Republican leaders in House District 15 say the 18 charges of voter misconduct and unlawful interference with voting filed against Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux a breach of faith with voters in the district.
“That was a sad day for House District 15, but not an unexpected one,” said Madeleine Gaiser, the district’s Republican Party chair. “Representative LeDoux’s questionable campaign tactics have cast a cloud over our District and the Alaska Republican Party for the past several years. We’ve lost faith that she can represent us honestly.”
On Feb. 17, the District 15 Republican Convention passed a formal Resolution withdrawing support from her candidacy and pledging to recruit and support a candidate to candidate to oppose her in the 2020 Republican Primary. The vote was 10-1, with only LeDoux voting in favor of retaining herself. That was before the State Department of Law filed felony and misdemeanor charges against LeDoux last week.
“We are very happy that David Nelson has stepped forward and filed to run against her,” Gaiser said. “We feel that David Nelson better embodies the vision and values of Republicans here in District 15 and plan to throw our full support behind him and his campaign.”

“Honest and fair elections are the cornerstone upon which our representative government is built,” Nelson said. “It’s impossible to have honest government without honest elections. The Primary Election on August 18 will give us the chance to send new people, ones that we can trust, to represent us honestly in Juneau.”
House District 15 includes the East Anchorage neighborhoods of Muldoon and Creekside Park as well as the Elmendorf section of the Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson (JBER) military reservation.
Nelson is an officer in the Alaska Army National Guard and has been called to activity duty on Monday, so he will not be campaigning or answering media questions for the time being, due to state laws prohibiting such activity.
Rumors are swirling around the Capitol in Juneau that the House of Representatives will take action against LeDoux on Monday.
What can they do when she has not yet been indicted by a grand jury, but only has been charged with voter fraud, albeit 18 counts? The only thing done in the history of the Legislature was the removing of a senator, after Sen. Milton “Ed” Dankworth was convicted in 1983 of conflict of interest, after he worked on an appropriation that benefited him personally.
The House can also censure LeDoux, as many of the members did to Rep. David Eastman for saying impolite things about abortion practices in rural Alaska — statements for which he did not apologize.
In this case, it’s a matter several degrees more grave. LeDoux has not yet been indicted, but the charges against her reflect on the entire body of lawmakers, on both sides of the aisle. But the House could remove her from her committees — Judiciary, and the Joint Armed Services Committee.
And he should not have apologized because he was right. They just didn’t like him talking about it.
In the interest of fairness & jurisprudence, I suggest that we delay calling the hangman until there is an actual hearing with a plea of innocent or guilty. Followed be a trial that will determine the fate of the individual. Each of us would demand the same consideration.
Evidence is what the court allows to be entered, challenged or rejected.
Nobody wins when this type of accusation is brought. The outcome will speak volumes.
What about long-suffering voters who were disenfranchised by the Great Alaska LeDoux Vote Experiment, who in the Peoples Imperial Legislature is acting in their “interest”?
Oh heck, it was only 18 counts of vote fraud… probably not enough, even by Alaska standards, for mail fraud, wire fraud, or RICO crime…
No, it’s not like stealing PFD money or telling the governor where he can stuff his call for special session.
What an intriguing thought, “nobody wins”… Reads like the outcome may be a foregone conclusion
… or better yet, the “nobodies”, the productive Deplorables so contemptuously dismissed by our lobbyist-legislator team are about to win a big one.
It could happen. It could be just the start.
I wholeheartedly agree.
This should have happened 2 years when 7 absentee voters who were dead submitted ballots, all voting in favor of LeDoux. Since then she has been subverting democracy and the will of the Alaskan voters for 2 more years. I always harbored anger at the Alaska Republican Party for not speaking out and pursuing this vote-cheat more aggressively. I still don’t understand why this took 2 years. She is the reason that we still do not have a Republican Speaker of the House in power as we speak. This is way too long of a time coming, but finally it came. I hope she rots in women’s correctional facility with a large cell mate that takes more of a liking to her than she cares for.
What “faith”? Our steadfast faith reinforced by continual examples suggesting venality, corruption, and incompetence appear to be a way of life among our lobbyist-legislator team?
We are shocked that the Great Alaska LeDoux Vote Experiment could be jeopardized by some inconsequential rule clearly meant for commoners, not for members of Alaska’s Imperial Lobbyist-Legislator Team!
We are confident Peoples Imperial House Speaker and Assistant Co-Governor Edgmon will not permit this nonsense to interfere with the orderly flow of money and political power.
That district has had the misfortune of having two corrupt representatives. First, Tom Anderson, who sold his soul to the devil for what? $1200? And now LeDoux, who had to register dead people and Californians to win an election.
Remember this headline?”Alaska Democrats say GOP Rep. LeDoux’s PAC is breaking campaign finance law?” Then she joined them and it went away.
LeDoux was my representative and I lived in her district for 18 years. I am a proponent of following the law. The law states that every one has due process. I’m not going to kill her off in the a court of public opinion, especially when the Republican Party in Alaska can’t get its own together! They’ve been cannibalizing their own for some time now.
I usually see the Democrats as the bane of all existence, but the above is one reason I can’t bring myself to be a Republican in the State of Alaska.
Until I see some real proof, I won’t condemn LeDoux.
If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem. The faster LeDoux is removed from office, the better off Alaskans will be. At best she is a liar, at worst a common criminal and part of Alaska’s swamp. She can’t be gone soon enough to suit me.
Take your holier than thou attitude somewhere else. I stand up for the law.
If she’s convicted, fine. If not, fine. But don’t pretend you’re better than me because I’d rather wait and see what a court of law says.
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