Rep. Genevieve Mina is the incoming chairwoman of the Alaska House Health and Social Services Committee as the Democrats take over the Alaska House of Representatives, with the crossover of two Republicans — Chuck Kopp and Louise Stutes.
Alaskans may thus be interested in Rep. Mina’s 2017 musings on Facebook, in which she berated white people and said they cannot do enough to undo their inherent racism. Voters may reflect on how she will conduct her committee, as she take over from current chair, Republican Mike Prax of North Pole:
Found at: Genevieve Mina
What can I do to help after #Charlottesville? It’s not enough to say “racists are bad!” Everyone needs to take action, especially if you are white. Even though there aren’t any formal white supremacy organizations in Alaska (thank God) or Confederate monuments in Anchorage (that would be confusing), implicit white supremacy still reigns. It is important to ALWAYS be vigilant to counteract oppression.
To fight fascism is to uphold the rights of marginalized individuals, act against oppressive policies, and diminish the fire of white supremacist organizations. Also understand that the fight is intersectional, and to help people of color weaves with the fight to help women, the LGBTQ community, people with disabilities, immigrants, refugees, and other countless groups. There are a huge range of things you can do to be an ally, from simple education and awareness, to conversation and activism. Here’s a couple of things I can suggest:
1.) Self-reflect: Think about what you have done to fight racism. Not just explicit racism or people saying derogatory terms, but implicit racism. Do you stay quiet when friends who are standing for POC are getting dismissed in conversation or online? Do you read about the problems of POC in the news? Are you aware about the concerns of your friends who are POC or are marginalized in our society? Do you understand that white supremacy exists beyond neo-Nazis? Do you recognize that racism exists not just in racists, but as an entire system of oppression?
2.) Educate yourself: The first step to helping people of color, and to fight fascism, is to understand the privilege white people have in our modern day. Read works by POC talking about systemic oppression. I like the works of Ta-Nehisi Coates, specifically his book “Between the World and Me”, and his essay about a case for reparations (…/the-case-for-reparati…/361631/). His writings, as well as James Baldwin, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Sherman Alexie, and others, do a great job elucidating how racism manifests as an entire system which oppresses the lives of people of color, and uplifts white people in our society.
3.) Have the difficult conversation with white people around you: When someone makes a racist joke, call them out. If someone victim-blames a black man who is unjustly killed by the police, or states that “all lives matter”, explain the complete discrepancy of the loss of black bodies due to the police, or due to incarceration rates. When someone tries to negate the racial aspect of Charlottesville by pointing at the tactics of other activists across the political aisle, redirect the conversation back to the fact that there are Americans who are actively trying to create a white nation in 2017.
People who have fascist or racist ideas in their head aren’t just neo-Nazis. They are your friends on Facebook sharing racist memes in isolation, your family members at Thanksgiving, your classmates, your co-workers, the folks you drink with at the bar – systemic racism is everywhere.
Having these conversations is incredibly important especially if you are white, because you frankly have more leverage and accessibility to these people than me or other POC. Some people who have racist thoughts are simply ignorant about oppressive policies which have upheld white supremacy. Some people are incredibly stubborn about ignoring the aspect of race, and wish to generalize every prejudice as wrongful. Some people are unwilling to wake up from the American Dream, and face the scars of their country. But in order to stop racism and fascism, you need to make people around you realize the problem of race in our society.
4.) Show up: Go to rallies, protests, and community events. I know there’s a candlelight vigil this Sunday for those in Anchorage who may be interested.( Some people doubt the power of protests, but the mere action of showing up creates a solidarity in our community against hatred, and strengthens a support for marginalized individuals. And don’t only show up after a tragedy. Community council meetings and assembly meetings happen all the time, and the key to stopping hate from growing is to be consistently proactive about problems in our community.
