Democrats seek to take away nuclear weapons from Trump before he is sworn in


Democrats had no trouble with President Joe Biden having the power to use nuclear weapons, even though he has showed signs of dementia since before taking over as president.

But some Democrats are trying to take the power from the presidency before Donald Trump is sworn into office on Jan. 20. And they’re asking Biden to work the magic through policy.

Massachusetts Democrat Sen. Ed Markey, and California Democrat Rep. Ted Lieu sent a letter to Biden asking him to change the policy now in place and force the next president to consult with Congress before using nuclear weapons in a first-strike scenario.

In the letter, the lawmakers write, “Current U.S. policy, which gives the president sole authority to launch nuclear weapons without any input from Congress, is dangerous. As Donald Trump prepares to return to the Oval Office, it is more important than ever to take the power to start a nuclear war out of the hands of a single individual and ensure that Congress’s constitutional role is respected and fulfilled.”

Markey and Leiu specifically said Trump is unstable.

“Mr. President, with just weeks left in office, you can safeguard the system against Donald Trump or any future unstable president, and make it constitutional. We urge you to announce that henceforth it will be the policy of the United States that it will not initiate a nuclear first strike without express authorization from Congress. In a situation where the United States has already been attacked with nuclear weapons, the president would retain the option to respond unilaterally. President Biden, as an important part of your legacy, you must put guardrails on presidential authority to start nuclear war. We must never again entrust the fate of the world to just one fallible human.”

Markey’s and Lieu introduced in 2015 the Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act, which would prohibit the President of the United States from launching a nuclear first strike without a declaration of war by Congress.


  1. There is only one person that can authorize a U.S. nuclear launch. Anyone want to guess who that might be?

    Are they really this ignorant??

  2. Under the terms of the current policy of Mutually Assured Destruction, by the time Congress acted, the United States of America would have ceased to exist. Washington, DC would likely have less than 20 minutes after hostilities began before it became a nuclear wasteland. Good Luck forming a Congressional quorum under those conditions.

  3. A bunch of children throwing a tantrum because they did not win.
    What would Markey and Lieu say if Harris had won, and the Republicans pulled the same stunt?

  4. They are attempting to create a constitutional crisis. They don’t have the time or votes to make an amendment to the crisis, let alone enough states to ratify. Game over.

  5. We have had a man in the White House for four years who has apple sauce sloshing around for brains and we don’t give a second thought to his mental capacity to handle our nuclear stockpile? The one who, as commander in chief, was responsible for the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle? And these democrat fools believe Donald Trump is the danger? Donald Trump who did not start a new war or overseas military ‘adventure’ his entire term? Our country recently voted overwhelmingly for Trump.That includes his role as commander in chief and protector of this country. The President of the United States must have all resources at his disposal to fulfill his constitutional duties.

  6. What does the Constitution say?

    Article I, Section 8, Clause 11:

    “[The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water; . . .”

    No president may unilaterally declare war. Even Roosevelt had to get a declaration of war from Congress after Pearl Harbor was attacked.

    Using a nuke in a first strike scenario is about as certain a war declaration as is possible. So… no president should have that authority. This legislation is clear that this only limits the president from having first strike authority. No limits are imposed if we are attacked.

    • I don’t think this is proposed legislation. They are asking Biden to change policy as usual by passing Congress.

      • For once I agree with you, Greg. Millley et al refused lawful orders to roll out National Guard troops on Jan 6, meaning they refuse to follow legal Trump orders also. In some places and times that would be called a mutiny, subject to capital punishment. Incoming Trump know who refused his orders four years ago. He will extract his pound of flesh from everyone involved. Cheers –

        • He may try, but then that puts him in the same boat as all the people with his accusations. I wish he could just act presidential for once and let bygones be bygones and chalk it up to politics like they have always done.

  7. Once the first ICBM is away, mankind’s fate will be sealed. It’s generally understood and accepted that escalation will occur within a few minutes’ time, and that the entire globe will be set alight within the hour. For clear insight, read “Nuclear War: A Scenario:, by Anne Jacobsen.

