Did Rep. Hakeem Jeffries just call for an insurrection?


Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, leader of the Democrat minority in the U.S. House, said Democrats will take their fight to the streets over some of the executive orders and actions by President Donald Trump.

Jeffries told his troops [in a Democrat caucus meeting] to pursue all avenues of opposition — and take that fight to the streets, according to several Democrats who participated in the meeting, reported The Hill news organization.

After Jan. 6, 2020, when President Trump called for peaceful protest of the certification of the presidential election, he was charged by Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats in charge of the House with inciting an insurrection, and he was impeached, although he was not convicted by the Senate.

No one has called for Jeffries to be impeached, nor have they called for the impeachment of another Democrat, California Rep. Jared Huffman, who also said, “Leader Jeffries described it as a legal fight, a legislative fight and a street fight. And I couldn’t put it better.” 

The “troops” Jeffries is rallying include users of the Reddit website’s discussion boards, who are now calling for armed violence in the streets.

We clipped a few of their comments responding to Jeffries’ call for street fighting, as they discuss forming militias and coordinated “armed intimidation”:

Reddit is a notoriously leftist neighborhood on the internet, a site that is filled with over 100,000 “subreddit” topics and conversations that make it difficult for humans to monitor. Those who are speaking for conservative policy are quickly banned. Must Read Alaska was banned years ago.

Now, it’s become the home of a full-fledged movement to overthrow the Trump Administration, encouraged by the words of Reps. Jeffries and Huffman.

The violence being planned has been seen before on the left during the first Trump Administration, from former Attorney General Loretta Lynch to Rep. Maxine Waters.

The Trump White House and House Majority Whip Tom Emmer have called on Jeffries to apologize.

The White House statement called Jeffries’ actions “a sick call for violence. Will Minority Leader Jeffries apologize for this disgusting threat? Or will he double down on the same calls for violence that have plagued the country for years?”


  1. Well maybe he should get out there in the front line on the street. And get his a** handed to him. Typical leftist rhetoric that they amazingly accuse conservatists of doing but in reality it’s the ” progressives” who are usually doing the rioting. God help us.

    • Him, get his hands dirty? Possibly get hurt or killed? No he’ll get some Left Tard minions out there to do his dirty work for him. While he sits in his gated community.

    • You have little to fear in Alaska. We have a pretty empty history of rioting, and a recently robust history of police shooting miscreants who just can’t understand the legal borders of the Rules of Engagement. Think about it: Anchorage is a military town. Feds. Bound by obedience to the CiC. LA would be a much better playground for Leftist rioters than anyplace in Alaska.
      Let the liberal cities burn (or in the case of LA, finish burning…………….)

  2. Does not the House have a procedure for removing members who have violated rules? The GOP has a majority, is this enough to censure? Make a HUGE dramatic story of attempts to reign in or expel Jeffries over his fomenting insurrection. Destroy this man and his sidekick politically – we are sick of double standards and socialist/communist/nazi usurpers. They are enemies and traitors. Make it real, honest, and not look like DJT taking revenge…
    Or better, have the President make a HUGE public statement that lawfare stops NOW – and publicly pardon Jeffries and Huffman for their foolish violent statements and all past crimes concerning insurrection.

    • But Rich, you know darn well that it’s not wrong, or treason, when THEY do it!

      If radical leftists did not have double standards, they would have no standards at all.

  3. Good idea Hakeem, burn down New York City, and Chicago, and L.A., and Seattle and all the other BLUE CITIES. Maybe the Police and Firefighters will just stay home.

  4. “And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”

    – Donald J. Trump, 6 January 2021 on the National Mall

    • He was right Whidbey.

      As you can plainly see the leftists parasites in the deepstate swamp are all over. They try to infect healthy minds with their garbage identity politics and use their created protected class to hide from accountability.

      Yes, we must all fight like hell against those individuals to include trolls like yourself.

      You have willingly made yourself an enemy of the people, now you must live by your decisions and must be held to account for your role in the destruction of our society.

    • Well, you’re firmly in the wet paper sack. We anticipated the fight. I’m popping the popcorn over here……….

        • Maybe these activist Judges need to go back to school and learn the Judiciary does not control the money. Congress passes the funding and the Executive Branch institutes the funding, judiciary has no say in the matter. The Executive Branch can just ignore the ignorance of these Judges.

    • Feeling it now, aren’t you?

      It certainly appears that on a personal level, you can anticipate exhaustion as events continue to unfold.

    • Whidbey,
      You and many on the left have said those words were a call to insurrection, I believe that is the exact point Suzanne was making. Now, unless you are an outright hypocrite, you will be sure to point out that Hakeem is calling for insurrection.

