Did Alaska Airlines decide the COVID pandemic is over in December?


Alaska Airlines is opening up all of its middle seats after the election. But not right away.

Dec. 1 is when middle seats begin showing up as available for booking. Until then, all middle seats, which are generally the least desirable on an airplane, have an x through them on the seating charts for flights across the airline’s routes.

Elections across the country are certified by Nov. 30 in most states, which is when the outcome is generally known. Electors meet and vote Dec. 14, and barring “faithless electors” who do not vote according to the wishes of the majority of their state, that seals the election.

Earlier this year, Alaska and other airlines began blocking the middle seats, although at times they used them to accommodate passengers bumped from canceled flights.

There is no particular science to support the return to full flights, since a fall surge is well underway for the virus that originated in China.

The U.S. surpassed 8 million coronavirus cases on Friday, according to the  Johns Hopkins University COVID data page. Over the past week, China virus infections have surged by 17 percent, with cases on the uptick in 38 states and Washington, D.C.


  1. Of course forcing masks on the flight is completely non-scientific also. Here’s a Fox News story on a passenger Alaska really mistreated.


  2. Another ‘woke’ corporation where everything will get better after Nov 3. Or it won’t if the wrong party loses. I wish that business would just stick to business.

    • I completely agree. AK Airlines is selling BLM merchandise and flocking to every trend of the week. They need to stick to flying aircraft from point A to point B.

  3. Opening those middle seats in December must be an economic decision. They are hurting for $ after all these months of reduced capacity. Also, college kids need to get home, and people are traveling again for the holidays, virus or no virus.

  4. Because the Democrats and their “scientist” cohorts are doing all they can to bring down our economy so as to hurt President Trump’s re-election chances, I suspect that Alaska Airlines is correct.

  5. Alaska Airlines doesn’t get to decide squat other than who they throw off their planes for whatever lame reason they decide. The passengers will decide when the COVID-19 is over and they will do that by starting to fly again. When we flew down here from Alaska, the stupid flight attendants moved their masks to one side so that they could have a conversation with another patron standing less than two feet away from me. I doubt that person was losing their job and if I had made mention of it they probably would have tossed me also. My diligence was probably the only thing that saved us during that journey.

  6. Having just flown back from the east coast and having to wear that god awful mask the entire time, I’ve come to the conclusion that wearing a mask is more detrimental to my health than Covid could ever be.

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