    In truth, the use of nuclear weapons will return any survivors to the Stone Age, if not exterminate humanity in its entirety. As such, the creation and ownership of these weapons should be internationally prohibited. No person, country, or governmental body has the right, in pursuit of their own self-interest or self-defense, to extinguish the human race. Furthermore, anyone who thinks this scenario to be implausible is badly mistaken. There is no such thing as a limited nuclear war.

    And Trump is just the person we want to be holding these keys, right? His mantra: “When someone hits you, you hit them back twice as hard”. Cool.

    What good is achieved by revenge, or what satisfaction is obtained by retaliation, if neither side survives to see its impact? Surely, any gratification will be fleeting at best. There can be no victory with nukes. MAD is mad, as are launch on warning policies. The only real solution is full and complete nuclear disarmament along with the destruction of all existing devices.

    “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds”. – Robert Oppenheimer, translating from the Bhagavadgita, upon watching the detonation of the world’s first atomic weapon at Alamogordo, New Mexico on July 16, 1945.

    • Ahh… dog.
      “When someone hits you, you hit them back twice as hard”
      Actually, 0bama said something equivalent. And, I think Biden did as well. And Harris was of the same mindset.
      But… Trump is the problem?
      Or, more likely, it is called sabre rattling, boasting, and psyching out an opponent. Every politician does it. Same with every CEO, and every pro athlete. Your statement about Trump applies equally to every other person in any position of authority.

      • Inadvertent or accidental launches will have the same effect, so th only way to eliminate this risk is if the weapons don’t exist. And remember – there are many ways a nuke could be detonated, including by terrorism. So who has control of them in the US is mostly immaterial, as it does not change the large-scale risk profile very much. The real issue is the existence of the devices in the first place.

            • What do you think is stopping Iran from invading Israel and killing every Jew?
              What do you think is stopping China from invading Taiwan?
              Know what. I could list hundreds of aggressive countries that hold a grudge against a neighboring country, and the only thing stopping them from starting the war is the repercussions of doing so. There is no better deterrent than the threat of having your country glassed.

  8. And we all go merrily along, while a real Sword of Damocles hangs over our heads, every minute of every day.

    • There are a dozen nations with nuclear weapons. You’d better get busy convincing them to destroy them. Good luck with that, and especially getting the rest of the planet believing them when they promise they’ve done so.

      • These “put down your weapons” people are all of the same delusion. That your enemy is only acting aggressively because you have power. In reality, that is total BS.
        It also relies on a belief that your enemy actually thinks along the same lines as you do. Folks like the Dog think war will end in the Middle East if Israel just put down their arms. I guess in some way, they are correct. Israel would cease to exist if they just put down their arms and petitioned for peace.
        The bully will not hit the person who can fight back. That is pretty much universal human nature. But, they will hit the defenseless person. Also human nature. But, pacifists refuse to see it.

        • If you don’t shoot back, humanity survives. If you do, mankind is exterminated.

          How badly do you want revenge that you’ll barely live long enough to see, let alone enjoy.

          You’re in charge. What’s your choice?

          • I’m in charge?
            There is a nuclear weapon(s) on the way toward the US?
            And, you think I am going to just stand by and let it hit us? The only reason why our enemies have not yet launched is the fear of counter attack.
            If I remember correctly from… well several decades ago, said that as the captain of a nuclear missile sub, if he ever had to do his job, he was not doing his job.
            As soon as you realize that you will see how laughable your stance really is. The genie is already out of that bottle. The only reason why the muslims do not already have nukes to use for their terrorist attacks is they are spectacularly difficult to create. Refining the heavy elements requires a LOT more time, effort and equipment than they are likely to ever have. Otherwise, targets around the world would already be radioactive.
            But… in your world… if the nations that admitted they have nukes just got rid of them. the world will be saved. NEWS FLASH… it won’t. Seriously, they told you the basics of creating a nuclear bomb in Oppenheimer. Just do the math, and get some very expensive equipment.