    • That’s obviously a call to insurrection…
      But, Jefferies statement is a peaceful call to get involved.
      The only difference? Political party. When a leftist does it, it is OK in your mind.

  5. So what? Here’s a famous quote a bit out of context, to be sure, but possibly apt as exaggerated response to the tone of the article; “I don’t really care, do you?”

    One has to wonder at the level of emotional intelligence of someone who condones legal quid pro quo tit-for-tat retaliation and complete abdication of responsibility in so many ways such as pardoning violence in an insurrection.

  6. If Trump had said those words….The Left would be screaming INSURRECTION!. Rules for thee but not for me.

      • The difference of course, is that Trump specified “peacefully” for our country.

        Not killing police, burning police stations and businesses, and looting.

        But you knew that are are being disingenuous.

          • No you did not.

            But, as I mentioned before, it’s startling to be spilling tea over the drivel coming from a collective group characterized and espoused to be ‘rightist’; a concern paling in significance to the thought of my Canadian relatives engaged in a trade ‘war’ against drumph’s paranoid response to imaginary ‘enemies’. I can just barely recall the manufactured outrage in boycotting consumption of French fries, though I don’t remember the specifics.

            And, it’s not a matter of disingenuous, but early-onset severe cranial vessel sedimentation of ding bat bits, one fears.

          • If you did not know, that means you are taking action to actually avoid reality. That President Trump did not call for a riot has been acknowledged by pretty much every news outlet, Snopes, and most Democrats.
            Your very assertion that you might not have been disingenuous is actually indicative of how disingenuous you actually are being.

    • First axiom of politics.
      It is not the action taken by the person that causes the offense.
      It is the political affiliation of the person taking action that causes the offense.

  7. In short, yes. Of course he and his cronies in Congress will deny this obvious ‘dog whistle’, this call to action for the good folks at Antifa, BLM, pro Hamas agitators, and every Democrat crazy in the nation. This should not have been tolerated when Waters did it, and cannot be tolerated now that we have a more unbiased DOJ! Arrest and charge him. Then remove him for Congress.

  8. In short, yes. Of course he and his cronies in Congress will deny this obvious ‘dog whistle’, this call to action for the good folks at Antifa, BLM, pro Hamas agitators, and every Democrat crazy in the nation. This should not have been tolerated when Waters did it, and cannot be tolerated now that we have a more unbiased DOJ! Arrest and charge him. Then remove him for Congress…

  9. Whidbey is taking Trump’s J6 comments out if context again. You can tell by the first word, “And…”.

    I have listened to both again, Greg, and the difference in their words are obvious. Trump did not tell his supporters to fight on J6, he said to peacefully march to the capitol. Jefferies is saying fight in the streets. It seems clear to me that Jefferies is the one calling for violence, just like Waters did, And Kamala did back in 2020.

      • Huh?? Too many umbrella drinks on your lanai again, Greg??
        The British attack on Washington was not an insurrection, as we were an independent nation at the time (war of 1812). It should be pointed out that the Brits actually burned down the White House and poor Dolly Madison was saving portraits and other valuable item. The capitol during the Revolutionary war was Philadelphia.

          • Sorry Greg but you wrote:
            “…they (I assume you to mean the J6 rioters) attack the capital (as in the city where the seat of government is located)…” which is a factually false statement. The riot took place at the CAPITOL building and did not involve any other structures. When the British attacked Washington in 1814, they laid waste to the city, including the White House. So your comparison is inaccurate and therefor negates your entire contrived argument.
            I further assure you that I simply have an understanding of history and can not help when you are too lazy to Google pertinent items before making claims that are nonsensical.

      • For someone who gets all their news from the headlines, without actually reading the article, you should know a LOT better than to make that statement.
        It most certainly does not go both ways.
        When the mainstream news is nearly 100% aligned with the progressives, they can and do control the narrative. And, you know it.
        For example…
        On Jan 20, 2025, two different Presidents issued two different pardons. One President’s pardons got about 4 minutes of news coverage. The other President’s pardons got five to ten times that coverage. Why?
        Oh… of course, you will say it is because pardoning family members who have not actually committed any crimes is perfectly OK, and pardoning grandmothers who did nothing more grievous than trespass into the Capitol and take pictures is not. Why? Because it DOES NOT go both ways. Never has, never will.

  10. The eliminationist wing of the right is priming the pump: accusing people of violent rhetoric is a justification of violence against them. Any opposition to the dorks in charge is considered a valid reason to resort to murder.

    I made fun of Elon at work on Friday and a guy in my squad threatened to shoot me. He did not, because he’s a coward. He did go online and imply that his cop friends would arrest me. For making fun of the biggest dweeb in the world.

