President Joe Biden on Sunday authorized Ukraine to use long-range, made-in-USA missiles deep into Russian territory.
With just two months left in Biden’s presidency, many are concerned that this drastic policy change will widen the war, which has thus far been limited to the border regions.
“This is a very big step towards the start of World War III,” said Vladimir Dzhabarov, first deputy head of Russia’s Senate international affairs committee, as reported by Russia’s government-run Tass news agency.
Russia President Vladimir Putin then lowered the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons. The new Russian nuclear doctrine says a conventional attack on Russia by any nation supported by a nuclear power will be considered a joint attack on his country.
“Russia will also engage in nuclear deterrence against those countries that offer their territory, maritime zones, airspace, and resources for aggression against it,” Tass reported. “Additionally, a nuclear response is deemed possible if there is a critical threat to Russia’s sovereignty, even from conventional weapons, including an attack on Belarus as part of the Union State, or a massive launch of warplanes, cruise missiles, drones, or other aircraft crossing the Russian border.”
In other words, if Ukraine attacks Russia, even with drones as it has done in the past year, Putin is now authorized to use nuclear weapons on Ukraine.
The move was intended to send a signal to the White House that the Kremlin will meet force with overwhelming force.
On Tuesday, just two days after Biden’s authorization, Ukraine used the U.S.-made weapons to attack Russia.
The destabilization of the U.S.-Russia relationship may mean that Biden is leaving Donald Trump a quickly widening conflict, complicated by Russia’s willingness to use nuclear weapons on the United States.
The United States has already sent more than $56.5 billion in security assistance to Ukraine, through both presidential drawdown authority and the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative. The Department of Defense announced in October the 68th tranche of security assistance for Ukraine since August, 2021. Biden directed Defense to allocate all remaining security assistance funding appropriated for Ukraine before Trump takes office.
While munitions sent previously to Ukraine were along the lines of air-to-ground munitions, ammunition for the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, 155 mm and 105 mm artillery ammunition, Javelin and AT4 anti-armor systems, spare parts, and armored security vehicles, the Lockheed Martin-made MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) are supersonic tactical ballistic missiles, harder to shoot down.
They are designed and intended to allow Ukraine to strike Russian missile launch sites before missiles are launched, with a range of nearly 200 miles.
Thus far, Ukraine’s strikes deep into Russian territory have been by drones and non-U.S.A.-made weapons.
“As part of this effort, the Department of Defense will allocate the remaining Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative funds by the end of this year,” President Biden said in September. “I also have authorized $5.5 billion in presidential drawdown authority to ensure this authority does not expire so that my administration can fully utilize the funding appropriated by Congress to support the drawdown of U.S. equipment for Ukraine and then replenish U.S. stockpiles.”
Also this week, the president was on a stroll of the rainforest in Brazil, where he touted his efforts to preserve the planet’s environment and said he would “leave my successor and my country in a strong foundation to build on if they choose to do so.”
But Biden took no questions from the media on his decision to expand the war between Russia and Ukraine.
Edmund Burke once said,” a great Empire and little minds go ill together”
The story above illustrates that point.
Trump will pull off a Chamberlain-like appeasement move, and before you know it, you’ll need a Russian visa to visit your favorite European vacation spot. Just watch.
Foolish warmonger.
What do we care if one eastern european oligarch briefly controls some random bit of the steppe? This is what we will send our sons and daughters to die for?
And before you bleat on about russia, russia, russia tell me again what our country did when confronted by a hostile military alliance with missiles on our border with cuba in the early 1960s? That’s is realpolitik.
We don’t have a border with Cuba. And all of that missile placement was just in retaliation to us placing missiles in turkey, which russia didn’t like, so it’s a t** for tat.
I don’t think you are as painfully stupid as many of your comments, but you are obtuse and often trolling. In the end you are always a waste of my time. I can not think of one comment of yours that had any value. On that basis I would block you if I could. I hope you are not like this with your loved ones, if you have any. You certainly spend so much time here where you are not wanted.
