the City of Anchorage should have it’s own DOGE too. Love the picture by the way!!!!!!! The City wastes so much money it’s not funny, millions, with ZERO accountability. They put $500,000 into new lights and wiring into a school, and then decided to remodel and ripped right out. 100% waste. Talk to the people who contract with the city, they have lots of stories of waste and mismanagement. Bronson did a great job and got almost no credit for it. The state didn’t plow the main roads in Ank and Bronson got blamed for it; it wasn’t even his fault. I had a snowgo infront of me in traffic on Cst, nobody batted and eye. Thanks for all the good work you do Suzanne, love ya. PS, I pushing Trump, Dan Sullivan and The Alaska Energy Authority to get the Susitna Dam done.
Hey Alaska DOGE workers!
Check out the Anchorage VA Clinic — there is lots of waste, fraud, abuse, and corruption there.
However, the “leadership” will not take any advice or directives regarding how they can better provide veterans with the care we have earned. The decision-makers assert (incorrectly) they are already doing everything correctly and efficiently, but they are incorrect about this.
For example: I called the VA Clinic today and my “projected wait time” was announced as 75 minutes!
I’d love to say I trust this process…
but I don’t.
This state is broken.
Excellent list of capable people!
Here’s a good one to cut: https://oca.alaska.gov/
Office Of Citizenship Assistance
“Building Pathways to Success for New Alaskans.”
Deputy Commissioner Nelson San Juan
Welcome to the Office of Citizenship Assistance. Here, our goal is to empower Alaska’s immigrant residents by connecting you with essential resources, employment guidance, and support to foster a successful transition to life and work in Alaska. Our office is dedicated to assisting in your journey and supporting fair and equitable access to opportunities.
Suzanne, you are on the dot com team. Who asked you guys to create this team? Is this a volunteer team or do you guys get paid? I see that the website was created on the internet about six days after Washington DOGE was announced, so who created the dot com website for the Alaska Doge?
Nobody is getting paid, it’s out of pocket. Nobody asked or invited us to form it. This is a project, not a nonprofit 501(c)anything, there is no corporation or EIN nor bank account. Jamie Allard originated the idea as a citizen, not a legislator. There is no connection with any administration and at this point we don’t have access to the Alaska books the way that the Trump DOGE team has had. Wish us luck! – sd
Good luck and God bless all of you!!
You guys can only call out things that are not right – you cannot do anything about it correct? If this is true, it is going to cause frustration among people who think that you guys can actually do something about this. Additionally, how many fraudsters are now going to be hiding their tracks because they know that you guys are out there. I like the idea of the DOGE team that Elon is head of because they can actually do something. Citizens have been on this board and other boards pointing things out for a long time that are not right, but apparently we did not have the “right connections” to be heard. I hope that you guys have the “right connections.” Personally, I just see some legislators tooting their own horns at this point.
One other thing Suzanne: Using the name “DOGE” as part of your group’s name seems deceitful since you say that “Nobody asked or invited us to form it.” “DOGE” is a tool of the government under President Trump’s guidance. I am understanding that your group is not affiliated with President Trump’s group, so how is it okay to use their name as part of your name? It is misleading.
Well the starting point is easy… the willful disloyalty to Alaska and Alaskans with the failure to get a proper return on our oil…. Fix that then keep going with some of the silly expenditures (interesting group since a few of them have certainly helped waste our money over the years)
Why isn’t Dunleavy onboard with this?
Excellent question to which has an obvious answer: anyone who opposes it.. anyone – is afraid of their slush fund being cut off.
Because he doesn’t need another tie to a false system that has more potential to hurt Alaska and Alaskans than the anchors he is already holding onto.
Or maybe because he can see the farce for what it is and doesn’t feel like adding another negative to his career
To be objective, the group should be looking for not just waste, fraud and abuse but positive outcomes achieved as well. One concern I have is how does this group address confirmation bias as you go about your research?
Well I don’t care for how the federal government spends my tax dollars, and I haven’t for a long time, about 40 years. I don’t trust the bureaucracy, it truly is a deep state full of fraud, abuse and deception. If we don’t step up now this path will destroy our country. So I think DOGE is a very good thing. They’ve already uncovered billions in waste and fraud and they’re just getting started. So many politicians and bureaucrats are corrupt, it’s absolutely disgusting!!!
Who needs the USFS. It’s just a secret British foreign fake corporation anyways. Shut ’em down. If they want to oppress us we don’t have to pay thumb for it.
Is that incorrigible enough fer ya?
Awesome work! Where to go there DOGE. You have my salute to expose the naked emperor of Alaska : the Native gift!
Andi story says we have an education crisis. So rather than continuing to throw more money at it, I think its time for a comprehensive audit of the education budget.
I believe it would be in the best interest of Alaskans to look into the PFD that’s been taken since 2016 without a public vote where did all that money go was it wasted and used for just my opinion
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