5.) Get involved in groups and activism: Volunteering and taking time out of your day can take a variety of forms. I personally am involved in the Alaska Young Democrats, and I lead the UAA College Democrats. The current issue AKYD is working on is to help the ACLU Nationwide fight against a bathroom bill that will be on the 2018 ballot measure. You also can get involved with Catholic Social Services-Anchorage, AK, which helps with refugee assistance and homelessness. You can even volunteer at Food Bank of Alaska! There’s so many organizations to choose from!!! Getting involved in your community improves our society, widens our social network, and strengthens our relationships with each other.
6.) Support anti-fascist organizations: If you have money, you can donate to a couple of groups. Here are a few I found:
-“Life After Hate”, founded by former neo-Nazis, reaches out to white supremacists and de-radicalizes potential violent extremists (…/camp…/help-life-after-hate-fight-on).
-“Solidarity C’Ville” directly helps the Charlottesville activists who organized against the “Unite the Right” protest last weekend (
–…/what-to-do-about-charlottesville-dfc7d… is a longer list of Charlottesville-specific organizations.
I welcome any other suggestions! Only YOU can prevent fascism and stop white supremacy!
Great…just what we need. Another racist crackpot in office.
She even looks like a sour racist.
All lives matter. There. I said it. Biden was right when he said it by accident. From conception to natural death. Disagreement does not change truth. Race, gender, national origins, orientation, Dems, Repubs, Ind, etc. God wants all to be reconciled to him.
We all know how the REAL racist is……she holds the gavel of the Alaska House Health and Social Services Committee. Real racists are the first to accuse others of racism. Now we have a real loser with a gavel.
Thanks so much, “Republicans” of the Alaska legislature. This is where your “cooperation”, “reaching across the aisle” and not being “obstructionists” has gotten us. This is exactly the OPPOSITE of what your constituents want. I wonder if any of you realize how little actual conservative Alaskans care about your state budget, or the special interest groups you answer to. They care about shutting down this type of woke insanity.
Wake Up!
I couldn’t have said it better.
I’m always entertained by democrats who talk about oppressive policies while leveraging them to get elected (e.g., the plethora of programmatic free stuff for free loaders off the backs of the overtaxed). Additionally, as a person of mixed race, I can tell you from a lifetime of firsthand experience that white people are the least racist of all the beautiful shades is tan & prior to Floyd, most people were pretty open about it & everyone knew it. Anyone who says different is a liar- as is the case here. Race baiting is gaslighting for those stupid enough to believe people who are as full of divisive hate as Mina. Knopp & Stutes are power hungry traitors of their constituents who need to be out ASAP. I’m so sick of the RINOs who get elected & then immediately proceed to sell their soul for their personal self-interests because it certainly isn’t in the best interest of the party of which they claim to be part. It’s disgusting, just like Mina’s character.
These people have no concept that they are actually PROMOTING racism. Teach people, any people, that they are “victims” of everything, that they have NO control over their own destiny, and that there is nothing they can do about it, ever then you have people willing to LET someone else guide their every move, every attitude, and every decision. It’s sad. We were a nation of Can-do people, despite the odds, now we’re a nation of can’t-do people, unless the government “helps” us along.
As a 1000+ generation Alaskan, sounds like a racist to me. Growing up in a village in the 50’s and 60’s everyone got along and I don’t recall any racism. It’s seems to be something learned and abused by a certain type of people whom need it and uses it for a tool to create divide.
She sounds college educated, poor thing.
Well, she went to college anyway. I got the flyer in the mail over election season; she went straight to UAA out of high school, graduated with her degree (I think it was Political Science), and then ran for office and has done nothing else but collect the bucks from Juneau ever since. No real world experience dealing with things most of her constituents have had to. Guessing her poor parents thought they were helping her get ahead by sending her off to college . . . instead, she’s just putting the rest of us further behind every day. At least this article makes me feel better about ranking her dead last. 😉
What a “sea Change” of Alaskan attitudes over the past 50 years I’ve been up here. And not so much for the best.
Rebel, Rebel, Rebel!!!
Call them out! Make it heard!
See them and let them know we are
Watching them!
OH! OH! I know!!!