And yet here you are. Just because you don’t like my content doesn’t mean that it’s not beneficial to others.
A border is often a body of water.
The English Channel is the border between the UK and Europe.
Technically, you are correct comrade by that argument. I suppose we are sharing a border with japan as well as europe and africa as well. But in reality, a border is something that is agreed upon by both nations.
So, Japan and the USA do not see the common body of water as a border? I am pretty sure the US thinks the Pacific Ocean represents a border, and Japan thinks so as well. Just because the land does not abut does not mean there is no border.
Pretty sure they don’t.
So you would rather have WWIII?
More likely to happen is Trump will call Zelinski and tell him if he tries to get a long range missile fired into Russia, then on day one in office, Trump will pull ALL military backing from him!
Also, Ukraine does not have access to the LR missiles. A NATO country would have to pull the trigger on the ones in their country, and I doubt any of them want to be the reason WWIII starts either!
I expect him to do that anyway, to stick it for his buddy, vlad.
Probably the most ignorant statement Whidbey has made here.
The appeasement of the Obama/Harris/Biden administrations is clear for all to see. Under Obama/Biden Putin took Crimea and Iran was strengthened. Under the Obama/Harris/Biden administration Afghanistan was handed to the Taliban, along with BILLIONS of dollars of military equipment. Under the Obama/Harris/Biden administration Iran was handed BILLIONS of dollars, sanctions were lifted. At virtually every step of the way following the Hamas terrorist attack on innocent Israeli women and children that was funded by money the Obama/Harris/Biden administration gave to Iran; the Obama/Harris/Biden administration begged, pleaded, attempted to force Israel to not protect themselves and to basically surrender to terrorists.
You talk of a Chamberlain-like appeasement move, but you fail to see what is right in front of you and the reason for the virtually all of the current potential WWIII issues that the Obama/Harris/Biden administrations have caused and continue causing.
Well said. However, this reminds me of a bit of advice left behind by the Greek philosopher Euripides. “Talk sense to a fool, and he’ll call you foolish”.
You are willing to sell a Democracy down the river with your obeisance to Trump. Shame. Hitler didn’t stop in Czechoslovakia, and Putin won’t stop at 20% of Ukraine.
You, like most leftists, do not understand what Democracy is. Leftists think that Democracy is everyone agreeing with them all the time. The Democratic Party ran a candidate for President who hadn’t received a single democratic vote in nearly a decade. Please don’t try and lecture anyone about Democracy. The gaslighting from the left is on full display.
And you can thank Obama/Harris/Biden for allowing what is happening in Ukraine to take place.
You are of complete ignorance. President Trump was the firs president in my adult life that did not get us into a war conventional or unconventional. I have dedicated my entire adult like to defend this country and Biden is making a mockery of the United States along with weaking our military defenses with these Presidential Drawdowns.
Basically Trump got lucky.
I thought the narrative was Trump was going to start WWIII. When did it change to appeasement?
Dammit! I need to get those notices.
You’re not read in. Sorry.
My favorite European vacation spot is in Russia.
It’s more accurate to state the US, with its’ thoroughly incompetent NATO EU vassals is at war against Russia, using Ukraine, with its’ installed regime in Kiev as a proxy.
The ATACOMS, Patriots, Scalp and other NATO systems are crewed, commanded, and operated by American and NATO servicemen in Ukraine. When they are used to fire on Russian targets, these are acts of war.
Dozens of these systems and their crews have been eliminated already.
Ukraine is collapsing rapidly, the goal for Biden’s handlers is to delay the collapse until 1/20/2025. The narrative will then be its’ Trumps’ fault.
The authorization for continued and extended targeting use of our weapon systems will cause Russian casualties but have zero impact to prevent or delay the complete defeat of the installed Kiev Regime.
It’s a very dangerous, reckless aInd stupid game to escalate tensions, but NATO and Ukrainians fighting for the Kiev regime, are desperate rats.
