Desperate Dems boost third-party candidate and encourage Republicans to not rank Begich at all

Mary Peltola's campaign headquarters in Fairbanks offers free beer.

The Democrats are working hard to manipulate Alaska’s controversial ranked-choice voting system into helping them in Alaska’s congressional race, where Rep. Mary Peltola seems to be slipping from her first-place spot. The Democrats are on record now pushing messages to conservative male voters to only vote for the third-party candidate, John Wayne Howe.

In a piece of campaign deception, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee accidentally publicized the instructions to its operatives and supporters on how to defeat Republican Nick Begich, by tricking Republicans and conservative men. Here’s what the DCCC is advising its network of operatives and political groups:

“White men under the age of 60 without a college degree, who are either very likely to be Republican or slightly more likely to be Republican than Democrat, who are not pro-choice or registered Democrats, and who live in the Anchorage and Fairbanks media markets, including in South Central Alaska  – need to see ads narrowly targeted to them on digital platforms like Meta, Twitter, YouTube, and programmatic CTV that: 

  • “John Wayne Howe is a Fairbanks native who is running for Congress to keep Alaska for Alaskans and make sure the government does not interfere with Alaskans’ freedoms. Howe believes that man-made climate change is bad science, and that we need to rapidly expand oil production here in Alaska for Alaskans. He will always stand for the Second Amendment and opposes any restrictions on the right to bear arms.”

That is the message that Alaska men will be inundated with for the next three weeks leading up to Election Day in order to trick those the age of 60 who do not have a college degree into not voting for Begich, who has the endorsement of the Alaska Outdoor Council and Gun Owners of America, the governor of the state and even Donald Trump.

The DCCC says directly to not rank: “It is important that people who vote for John Wayne Howe rank him first and do not consider other choices.”

In other words, the Democrats, who support ranked-choice voting, are telling Republicans to not rank anyone else but John Wayne Howe. The DCCC then has begged its allies to flood the airways with this communication message: “It is essential that voters hear more communication on YouTube from allies than from opponents.” 

Those who mark Howe first and then abandon their ballots will see those ballots tossed after the first round of counting. In the primary, Howe received 1/2 percent of the vote. The Democrats think that 1/2 percent is their path to victory for Mary Peltola.


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