Engage with everyone else as an INDIVIDUAL and DO NOT try to control their INDIVIDUAL thought processes and actions that do no harm!
There you go, Genevieve. Whittled it down a bit for you.
She seems nice. /sarc
Whenever I see or hear the word “solidarity” I think of communism.
These Rino Republicans should know that they will need to get back to Party Lines, or make the public announcement of True Party Designation.
Republicans Control the House and Senate and we need Our Government to act appropriately.
We have a chance to undo much of the wrong from the last four years of the Regime and get America Back!
I was going to complain Alaska has actual problems while the author of this article is hyper focused on something that is, at best, a transparent way of distracting people & misdirecting their anger.
Then I saw Suzanne wrote it. Tricking you is her job.
Suzanne did not write it!!
Like all Leftists, she is projecting.
And protesting too much.
Clearly, like all Democrats, she is a virulent racist, and wants to assuage her feelings of guilt, by blaming everyone else, and demanding, DEMANDING, that WE atone for her racism.
Let’s hope that Brett Maness sees this
Don’t forget the republican senators who always team up with the democrats and they make sure the conservative senators are included in nothing one of those senators is right here in southeast. Mike svenson
Yep. They got rid of Rep. David Eastman, so the party is on. Alaska is a ship going down now. The uniparty has successfully drove out the last constitutional representative that we had. I wonder how long before our state constitution is thrown out along with all of our rights?
Another gift from Anchorage.. thanks
Replace “white”, with “Jew”, and you know where Mina is speaking from.
This is why Republican governors can’t get anything done. It’s the woke legislature. Like bad apples, you only need a few to spoil the rest.
Uniparty Republican governors can’t get anything done because they are not supposed to. They are supposed to make it look like they are trying, while, in truth, they are bringing the state down. The entire basket of apples needs to be tossed out and we find some new apple trees to pick from!
Call on Governor Dunleavy to cancel RCV now by invoking Art. 3, Sec. 16, because it violates both constitutional and statutory law.
One more house Republican and she would be in the minority. Why is there no discussion of why state Republican candidates (and repeal of Rank Choice) performed worse than Trump did? Don’t jump to “fixed”, if it was fixed Peltola would have won. How many districts did Trump win but the Republican candidate did not? Evidently Trump voters did not vote for the Republican in their district and many did not vote at all. Another couple hundred Republican voters and the legislature would be far different. Bummer. The nation goes right and Alaska goes left. That could be really costly.
Said this before, you can’t fight racism with more racism – it just doesn’t work. Stop teaching racism, and it will go away in 3 or 4 generations. Yes, bad things happened in the past – don’t wallow in it or repeat it. Those promoting “antiracism” are self-contradictory, divisive not healing, and have self-serving motives for promoting it. Tone it down, accept the reality that hard work not handouts lifts souls, and everybody be nice…
Yep, I’m a privileged grumpy old white guy who loves and enjoys all people – and I earned my privilege by working my butt off, not by oppressing other people.
Never trust the Thulsa Doom haircut and problem glasses.
I know her well — one of the most smug people Ive ever met. Rude, condescending, entitled, and a through and through racist.
I assume Rep Mina is a Filipina. We should ask her how the Negritos in the Philippines are treated. I was there. I know how they are treated.
Maybe we should just point out how our Uniparty Republicans treat constitutional conservatives like David Eastman? There is a great example!
I thought it was Filipinx.
White people = 7% of world population and becoming minorities in our own nations. Whites are the only race denied in group preference by acts of “law”.
It’s okay to be a White nationalist, White people deserve nations and ethnic interests too.
Blacks are 18% of global population.
There are no White only education funds, clubs, charities, tv stations or ANYTHING, however poc only of the aforementioned are many. Whites ARE subjected to legalized and systematic racism in nations we built.
You stated what is not permitted! Soon you’ll be singled out for “hate speech” if any of a number of different acronymned groups sees this (including the ADL).
Alaska ranks #1 in std’s and #48 for education so it’s no wonder dolts like this get elected.
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