Russia will likely indirectly retaliate by providing hypersonic missiles to the multiple enemies whom we have created throughout the mid East.
Our Neocon masters are shifting their focus against Iran, creating a target rich environment of isolated US garrisons and warships. What the Biden regime is doing is treason against our National Security and military personnel.
Exactly, well said Brian
Comrade “Brian Simpson”. Reporting from Moscow. A Pootin puppet, and liar.
Actually the term is “tavarish”, and no, there is no need to travel to Moscow or anywhere from home to avoid being a complete opinionated idiot and parroting garbage reported by our MSM, due to the plethora of open source information, including very detailed, geo located Telegram posts with videos, covering every detail of this war.
The majority of these posts are published by Ukrainian military units, and are used by professional mappers to set the exact specifics of the Line of Contact in real time. The posts include very tragic details, by the units themselves, of Ukrainian units abandoned, and torn to shreds, yet whose lives are sacrificed to maintain the cash laundromat for our politicians in Washington, including Sullivan and Murkowski, for a few more weeks.
As an American, who loves my country, it is disgusting to watch as our incompetent military and political leadership continue to degrade our military, security and national honor, along with the deaths of millions of foreigners caught up in these schemes.
Alaska has been our ancestors home for thousands of years, this is where our multitude of children and grandchildren live. Endangering their lives, moral wellbeing and future opportunity by outsiders and their self serving support for incompetent totalitarian governance, for temporary selfish benefit is the existential threat that we must resist. Foreign dictators are not our priority.
It never ceases to amaze me that there are still idiots on here that continue to believe & regurgitate the propaganda and outright lies the intelligence community controlled legacy media continues to spew out on a daily basis.
Who invaded who, exactly? Russia is the aggressor, have no doubt about that. Putin will probably be in Kyiv by the end of January.
Our State Department and CIA overthrew the Government in Ukraine, which represented all Ukrainians of different ethnicities and maintained a neutral stance between NATO and the RF. Susan Nuland, the angel of death, was instrumental in the overthrow.
Subsequently, the sick comedian turned “president” Zelinskii began to outlaw all vestiges of Russian language, religion and commenced SBU and Azov nazi militias terror against the eastern Ukrainians, 99% of whom are Russian. Conveniently the natural gas, agriculture and mineral resources, for which Black Rock and Burisma (Biden crime family owned) had personal financial interests in, are located in the east.
NATO made moves to incorporate Ukraine into their organization of neutered, vassal states, which would have opened territory to station nuclear missiles near Kharkhov, minutes away from Moscow. The current use of missiles against Russia supports their concern for the unacceptable threat.
For 8 years the Kiev regime shelled eastern Ukrainian citizens and multitudes of acts of terror against their own citizens. The regime forces were unable to defeat the local militias created to protect their people. We played the Russians with a pretense of working out a fair and mutually acceptable peace accords for Ukraine. We were bold facing lying, while threatening the bear. As far as Russia is concerned the Special Military Operation is in defense of an existential threat against them.
We used excuses to invade Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, overthrew the Egyptian government, plus multitudes of other “special” military operations, which we lost all, and the locals still hate us. The oblasts in eastern Ukraine voted to join Russia, not hate them and they are winning. Something to ponder, why?
So, Russia invaded Ukraine, and that somehow justifies using US owned long range missiles?
And they just launched… That didn’t take long… Ukraine Launches First ATACMS Strike On Russia, Sending Markets Reeling Amid WW3 Fears… They already told us what they will do when this happens so we’ll see what happens next… ^^^
Don’t get your panties all in a wad. Russia did a lot of saber-rattling when we gave the Taliban and Afghanistan those stinger missiles, so they could shoot down Russian attack helicopters, which led to Russia, pulling out of Afghanistan. Maybe we should have learned that lesson and let them shoot the long range stuff quicker on in this war. Only way to fight a war is to win it, not vietnam style.
