The Assembly has spent over $1.13 million on staff who serve individual Assembly members from 2018 to now. These are not the generalist staffers, but more like the legislative aides to each member. The Assembly hires them through a sole-source contract.
Here’s a list of the aides (some have moved on to other jobs) and amounts that individually have been paid to them. (Note that Yarrow Silvers, who was assembly aide to Assemblywoman Karen Bronga, is now a candidate for Assembly):
We wondered how much these staff members have donated to Anchorage municipal candidate elections.
The total is $27,952, which isn’t an overwhelming amount—but it’s 11 pages long of individual candidates and issues to which they have been donated. It’s the self-licking ice cream cone. Here’s the list:
What about non-Anchorage races, such as Legislature, governor and partisan party?
That dollar amount of staffers donating to campaigns is $28,353, which again, isn’t a lot, but it’s 13 pages long of contributions. Here’s that list:
Readers may find it interesting to see who the “players” are. For “easy reference,” here’s the same information as the above two lists, but listed alphabetically by contributor’s last name in all races; it’s 31 pages that shows 643 contributions:
Why are MOA a taxpayer funds being spent on employees outside of MOA HR? I do not consent to wasting tax dollars on this type of activity! DOGE a all of them!
Any consequences ?
You have to wonder how many homeless veterans might have been housed, or fed, with $1.13 million dollars?
My guess is about one and a half.
The Assembly would invariably give that $1.13M to the Anchorage Coalition to End Homelessness, Meg Zalatel’s group, and the administrative costs would probably eat up 3/4 of those funds. The ACEH would then contract with a Mark Begich owned hotel to house the vagrant at a tidy sum sufficient ensure the hotel owners can renovate at least 1/2 of the hotel. Leaving about $50 to house the vagrant.