      • They’re mostly johnny come lately’s though. We honestly have things that can shoot those bottle rockets down. Maybe we should prove it once or twice.And then everybody, we’ll get on board.

    • Not ALL of us are going merrily along.
      From the sound of your imagination you awake every day with the possibility that armageddon is imminent the day after inauguration.
      I am under the impression that the majority of the voters chose Trump to avoid that becoming a reality after Joe Bidens dangerous proxy war He declared on Russia (a nuclear powerhouse) via the Ukranian Mafia as well as his limp wristed treatment of the soon to be nuclear powered Iran.
      Joe personally released the funds Trump had frozen from Iran which helped fund the terror attack on Israel immediately after receiving those funds.
      Do not forget Obama’s statement regarding Joe’s foreign policy…”Leave it to Joe Biden to f**k s**t up”.
      Rest easy dog…the end is not as near as it has been the last 4 years.

  9. During the 1962 Cuban missile crisis the Russians merely brandished missiles near our border. Our nation was very reactionary so the Russians pulled away. Today, the Democrat neocons are actually lobbing missiles from Ukraine into Russia. Its surprising Putin hasn’t retaliated with nuclear ICBMs in response. And the Dem neocons have the cheek to question Trump’s geopolitical demeanor?

    • “……..Today, the Democrat neocons are actually lobbing missiles from Ukraine into Russia………”
      Actually, it’s the Ukrainians doing that, and only after a sloppy Russian invasion.
      Nice try, but no cigar………

      • No Reggie we are actually directly involved in lobbying American missiles into Russia. It’s not wise. No smart person corners a rat who has the nuclear arsenal that Putin has. Cornered rats are dangerous. Now you can remind me why none of Ukraines European neighbors are helping drive the Russians back..?. Another interesting fact is there are hardly any Ukrainian men under 50 left alive. So who is winning what .?? I think you should quit watching cnn and msnbc.

  10. We know for a fact that some members of Congress would leak the information to the press, if not the the proposed recipients of the big bang. I don’t trust them.

  11. This policy wouldn’t be worth the paper it was written on. As easily as Brandon would sign this, Trump can simply sign a reversion of that policy.

  12. Whatever one president can declare, the next can repeal. If Markey and Lieu want a leash on the presidency, they’d better get busy and pass a law that can survive SCOTUS review, or they’re just more ridiculous voices in the wilderness.

  13. The constitution states that the president is commander in chief, period. Have any of you ever been in an ICBM silo? It takes 2 to launch. However, the officer in charge is the only one armed, in order to shoot the service member who refuses a lawful order to launch. Same principle here.

  14. Trump never conceded in 2020. If 2020 is proven to be stolen and that Trump should have been the rightful president, everything that the O’biden regime did/passed is null and void … kinda like them – they are null and void.

  15. What a stupid argument. When nuclear ICBMs are flying towards us, we have maybe 30 minutes to act. Congress cannot act in a timely manner.

  16. Not a fan of Markey or Lieu, but I actually agree with the idea of the policy, and it’s not because I have anything against Trump in particular. Any act of war, from deploying a small number of troops to launching nuclear weapons, should require congressional approval. That’s a check that our founding fathers put in place for a reason.

  17. Most of you talk of nuclear war as if it were a joke. The utterance of the word should raise the hair on the back of everyones neck. I don’t know of any conservatives that want any war let alone a nuclear war. Democrats Im questioning. They are bloody liars from my view.

  18. Joe has made the world a much less safe place and has brought us much closer to nuclear war than Donald Trump ever did. I have no concerns about Donald Trump having the codes. That’s just more fear mongering from the people who want more war. The world was much more peaceful when Donald Trump was president and I expect that to be same this time around.

    • They know Trump is a blow hard. He said he would end the Russian war in a day. Putin says he’s full of it. He said he would lower groceries. Now he says he can’t do it. Said deport millions. Not on your life. Just a big mouth, like always.

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