District 30 Republicans endorse Tshibaka


Kenai District 30 Republicans joined several other districts in endorsing candidate Kelly Tshibaka for U.S. Senate.

The district polled every district officer and the vote was unanimous. It brings the number of Republican district organizations to nine that have chosen Tshibaka over incumbent Republican Lisa Murkowski.

The other districts are: 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 23, and 29. 

District 30 is one of the strongest, most organized districts in the state, with a full slate of officers and leadership in every precinct position filled. It is represented by state House Rep. Ron Gillham and state Sen. Peter Micciche.

Also endorsing Tshibaka are both Kenai Republican women’s clubs, both Mat-Su Valley Republican women’s clubs, and the Anchorage Republican Women’s Club. Bikers for Trump, and former President Donald Trump himself have endorsed Tshibaka, who was raised in Anchorage.

The Alaska Republican Party has organizations in 37 of the 40 districts in the state, which are organized around state House seats. The Republicans will meet at their State Central Committee in Fairbanks on Saturday, when it’s expected at least two voting entities — women’s clubs or districts — will request an endorsement from the party for Tshibaka.


  1. All I can say is I hope she doesn’t turn into a swamp creature like Sullivan did.
    What a disappointment he’s been.

    • From what I’ve seen of her background, she won’t need to turn into one – she’s already attained that status.

  2. Given her various jobs in the District of Columbia over the years followed by her work for state government (a gig that included peculiar use of moving expense benefit to relocate from D.C.) , is it not obvious she is already a creature of the swamp?

  3. “I left Alaska right after high school graduation to attend a university in Texas (because the UA system wasn’t good enough for me) and then I went to Harvard Law School. Then I spent my entire adulthood working for both Democratic and Republican administrations as a highly placed bureaucrat only returning to Alaska when the Dunleavy Administration offered to pay all my very outrageous moving costs ($81,000), to create a high level state government job for my husband and a very high level state government job for me. I have zero experience outside of government…no military service, no private sector experience, I never started a business …nope, all I’ve done is work in government. No matter, I share all your values no matter what they are and I want to be your next senator…so vote for me! FYI…my strongest point of electability is “I’m Not Lisa Murkowski!!!”

  4. I am impressed at how many are standing against Lisa. I am looking forward to getting to know Tshibaka, I really hope and pray that she really is a Republican that we can be proud of and not just another politician who wants power and who can be bought and paid for like Lisa appears to be.

  5. Murkowski must go. Whatever that takes. Whatever that looks like, it has to happen.

    Her appointment by her father, to the Senate, was the single most corrupt act in Alaskan political history, second only to the theft of the PFD, both perpetrated by the ruling class aristocracy of Alaska.

    This needs to be undone, and the PFD restored, to thwart this corrupt group of would be rulers.

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