Democrats in shambles heading for convention



An update on the WikiLeaks story as it pertains to the now-deposed Debbie Wasserman Schultz‘ trip to Alaska for the Democrats’ state convention in May.

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Kay Brown

Debbie Wasserman Schultz’ staff was warned about Politically Correct hotels in Anchorage, and those to avoid. The note came from Alaska Democratic Party Executive Director Kay Brown:

One of the nicest (union acceptable) hotels in Anchorage is the Hotel Captain Cook Fourth Avenue And K Street, Anchorage, AK 99501) · Recommend DO NOT use the Hilton or Sheraton as they are both involved in labor disputes.

Wasserman Shultz today resigned as head of the Democratic National Committee, after leaked emails showed that she and her staff rigged the nomination process for Hillary Clinton and against Bernie Sanders.

We followed several email threads in an earlier post today, a few that showed how the national officers pressured Brown to work her spy network harder in Alaska to uncover any plots that Bernie Sanders supports had to disrupt the Democratic Party’s state convention. Brown evidently had moles inside the Sanders operation who were feeding her information about a planned walk out.


Earlier this summer, it was revealed that the Alaska Democratic Party collected tens of thousands of dollars from a political committee close to Hillary Clinton. In its latest FEC report, the party showed it raised $43,500 from the Hillary Victory Fund, including from several millionaires and billionaires not in Alaska.

The Alaska Democratic Party sent the money straight out — directly to the Democratic National Committee. In a legal money laundering scheme, the Bernie Democrats in Alaska unwittingly supported the corrupt Hillary machine.

At their March caucuses, Bernie Sanders won by an 82 percent  landslide, but superdelegates like Kim Metcalfe of Juneau were able to rig the election at the local level, as the nomination was being rigged simultaneously at the Democratic National Committee level.

Metcalfe earned scorn from Democrats across the country for disregarding the will of Alaska Democrats.


A petition has been launched online to oust Metcalfe, poster child for the arrogant super delegate. Here’s what the petitioners say:

Kim Metcalfe
Kim Metcalfe

The state of Alaska voted 81.6% for Bernie Sanders for The President, which should mean that the Superdelegates would vote in the interest of their state. But for Kim Metcalfe it is about voting for her personal interests. She has openly said the she doesn’t care what the state of Alaska wants, she is voting for Hillary Clinton.
Why do we want someone representing the people if she openly doesn’t care about her state, we put her in power to vote for us not against us. I don’t know any other job where you can go against orders and keep the job, the amount of disrespect she has shown to the voters of Alaska is disgraceful, unethical and a huge slap in the face.
So in conclusion I believe we need to immediately remove Kim Metcalfe from her position as a Superdelegate for The State of Alaska. If you cant respect your states choice for The President Of The United States of America, then you don’t deserve to be representing that State.

The petition is here.


Today, at pre-convention meetings of the Rules Committee of the Democratic National Committee, dozens of protestors pounded on the door and screamed at the committee as they attempted to deliver petitions with more than 600,000 signatures of people demanding the Party end the use of unelected officials to determine presidential nominees. The leaked DNC emails confirmed an excessive level of collusion by party officials to ensure that Bernie Sanders’ candidacy could not advance.

In Alaska, of the 523 delegates who attended the Democratic Convention, just 97 supported Clinton.