    Gonna be a long four years with these fake conservatives crying about their feelings over every percieved slight. Grow up, crybabies.

  11. Perhaps I’m mistaken, but I don’t recall President Trump ever telling people to fight in the streets. Jeffries is quite clearly calling for violence. The commies got away with it in the African American/ Fascists Who Call Themselves Anti-Fascists insurrection riots of 2020. Are they stupid enough to burn their own neighborhoods again? Of course they are. Will they? Who knows? Who cares? Certainly not this MAGA Patriot.

  12. Looks like Dog and Greg are having a no good very bad four years ahead of them. I might feel sorry for them except that they spent the last four years crowing about their supposed moral superiority, so they can probably remain satisfied that they are above us deplorables while they reap the benefits of Trump’s amazing economy .

    • Your 401K is going to crash just like mine. By the time Trump is out you will wish you had voted like I did.

      • Everyone’s 401 is going to crash. The Global economy has been heading towards a collapse the past 40 years. Every government on earth the past 40 years has been employing tactics that either accelerate it or stall it. The ones that stall it, have been doing nothing but helping make the crash big as possible. Most those policies have come from people like you.

      • Is that implying you voted for Harris?
        Just remember, a vote for Harris was in fact a vote for the WEF agenda. I can safely say that because there has been no action taken by the last two Democrat Presidents that did not directly support the WEF agenda.
        Perhaps you like living in squalor while the elites enjoy all the luxuries in life. Having your use of energy monitored and controlled, losing your right to travel freely, and having your right to free speech severely limited. All the while, the “elites” are enjoying everything life has to offer, while contributing nothing to society as a whole.
        A vote for Harris is a vote for that future.
        I would rather see my 401(k) take a hit, no matter how significant, and still retain my right to travel, use energy, build a luxurious life for myself, and speak my mind without fear of retribution.

  13. Since the beginning its always been a perpetual stage play of double standards. The left prosecutes and jails conservatives for puny infractions (example, Dinesh DSouza) while the right just tolerates the crimes of the left (example, Hillary). The examples are endless. Maybe its high time we started hitting back with prosecutions as well. All those videos of Antifa attackers could still enable them to be tracked down and given long sentences just like the J-6ers. Why does our side always hold back?

  14. Jeffries is just another Obama type, he’s in government to become wealthy, all these dems are in it for money, and most all
    Are willing to sell
    Out the entire Coungry to
    Become Wealthy, these
    Type of people
    Need to be dredged out completely , and make no mistake there
    Are a few in he Republican Party I the
    boat , pretty pathetic when people with little to
    Nothing can enter
    Politics with nothing, but stay in for a decade or more
    And become multi
    millionaires, which is just the opposite for Trump
    Huge amounts of his previous self made wealth and takes
    Salary inorde to
    Try to
    Up this mess the Dems have made
    For us!!

  15. Is it insurrection? No. It’s rabble rousing stupidity by a stupid man.

    Is it a double standard? Absolutely.

  16. Funny, This guy is a Thug, a jew hater and he keeps getting re elected. Guess those voting for him share his views. The double standard is clear, Democrats are the biggest racist on the planet yet always blame that on the right. Only works because lazy people take them at their word instead of looking at the history of the Party of the Klan, Black panthers, and Hamas supporters. The party should have been outlawed they are so racist.

  17. Jefferies looks, talks, and acts like an AI version of Obama. He is a pure obstructionist to anything conservative and continually attempts to socialize our country, through his actions, legislative aims, and campaigns. What he has become is SOROS right hand man.

  18. Well one thing for sure if you want all the blog filled up by 2 Marxist fools just place a story like this one. If it’s violent count on whidbey and Greg. They love to jack their jaws. I’m hoping they are both old and vaccinated and we won’t have to listen to them much longer

    • WhidbeyTheDog, as much as I usually disagree with him, comes across as a relatively intelligent (if misguided and misinformed) person. Whereas Greg Forkner strikes me as nothing more than an NPC (“Non-Performing Character” in videospeak), a kneejerk lemming who invariably and always takes and supports the pro-establishment line, whatever that may be on any given subject. Greg is just a mindless conformist.

      • GF seems an interesting and intelligent, if not provider of pithy and succinct responses to the wild improbability offered here. My guess is that he’s a retired calculus or physics professor who deals in fact at the basis of his logic, whereas Whidbey seems more like a philosopher or retired lawyer.