It is insanity that biden (or more accurately those ruling in his name) has launched long range missiles into russia. Pray this isn’t what kicks things off bigly.
Let us all hope that the future is not so bright that we must wear shades. Cold war kids know that reference.
Huh? the author writes: “…the war, which has thus far been limited to the border regions.” Tell that to the citizens of Kyiv, which is more than 200 miles from the Russian border. The gangster Putin regime has fired hundreds of missiles at this civilian city, as well as scores of others.
Putin is a state sponsor of terror, and needs to be treated as such. Appeasing criminal dictators is not in the best interest of the civilized world. The US promised to help Ukraine militarily when we induced the country to give up nuclear weapons after we won the cold war. Obama failed to honor that commitment when the gangster Putin invade Crimea. The current war is a direct result of Obama- Biden appeasing Putin.
Putin has now lost roughly 700,000 people (dead and wounded) due to his megalomania. When will the Russian people treat Putin like the Libyans treated Gaddafi?
Yes, all that, and now north korea is sending thousands of troops to help him out in exchange for nuclear help. Obama and trump both were friendly with vladimir. They don’t know how to deal with him.
“The (evil) Putin” is very popular in Russia, in fact in most countries of the world, all those that are not dominated by a handful of oligarchs and corporations who control our government and the EU vassal states.
Maybe there yet remain countries that resist policies by governments (like ours) that manipulate elections and are designed to destroy living standards, free enterprise, de-indusrialize economies, de-energize grids and subsidize primitive “alternate” energy schemes adding trillions to national debts, subsidize the mental, surgical and chemical rape of children to “change” their bodies into other sexes, advocate transgender mental illness, creation of millions of homeless while importing millions of unvetted foreigners who do not wish to assimilate, and the host of other dysfunctional mandates that are unbecoming and anathema to actual democratic and decent minded societies.
The real question is, when will the Ukrainians treat the dictator Zelenskii how Gaddafi was, and when will we Americans quit supporting the sick and corrupt government that even now is recklessly escalating undeclared wars and working to subvert the incoming administration of Trump?
Comrade “Brian”, you working in Moscow, on Pootin’s payroll to write your insane propaganda?
Recall the war Pootin initiatiated against Ukraine was to go after Nazis. What utter horsemanure that was, esp. since the head of that country is Jewish.
Your blather is so far over the top you are not credible.
M – Do you watch CNN & MSNBC much? LMAO!
This is a treasonous act by the Biden administration. The two months before the inauguration of a new Presidential administration has historically been a period of relative calm so as to leave the new President time to take the reins of power without undue distractions or turmoil. This latest act of sabotage by Sloppy Joe not only puts the USA in danger of nuclear war, but indeed, the world.
He is still president, and he’s still calling the shots.Whether you like it or not.
Hahaha, now that’s funny! Biden calling the shots, since when?
Obama has been calling the shots since day 1 and Biden has referred to Kamala Harris as President Harris on multiple occasions even before she was installed as the Presidential candidate of the unDemocratic party.
He’s calling the shots….sheesh.
Sloppy Joe has been incapable of saying anything intelligible for the past two years, much less calling the shots on anything. The green light given for the use of ATACMS against Russian Territory has the greasy paw prints of Anthony Blinken & Jake Sullivan all over it. These two clowns are arguably the most incompetent & stupid US foreign policy makers the country has ever had the misfortune to have had to endure, and that is saying something!
These democrats are insane and they are going to get us all killed with thermo nukes. Anyone who supports them are just as crazy! When this goes wild weasel just blame a war loving liberal. They did this! Every bit of blood from this war is on the hands every Biden supporter! SHAME ON ALL OF THEM! WAR MONGERS! THE LEFTIES ARE ARE NOTHING BUT A DEATH CULT!
These weapons require a level of guidance programmed by American
Programmers back in America is my understanding, which if an accurate
fact ,would place us in the conflict in absents.
Scary thought
I understand that russia just shot them down though, so how much of a threat are they?
