Dennis Prager is keynote for spring dinner with Alaska Family Council


Alaska Family Council’s keynote speaker for its annual fundraising dinner is Dennis Prager.

Prager is a best-selling author, columnist, and one of America’s most listened-to radio talk show hosts. He also appears regularly on networks such as Fox and CNN.

A highly sought-after public speaker, Prager lectures all over the world, including Europe, Asia, Israel, and Australia. His books include Think a Second Time, Happiness is a Serious Problem, and his most recent, The Rational Bible.

Prager writes a syndicated column that is published in newspapers and online. His writings have appeared in major national and international publications, including Commentary and the Wall Street Journal. In 2011, he co-founded Prager University. Learn more about him at

The event is May 21, 6-8:30 pm at the Captain Cook Hotel in Anchorage.

Tickets have been selling briskly and the $1,500 table sponsorships have sold out. The individual tickets may be gone soon, said Jim Minnery, president of Alaska Family Council.

“We’ve never seen anything like this, this early. Our base hasn’t even stepped up yet. People are buying tables who have never before been involved in our organization,” Minnery said. More information about how to get tickets is at this link.


  1. I think the ad for this with his face sporting a big cigar is in poor taste.
    I guess next we will hear how cigars cure pain and there will be a lemmings/sheepeople cigar dispensary on every corner. My Lord.

  2. Aunt Dot…this is America, at least it used to be. A man with a cigar in his mouth is the least of our problems. This gentleman is worth listening to!!!!!

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