        • By GF’s own admission, he is a shop teacher.
          And, to be honest here, if you think he seems intelligent, I question the caliber of the people you know. Interesting, that GF is, in spades.
          If he were truly intelligent, a lot of his comments would not be so completely unrelated to the topic at hand. Things like saying someone is panicking, when the comment he is replying to has nothing in it to indicate any emotional state at all. That is not an indicator of intelligence. It is an indicator of someone who is emotionally driven.

            • Was I wrong?
              Do you not make assumptions about other commenters states of mind, often?
              Do you always post comments that are obviously relevant to the comment string? Perhaps they are relevant, but you choose not to provide sufficient text for anyone to see the relevance.
              See, intelligent people do that without thinking about it. When posting a reply, they do not just post a handful of words and assume everyone on the planet will know what they mean.
              Intelligent people never assume what the other person is thinking. They do not have that insight, the best they can do is make assumptions.
              On the other hand, folks that let their emotions call the shots do exactly those things.

          • Let’s play mrak what’s my line…..

            I’m going to give you a list of occupations, and you decide how many of,or all previous occupations of mine. You get one point for everyone. You get right and you lose a point for everyone you get wrong. Okay let’s begin….. Butcher,
            carpenter, teacher, coach, play football in arrowhead stadium, lived two miles in the sky, lived below sea level, lived eight different reservations, shop teacher, mister mom, chauffeur, cook, maintenance worker, hospice care worker, steel erector, rancher, farmer, observer of alien life forms, and finally
            Husband. Remember only pick those, you think I have been. Don’t try to google because you won’t find any of these on that list. Suzanne you’re welcome to play too. Good luck.

            • The panic comment was absolutely irrelevant to what I had written. It was, at best, a non-sequitur. That is exactly the reason I used it as an example.
              If you actually explained why I was panicking, instead of just writing that I was panicking, I would not have used that as an example. (Trust me, examples abound. I could have used a dozen without even looking.)

        • Understands that brevity is the soul of wit. Does more with three words than the voluble do with a thesis.

      • The fact that you’re so upset with me leads me to believe that my job here has been successful, and that your feathers have been ruffled, and possibly your fingers are worn down to nubs Responding to my posts. We all have a job to do. A little advice to you would be to take things with a grain of salt, not everything that you read it’s true, stop and smell the roses from time to time.

    • Vaccinated, independent, Capitalist, grandpa, loving and caring husband. 68. You be the judge if I’m old.

  19. This is an interesting dynamic here.

    I recall the day after Jan 6, the nation as a whole was shocked. Almost to a person everyone here condemned the riot as unacceptable and demanded that the perpetrators be apprehended and prosecuted. This could have been a unifying event for the nation to realize that respect and tolerance are needed to fairly treat ALL.
    Unfortunately soon it became clear that the aftermath of this event was being used for revenge (and covering various behinds). From the partisan Jan 6 commission, to the impeachment and excessive sentences, many began to object to this raw and abject display of power by the federal government against its citizens.

    Now here we have an elected official, who directly calls for violence and civil war in the streets. Instead of horrified calls for censure and calm from all quarters (especially the ones, who decried and bemoaned the Jan 6 violence) there is nothing but a shrug and a “he did it first”.(which we can debate at a different opportunity)

    Ladies and gentlemen, regardless who utters it, a call to violence is wrong and unacceptable! Yet not one of you supposed peace-loving individuals has condemned this language and the elected official and is abhorred by the posts of wanna-be armed thug militia making plans to overthrow a duly elected government and terrorize the people.

  20. Yes, this is an open call to violence which is illegal for anyone to publically state.

    He needs to be locked up immediately and removed from office.

    FYI; I will ignore anyone who brings up January 6th or President Trump as they are NOT cases of anyone pubicially calling for violence.

      • You are correct, Greg, however Jan 6 is not the issue here. That event is past and has been dealt with. It is a red herring. Two wrongs don’t make a right and this is still wrong!
        Jan 6 has no bearing at all on Mr. Jeffries statement. Here we have a domestic threat from a sitting congressman (who swore that particular oath you reference), stating that “we will fight in the streets”. So he is declaring that he and his cohorts are willing to utilize violence against the people of this nation in order to force their will on them and the governing body.
        A clear and present domestic threat in its own right, unacceptable and the most un-American action imaginable!

          • Why do you always make some personal comment and really NEVER respond with an actual, factual and rational argument Greg?
            Is it because your position is indefensible or because you really seek no dialogue, just get a thrill out of distracting and trolling.
            You are the antithesis to a representative republic, where rational fact based dialogue is the highest form of finding solutions to the challenges facing the nation.
            What a waste.

            • Taxpayer; it is easier and funnier to openly ignore Forkner. I would love to be sitting next to him when no one gives him any attention he craves. His head would literally explode when no one responds to his irrelevant nonsense.

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