Our military operating ATACOMS systems located in the Sudzha region of Ukraine launched 6 missiles into the territory of the Bryansk Oblast in Russia several hours ago. 5 were intercepted and destroyed by S-400 air defense systems, and 1 was damaged, its’ wreckage causing a fire in a warehouse near Bryansk.
Initial retaliation appears to be the cutting of undersea communication cables in the Baltic, effecting internet in Sweden, Germany, Finland and Lithuania. All are NATO countries. Russian doctrine considers all parties in any alliance (read the US and NATO) that engage in acts of violent aggression against their country as equally culpable. Even the barking Chihuahuas, like Germany and Lithuania, can be the target of retaliation, although in this case it was American aggression launched from Kiev regime controlled territory in the Ukraine.
Very restrained so far, but this situation can escalate rapidly and very seriously.
If Ukraine gets Javelins, there will be WW3.
If Ukraine gets HIMARS, there will be WW3.
If Ukraine gets Leopards, there will be WW3.
If Ukraine gets F-16s, there will be WW3.
If Ukraine gets ATACMS, there will be WW3.
If Ukraine gets… oh wait. Trump said he would make a phone call to Vlad and this would be all over. After that he’ll pay done the federal debt in 4 short years. Art of the Deal baby.
Haven’t you learned yet that trump is all mouth?
This is another example of how Biden-Harris f__ked up the world and another mess that Trump will have to clean up. The middle-East is another one. Philippines and Taiwan are another one. Mexico and Central America are in there, too. Need I go on?
The Democrats love war.
War brings home the bacon for all who are heavily invested in the military industrial complex manufacturing the very expensive missiles.
Hunter is to old and washed up from all the pimping Joe and Obama used him for before the conflict.
This is just another last ditch effort to bring home more cash for retirement.
Martha’s Vineyard isnt cheap real estate.
Whether you like Trump or now, pray that he can stop this before it gets any worse.
…”there is a time-line…”
Nobody screwed anything up. Truth be told, this was all inherited. What you perceive to be fair weather during the Trump years was just these countries sitting back abiding their time. They are in it for the long haul, and I mean hundreds of years from now, They don’t care what happens tomorrow.They know we won’t last that long.
We still have more time. To set the captives free.
Hope the Iranians don’t figure out that sneaking made-in-America nukes into Ukraine and launching them at the Russkies might just goad the Great Satan and Russia into Hiroshimizing each other, quite possibly leaving an intact Islamic Republic to do as it pleases with survivors.
So, the Powers-That-Be are unhappy with our presidential choice so they’re gonna leave the World in a ruinous heap of ashes to teach us a lesson. Well I certainly hope Trump has his back-channel to the Kremlin working. If we make it till Trump’s inaugeration I expect his order of business will be secure border, start the mass deportation, locate and relesae the 300,000+ kids who have been trafficed across the border, haul these treasonous and destructive deep-staters to Guantanamo for appropriate processing
Did you just say you want Americans sent to gitmo?
Whoever qualifies as a “treasonous, destructive deepstater”
A little revolution is good from time to time.
Factor this in, you failed Ponzi Scheming would be mass murderers: I am ready to join the Russian Federation because America tortures me and is slowly genociding my tribe. No turning back.
I wouldn’t say that too loudly.
Sorry to hear that Susie.
Need me to buy you a ticket to Moscow?
Maybe she can stay at your house over there.
Perhaps she could. It is actually centrally located, good for most purposes, business and tourism.
I knew it. Lol
“Biden took no questions from the media on his decision……” Everyone knows that Joe Biden didn’t make the decision. It was made by the creepy Lizard People in the Pentagram.
It never ceases to amaze me that there are still idiots on here that continue to believe & regurgitate the propaganda and outright lies the intelligence community controlled legacy media continues to spew out on a daily basis.
Yeah, but about seventy five percent of it is fact, and that’s the scary part.
Best part is Biden waste one who just gave Ukraine permission. Biden just pulled the biggest wtf are you doing in history
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