District 13 organizes to replace Rep.-elect Dahlstrom

Republicans in District 13, which is the greater Chugiak area, are organizing to offer names to Gov. Mike Dunleavy to replace Rep.-elect Nancy Dahlstrom, whom Dunleavy has brought into his administration as the commissioner of Corrections.
District 13-14 Republicans, which meet jointly, put out a notice this morning saying that with Dahlstrom’s resignation from her House seat, the District Republicans will accept applications from interested individuals through 5 pm on Monday, Dec. 10.
District leaders and the party leadership will then review and verify the applicants basic qualifications. The applications of all qualified persons will be sent to the combined District 13 and 14 committee to be reviewed and for recommendations.
The selection process will take place at the group’s regular monthly meeting, which is Tuesday, Dec. 11 at Piccolino’s Restaurant in Eagle River. The governor will then make the appointment and the person will be sworn in with the other legislators at the beginning of session. The first day of the 31st legislative session is Jan. 15, 2019.
The seat was previously held by Rep. Dan Saddler, who then made an effort to win a Senate seat, which he subsequently lost to Sen.-elect Lora Reinbold.
The District’s exact notice follows:
Alaska Legislature House Seat District 13 Vacancy and Appointment Consideration
Request for applications from qualified Republicans to fill the vacancy for consideration by the Alaska Republican Party District 13 Chugiak and District 14 Eagle River
Nancy Dahlstrom is the representative-elect for House District 13, Chugiak.
Representative Elect Dahlstrom has resigned in order to serve the Department of Corrections (DOC).
Gov. Dunleavy will need to fill that House seat by appointment.
Application must be received by the District 13 & 14 committee by 5:00 pm on  Monday, December 10, 2018. The District 13 & 14 committee, with the assistance of ARP Headquarters. if necessary, shall verify that each applicant meets the residency requirements at the time of the prior incumbent filing and has been a Republican continuously after the filing deadline for the election to this term of office.  Applications of all qualified individuals shall be distributed to the entire District 13 & 14 committee by 6:00pm on the day before the meeting. All applicants shall be considered equally in the selection process.
As District Chairman, I am asking residents of District 13, Chugiak, who are registered Republican voters and who are interested in being considered for this House seatappointment by the Governor to please send me an email expressing your interest to be considered. Send to [email protected]. If you have any questions, please call me at 907-230-1992. I look forward to hearing from you.
The selection process will take place at the District 13 & 14 Regular Monthly Meeting is Tuesday, December 11, 2018 at 7 PM at Piccolino’s Restaurant, 12801 Old Glenn Hwy, Eagle River, AK 99577.
Best Wishes,
Michael Tavoliero
District Chairman